t:slim X2 Control IQ update is nearly ready.

Chas C

Well-Known Member
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Just completed three UK training courses online, took around 90 mins. Now waiting for all the approvals and then should be able to update the pump from home, how great is that. :)


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The t:slim is my first pump so I don't know, but I wouldn't think so, unless the Minimed doesn't work for you for some reason?


Active Member
The t:slim is my first pump so I don't know, but I wouldn't think so, unless the Minimed doesn't work for you for some reason?

Its more about the funding restrictions on consumables on the Minimed. For example if I have issues with my current infusion set type and wish to try different type I would need to talk to hospital and then wait weeks for them to approve it and then I can only order that and if I wish to move back to previous set I would need to go through that process again. I never had this on the accuchek pump!


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How exciting! Please do let us know how you find it. No-one has answered my two posts so I am still trying to find someone who has swapped from Medtronic and has tried both to compare. My team say I can swap and have set things in motion (my Medtronic 640 went out of guarantee in May). I was going to wait for the 780, but I am beset by calibration requests at night and really spooked by the 'back order' of supplies for the Medtronic, and worried about what will happen after Brexit. I want a supplier who is in this country.

Chas C

Well-Known Member
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Hi @LizLola

I'm finding it very good, I'm using the sleep mode at night and the exercise mode (when exercising) too. The auto turning down and turning up basal works well for me also like that it does not stop bolus when it suspends but continues when it restarts (albeit using an algorithm that applies a reduction ration as I've been low). All in all I'm very pleased with it.


Well-Known Member
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Very happy with it, especially the overnight results in sleep mode. Still working on how best to use exercise mode, but getting there.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi @LizLola

I'm finding it very good, I'm using the sleep mode at night and the exercise mode (when exercising) too. The auto turning down and turning up basal works well for me also like that it does not stop bolus when it suspends but continues when it restarts (albeit using an algorithm that applies a reduction ration as I've been low). All in all I'm very pleased with it.
Thank you!