

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Type 1 for 23 years (I’m now 37) really bad control in my younger days but I’m getting better, however I have quite a few complications; neuropathy, planter fascitis, carpel tunnel, masculopathy to name a few but I am not sure if it’s this heat but I am constantly tired, to a point I have to have an afternoon nap (when I’m not at work of course haha)

I have had blood tests and everything was fine, my b12 was borderline, but I just can’t cope with this exhausted feeling. I have never been like this, is it just my age :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @jcr0205

You say your B12 is borderline. What was your Folate? They will have both been tested. Have you checked the signs and symptoms of both Vit B12 deficiency and that of Folate deficiency? If you have symptoms, it could well be that you need supplementing. Many prescribed medications can cause absorption problems, particularly Metformin, although being Type 1, maybe you don't take Metformin. Other common meds are anti-acids, the pill, and a variety of others.

If you have any doubts re B12 or Folate deficiency, check out PAS forums (Pernicious Anaemia Society). PA is an autoimmune disease, as is Type ! Diabetes but B12 deficiency is the overall condition - both requiring the same treatment.

On a personal level, I'm B12 deficient but, because my GP doesn't agree (very common for medical personel not to recognise B12/Folate deficiency, unfortunately) I self-inject, for the past year, and feel a different, much healthier, person. Definitely worth exploring this aspect. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
My GP says you don’t feel awful until 100!!! Boy, she is so wrong.
I feel exhausted and hard to function if it’s under 280.

Some people are deficient because of PA, some are diet malnourished and some are because of meds they take.

Borderline levels and I am a zombie.


Well-Known Member
The heat can play a part in feeling tired but with your other health problems i would ask the GP if they can take a blood test just to be on the safe side. Before i had a transplant i used to get tired all the time and it has not gone away, some days are better than others. As a rule insulin works quicker when it is hot so i would check your blood when you are felling tired just to keep a check on it. The last time i went to Spain i was having hypos 2 hours after eating and had to reduce my insulin and with having hypos feeling tired. I think a blood test is the way forward as then they can look and rule out things and find a answer. I am not on insulin now since my transplant but the heat is killing me to as the medication you take to lower your immune system makes getting skin cancer a greater risk, i am dark skinned to start with but have to use factor 50 when i use to use factor 12.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks for the reply’s :)
I am not sure what my results were it was over a year ago and at the time I felt ok so didn’t think too much about it.
I’m going to rescue at some bloods tomorrow but when I see my GP about anything at all he relates everything to my diabetes, it drives me crazy! I get that it contributes to a lot but it just frustrates me.
I work full time and live alone with my 9 year old so I get life is tiring but needing a sleep during the day cannot be right!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
You need to ask GP for full blood count including ferritin, thyroid, b12 +folic acid and d3.

12 months is a long time if previously b12 being borderline. B12 can be related to inadequate nourishment though. I can’t eat certain foods so I know when I feel **** then it’s because despite my doing everything I can to balance vitamins-I’ve failed.....

If GP is hesitant at doing any bloods (shouldn’t be). Just ask directly... “are you telling me 100% that you guarantee my bloods are okay without checking them?”.....
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Nhs b12 levels are way below many other countries and way below what many medical organisations report as functional. If you can’t access support through your gp you can buy in Holland and Barrett, but cheaper online especially from the us, methylcobalamin. It’s the form of b12 most available to the body and they can be disloved in the mouth thus avoiding gastric absorption to a large degree. That is what’s recommended if you can’t inject supplements for whatever reason. Many other types are less well absorbed. Any excess just gets peed out so you’re not going overdo it.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You need to ask GP for full blood count including ferritin, thyroid, b12 +folic acid and d3.

12 months is a long time if previously b12 being borderline. B12 can be related to inadequate nourishment though. I can’t eat certain foods so I know when I feel **** then it’s because despite my doing everything I can to balance vitamins-I’ve failed.....

If GP is hesitant at doing any bloods (shouldn’t be). Just ask directly... “are you telling me 100% that you guarantee my bloods are okay without checking them?”.....
Can you ask for a full panel on thyroid too. Apparently t3 didn't show when your thyroid is down until it is almost brandished as well. Might be worth googleing. Dr Ken d Berry on utube.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
He looks a little scary on this video but he talks about a lot of interest stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
black jelly beans
Hi @jcr0205,
I gather that tiredness as a symptom has many causes. ( see Mayoclinic.org - Fatigue) from physical to mental illness causes.
And I am not writing in the form of medical advice or opinion, just as a fellow diabetic.
Others have commented on diabetes associated illnesses like PA and thyroid illness, plus climate issues etc.
Another thought is coeliac disease (CD) which is more common in Type 1 diabetics than the general population and can cause tiredness and low B12. Also if you are taking vitamins including folate, the folate supplement can further lower B12 in the blood, if B12 is not being absorbed. Apparently CD is more commonly diagnosed in adults than children and stomach/bowel symptoms are not always present. see Mayoclinic .org, Coeliac.uk
My understanding is that there is a blood test which can help diagnose CD but one needs to be on bread and other sources of gluten for some weeks (that is not on a low or gluten-free diet) in order for the test to be reliable. (my daughter has CD).
My Best wishes to you in finding a cause and 'cure' for your tiredness !
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