Today’s carbs.


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Hello I had my boring shake again 15g and 4 haribos which I’m assuming is 15g. Bf and I are deciding on kfc because I want to try the vegan burger and he loves chicken or McDonald’s because I prefer their chips. OR we stay at home and I make him a pork fried rice and I’ll have fried morning glory, soup and rice. I feel like I’m the most boring one here with carbs. I might end on a late evening with alpro vanilla yogurt. :)


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Crunchy nut cornflakes with milk this morning - 65g (65g for breakfast is my norm)
Lunch - Prawn pasta salad, small pork pie, small apple, banana, nectarine, squeezy jelly (dont ask!) and a frijj milkshake. 180g carbs (thats a WOW from me as well lol). 14.3u insulin with a dual wave bolus (60/40) over 2 hours

For me to have 180g of carbs I would need 36 units of insulin. Dont think my pump would allow that much in one go:bigtears:
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First week in the sun and blood sugars were under pretty good control.

The last 48hrs have been a carbilicious fest of pasta, pizza, potato, cooked bananas coated in sugar, white rice, black forest gateau and mango icecream cake.

Totally winging the carb counting. 2 hypos (almost forgot the Coca Cola corrections) and currently blood sugars up at 14.8 mmol. Pah!

(Don't do this at home children).

It was fun stepping down off the wagon but will try to exercise a little more control over the next few days.

Omg, carb porn. :)


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Breakfast - same as always
Dinner - 2 minute steaks on a sandwich (2 slices wholemeal) and a dark chocolate ginger biscuit
Tea - 2 egg mushroom and corned beef omelette, green beans, baby potatoes, Dijon mustard dressing and a 25g bar of 85% chocolate
I'll get there with treating myself to something bigger and better, didn't have the digestive and cheese as I'll wait until OH opens his cheese
Absolutely knackered tonight and I've not even done much but suffering a few dizzy spells after starting Perindopril on Monday night :( xx
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Usual breakfast: Rasps and yoghurt
New recipe for lunch: Protein noodles from Lidl’s. Made from fish!! I know, they don’t taste fishy though. Fresh tomatoes, onions and garlic, vermouth, mussels, prawns and chorizo and single cream. All fried up. Yumdicious!
Stewed apple and creme fraiche.
May eat later may not. Didn’t have lunch til 3 so still full.


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Mmmmmm...this all sounds soooo good!
Today i've eaten
26g oats/porridge
Tuna cucumber sandwich on 2 slices wholemeal bread, mini orange, 150g greek yoghurt with cacao nibs and walnuts
Ratatouille with goats cheese

I'd love a jacket potato or a pie but i'm a bit frightened of all the carbs


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@MeiChanski what did you decide on in the end? I'm intrigued by the kfc vegan burger and would like to try it one day, we very rarely get to go to kfc though.
I had some cheerios for breakfast, hummus and carrots for lunch, and a very similar tea to yesterday's lunch, but none of today's was deep-fried :D I had chunky haddock fish fingers, oven chips, peas and some homemade tartare-type sauce (mostly greek yoghurt, a little bit of mayo, chopped gherkin and lemon juice). Two little satsumas for pudding. Water and tea to drink today.
It seems I didn't do much better than yesterday...
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Walking Girl

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T2 here, but I’ll join in.

large mixed berry smoothie, with flax seeds and toasted oat bran
Split pea soup, with lots of whole carrots including the green tops. I made a ginormous pot last weekend and it’s wonderful.
Carrots and hummus, cherry tomatoes plus handful of pistachios before the gym
Stir fry with baked tofu
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T2 here, but I’ll join in.

large mixed berry smoothie, with flax seeds and toasted oat bran
Split pea soup, with lots of whole carrots including the green tops. I made a ginormous pot last weekend and it’s wonderful.
Carrots and hummus, cherry tomatoes plus handful of pistachios before the gym
Stir fry with baked tofu

and you're very welcome! This is for ANYONE who wants a little bit of fun describing the delicious carbs we eat. xx
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Stupid people
I'd love a jacket potato or a pie but i'm a bit frightened of all the carbs

Carbs are not the enemy......counting them, and getting your ratios correct are the hurdles you need to get over to basically eat whatever takes your fancy


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Well it’s Friday again. This means no work today.
Skip breakfast ( still inject to contain feet on floor ) in favour of holding out until late morning.
Always take a drive out for lunch, we have a varied selection of eateries which we visit.
Today has been a local “ working estate “ , craft shops, workshops, delis, garden centre and a cafe.
So far today I’ve eaten....
Cheese omelette, chips and the obligatory side salad.:)
Will definitely eat again later. I do like fasting but only for a few hours at a time.:hilarious:


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I always inject for foot on the floor if I'm not having breakfast (at least early on) on work days when I need to drive. So I did that this morning, got to work and then decided to make myself some porridge around 9:30.

Lunch today is going to be a bacon roll with onions. Think I'm making hunters chicken for dinner but haven't decided yet.


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Well breakfast today was Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and real milk (blue) - 65g may have misjudged them as my bloods dropped around 10am!
Dinner - Beef and horseradish sarnies, packet of hula hoops and frijj milkshake (Tesco meal deal) 123g carbs
And as its friday it will be a chippy tea tonight....will decide what I am having when I am in the shop....usually aroung 110g carbs


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@porl69 . Hula hoops.
Why are the packets so small?
Finish the packet and then the voice inside.....” go on, have another packet”:):)