Test Strips for T1


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Anyone know the NICE or Dept of Health guidelines on test strips for T1, or can provide a link?

I'm writing a letter of complaint to my surgery and want to be clear before I do so.

For info, the doctor I spoke to on Friday told me that their guideline was to prescribe one pot of test strips at a time to T1s due to cost, heeventually agreed to prescribe 6 x 50 per months and allowed me to get them all at the same time, once per month. A conversation I've now had with three doctors in the same practice in the last 18 months.
I didn't point out that they've just prescribed me 3 months worth of insulin in one go.


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I'm a T2 on insulin. Cancer and treatment done the dirty deed. This also applies to people like myself. SORRY but no clue about the guidelines. Currently fighting to double my strips from 100 to 200. Was given 200 a month. However I have nerve damage in my right hand caused by the cancer tumour pressing on a nerve so had major problems with a standard meter strips. I asked for and got a accu chek mobile. Fantastic ! But down to 100 strips a month because of the cost. Not happy.


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Thank you, no numbers in there, but certaintly does not suggest restricting on the basis of cost, in fact advocates exactly the approach I've taken with my surgery (three times)


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Sorry can't help with information, but I think the one pot a time due to cost rule is - to put it mildly - beyond utterly ridiculous. Have they even really thought about it?? It must surely be obvious even to an idiot that it's actually much more economical both in time and money to write one prescription, dispense 6 pots in one go than to repeat the same process six times, and that's not counting the extra wasted time and cost of your six trips to pick them up....

I hope you can get these idiots sorted...



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Sorry can't help with information, but I think the one pot a time due to cost rule is - to put it mildly - beyond utterly ridiculous. Have they even really thought about it?? It must surely be obvious even to an idiot that it's actually much more economical both in time and money to write one prescription, dispense 6 pots in one go than to repeat the same process six times, and that's not counting the extra wasted time and cost of your six trips to pick them up....

I hope you can get these idiots sorted...

That was kinda my argument too, especially when I I work away from home 3 weeks out of four, or this time of year more than that, and my pharmacy is only open Mon-Fri.


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And my argument. I get the strips I need by getting my scripts early and have never had a problem doing this. Don't get it.


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Anyone know the NICE or Dept of Health guidelines on test strips for T1, or can provide a link?

I'm writing a letter of complaint to my surgery and want to be clear before I do so.

For info, the doctor I spoke to on Friday told me that their guideline was to prescribe one pot of test strips at a time to T1s due to cost, heeventually agreed to prescribe 6 x 50 per months and allowed me to get them all at the same time, once per month. A conversation I've now had with three doctors in the same practice in the last 18 months.
I didn't point out that they've just prescribed me 3 months worth of insulin in one go.

How many pots does your surgery allow you? The reason I ask is that I've just written to my surgery on the same issue. I'm currently prescribed 3 pots per 28-day month, and I actually need 4 pots for that time period, because I test on average 7 times per day.
Last time I went to collect my prescription, the pots of test strips weren't included, the pharmacist couldn't explain why, and advised me to return to the surgery. There, I asked to see a doctor, but that wasn't possible, so I told the receptionist that I needed test-strips, and she sent a request through to the doctor, asking me to wait. After half an hour, I got the prescription and returned to the chemists to get the strips. A hassle. No explanation was given, but I just got the impression, maybe wrongly, that a kind of rationing was happening, and that I'd submitted my prescription too early - but as I've never had a conversation with them about the number of pots or the amount of time they have to last, this seems a bit strange.

So I wrote to my GP but haven't yet had a reply, saying how often I test, and the number of testing-strips I need. My HbA1c has improved since doing more regular testing, and I've no intention of returning to testing inadequately. I await developments.:(

Are you being rationed for testing-strips? Or is it the daft idea of being expected to return for each single pot of strips that is the main problem?


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I'm prescribed 4x50 strips at a time, but I've never been pulled up on these lasting around 2-3 weeks.


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I take my repeat prescriptions through an online system, which prevents you calling them off more often than once every 4 weeks, unless you call the surgery to ask specifically.

I have no problem with that as I find that the 6x 50 strips lasts a month with a bit to spare, so I tend to put in a request every 4-5 weeks. To be honest, I think the doctor I spoke to was simply being defensive as he had found a patient who was not going to roll over for a tummy tickle, but if any of them tries to give me a cost argument again that's going to get fun.

