Swollen hands and fingers after running


Well-Known Member
Not really knowing what's going on inside my Endocrine system!!!
I should really have checked my glucose before I got on the treadmill.

I did 30mins of running last week - about 6-8 mins running and 2-3mins walking and managed 4km. However towards the end I started to feel way to hot and got off the treadmill feeling really light headed and spaced out.

I was sweating a lot I thought, as I usually do about 3 -4 hours of exercise a week and this was only my 3rd weekly run and never had this before.

I managed to get home, laid down as I felt so tired which I never do after exercise. I felt my hands were a bit strange and when I looked at them they were swollen, especially the fingers and the part of my fingers above the knuckle looked paler than the bottom half - I couldn't bend my fingers. I was too tired so lay for a further 10mins, then thought I better test my sugar and/or ketones.

My sugar was 11.5 (no ketones) I had eaten my usual w/meal toast before. I took a corrective shot of insulin (1 u brings me down by 3 units but didn't take more as I know post exercise the insulin works more efficiently). About another 15mins and my hands calmed down.

Any idea what on earth this swollen hands business is all about??? I did 5k run/walk yesterday and didn't get this.

I have good cholestral and am 9.5 stone for my 5ft 4 height - which is normal weight. Am not on any meds bar the Lantus, Novo which I've been on since Dec, the Yasmin pill now for 3mths. 1 daily B12 and 1 vit D per day.


Well-Known Member
FOOTBALL. MY husband is a sports fanatic and watches everything. Most i can put up with just not football.
I dont know what it is but it is something i always get while on long walks. They swell that much it's even hard to close your hand. I googled and found it's fairly common especialy if you dont move your hands around for a while. You dont move them enough so fluids build up so they sugest carrying something and change it from hand to hand to keep them moving