Taiwanese SMBG Devices and Strips Market


Well-Known Member
Interesting points in this.... tho not too surprising
Traditionally, hospitals have been the major consumers of blood glucose strips for point-of-care testing, followed by general practitioners (GPs) and clinics. However, the retail sales of blood glucose meters (BGM) and strips, which are used for self-monitoring, have grown exponentially over the last five years. Their sales have become a significant revenue stream for the BGM manufacturers.
However, low awareness on the symptoms of diabetes is a dampener to the growth of the SMBG devices and strips market in the rural and suburban areas of Taiwan. Furthermore, a decrease in the compliance of self-monitoring among patients restrains the market. The advent of biosensor technology may eventually replace strips, making them a threat to the market growth of strips, explains the analyst.
Patients are being educated to increase the frequency of blood glucose testing at home for better disease control, concludes the analyst. Most diabetes care centers are emphasizing on a patient-centered approach rather than a professional-centered one to effectively focus on self-management of the disease.