@lizdeluz with 4 x 50 strips per month, as you say that just about covers you for 7 tests a day, how about driving and any exercise you do?
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I've never had any issue getting the strips I need but I've read quite alot on here about people having issues.

I was always under the impression that a T1 was allowed to have the test strips that they required in order to control their Diabetes.


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I'm allowed 200 test strips in one go and can order as often as I like.
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Don't like to say it, but this reminds me of Xmas 2007 when I went to my pharmacy to pick up what I thought was going to be 200 teststrips, only to find that there was just 1 box of 50. There was no letter explaining the reasons for the reduction and all my pharmacist could say was that all the GPs in my area were doing the same and that I needed to see my GP. I did this after the holiday and got 50 prescribed weekly but could only get a max of 150 per month so eneded up buying the other 50 just to get by and be safe using MDI. Eventually I got GP to do referal to consultant for a pump and then GP apologised for restricting me to 150 and zgreed that I should have more.

Fast forward to 2014 and we have loads of diabetics wanting teststrips to keep bg ok and its costing the NHS a lot of money esp when the leading producers will not lower their price and as a result its either restrict or transfer to a cheaper brand.

@ElyDave ...........think carefully on what pump you should get. The Animas isnt tied to using a specific brand of strip whereas the Insight is so see how the land will lie
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I take my repeat prescriptions through an online system, which prevents you calling them off more often than once every 4 weeks, unless you call the surgery to ask specifically.

I have no problem with that as I find that the 6x 50 strips lasts a month with a bit to spare, so I tend to put in a request every 4-5 weeks. To be honest, I think the doctor I spoke to was simply being defensive as he had found a patient who was not going to roll over for a tummy tickle, but if any of them tries to give me a cost argument again that's going to get fun.

@lizdeluz with 4 x 50 strips per month, as you say that just about covers you for 7 tests a day, how about driving and any exercise you do?

Thank you for your reply. Yes, you're right: I thought 7 tests per day might be considered too many by the local GPs , but bearing in mind that I'm on MDI, doing lots of driving on a daily basis, and using the car to get to yoga classes and the swimming-pool as well, ie exercise combined with driving, 7 tests per day isn' t excessive.

I haven't had a response yet to my letter to the GP re my prescription, but I'll post anything I find out about attempted rationing here, if and when I do. My fingers are crossed and I'm not holding my breath.


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From the link that Catherine provided earlier in the thread regarding the letter sent out to gp's from the Dept of Health:

''In summary, it is essential that people with Type 1 diabetes are prescribed
sufficient SBGM testing strips for their clinical needs.''

One pot of strips at a time is ridiculous, more so for you Dave as your now using an insulin pump, print off the letter and present it to your gp surgery.


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Surely somewhere along the line, the Pharmacy receives a fee for dispensing a prescription? Whilst I can empathise with surgeries trying to control costs tightly resisting "bulk buying" where prescription items can change, in terms of other costs, including addressing otherwise "reliable" grumpy patients. How often have you needed or wanted to change your prescribed strips (type, not quantity)?

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I just rang my local pharmacy who I order my repeats from to order my test strips, as I usually do only to be told "you can't have anymore, you've had the quota?!" I replied with, well I need them as I'm on my last box, bearing in mind I only order 4 boxes a month and being type 1 I do test regularly... she then said, have you had a review recently? Which I have done around 2 weeks ago, and apparently that means it's fine.... really confusing and worrying as I really do need them!!!


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My doc refused some strips once and i didn't find out until I got to the pharmacy. I made an appointment with the doc, thinking id have to argue, but they were running so late on appointments they gave in just to get me out I think. I still can only get 100 at a time but the doc put a note on my file to say I can't have prescriptions refused


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Surely somewhere along the line, the Pharmacy receives a fee for dispensing a prescription? Whilst I can empathise with surgeries trying to control costs tightly resisting "bulk buying" where prescription items can change, in terms of other costs, including addressing otherwise "reliable" grumpy patients. How often have you needed or wanted to change your prescribed strips (type, not quantity)?


It doesn't make sense, surely the Dr's time would be better spent treating patients than writing prescriptions out for test strips that should be prescribed in sensible quantities.

As a type 1 I have changed meters the occasional time, thus needing a change of test strips too, but much like anyone I use the old strips up first before starting to test with the new meter.


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Given that the NHS is supposed to be all for preventative and not curative treatment I find it's really naive that they don't realise in the long term it has to be better and cheaper to prescribe strips.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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