Total daily insulin dose.


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I know it's quite hard to give an answer but I read somewhere that your long lasting insulin is roughly half of the total daily insulin ( fast and slow insulin) Is this correct?

Also diet, weight and size (build and height) comes into it as well.

Im 11 st 12 lbs and 5ft 9". Any ideas what sort of units I am roughlt looking at per day? I'm only on 2u Lantus at night and 2 novorapid for one meal a day at the moment while I honeymoon.

Also if not to personal, you can tell me where to go if it is (nicely though) how many units you take a day on average?

Cheers John


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I am sory but i can not advise on the units you need to be taking... this is something that you really need to discuss with your DNS. I my self am 5ft 7 weighing 10 stone and take approx 10.4 units basal with a I:C ration of 1: 12 in the morning, 1:9 mid day and 1:13 for my dinner. Therefore depending on carbs eaten my bolus amounts differ each day but on average my Basal is approx 30% of my total daily dose


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Depends very much on what I'm eating and my activity level. I take 34 units of long-acting (Tresiba), and between 8 and 45 units of fast-acting (Fiasp)
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Hi I normally take between 27 and 30 units X 4 per day, NovoRapid and Levemir ( before bed)


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Mine works out 50/50 ish 49/51 etc but out of that I do actually have to have 5 units of bolus for just getting up, so it is inaccurate...

I used to run on 30 bolus 70 bolus ratio but as my levels, weight, age change and daily activity then so has my needs.

I wouldnt worry too much about it.. we are all individual and thats the trouble when text books and doctors use averages.... you will always have the people that arent!!
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Dont know about anyone else... the split between long acting and short acting... is really what is needed to keep you stable in the enviroment you are in.....

Eg in october temps here went from 22 deg C to 37 deg C in 24 hours... your basle requirements drop in this situation.... currently its around 10 levemir per day some novarapid in morning to counter DP.... total around 30 units. Varies from day to day.

Not up to the 50 % my endo is expecting yet but close being 70 kg and 6'3".. 2 years i havnt seen insulin free only reduced it to a point..
Endo thinks i would use more if i was in an office.

Add activity to your list which is another variation.

How i manage it seems tobe working for me, everyone is different with a different enviroment.


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I'm working out now at 14units Levimir at night, 9units in the morning.
My Apidra then is a ratio of 1:10 from 6am-4pm, and 1:5 from 4pm-12am. Usually working out at between 2-5units per meal as I am staying lowish carb.

So all in all, a typical day would be about 23units Levimir + 10units Apidra = 33units. I'm 12st 9lbs and 5ft 10"


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Split levemir total 41u, yesterday 47u of novorapid, was a slightly higher carb day than normal. Vital statistics....6' 14st (and bit......!) moderately active (well I always do 10,000+ steps a day) and the wind was blowing from the west :rolleyes:


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I'm 70kg. 25 Lantus and about 22 Novo. Typical is about 1U/kg total body weight split about evenly.


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61kg - 5'6"
14 insulatard total in total via 3 jabs but also a 4-5 units added on for a bolus pre getting up and without eating. So would that be 18-19 basal or 14?
My total bolus for a day is averaging 6-16 but 4-5 units is for my waking phenom.

On my cgm which has all data entered it works out 50/50... but guess the cgm cant figure the 4-5 units of bolus in morning is acting as a basal for getting up.

Nothing simple to work out for me.....

(Just had to edit as weight wasnt right)...


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Im 11 st 12 lbs and 5ft 9". Any ideas what sort of units I am roughlt looking at per day?

John Walsh says you can find the average TDD for your weight by multiplying your weight in lbs by 0.24. (Or 0.53 for kg)

The basal bolus split is supposed to be around 50/50. But obviously that's going to vary person to person day to day.

I'm on ~30 units a day. Split is more around 40/60.
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I use 23 units for basal and 8 units bolus over a 24 hour period = 31 units per day on average.


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I'm 5ft 6' and 7st 12lbs and take about 16-18u a day.
I take 16u basal and up to 2u bolus but often less than that. Often bolus is more like 1u a day.


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I'm 80kg &5'11", my usual basal is 24u Lantus, Humalog for bolus and around 14u of that split 3u breakfast and 11u for tea, if not training sometimes another couple of u with lunch.


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Cheers for the replies everyone.

It's actually interesting to see what everyone is taking unit wise.

Everyone's different and this is shown by the different answers in this topic.

It was just a general question and to also give me a little idea on the units taken by people.


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I'm 6'3 and 88KG I take 36 units Levemir daily, my fast acting varies a lot, between 10 - 40 units of Novarapid, usually at the lower end of that though.


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When I'm not working interstate I ride to work and my insulin consumption halves. Enjoy your honeymoon and between you and your Dr/nurse you will know when to start increasing. Most here vary their dose daily mainly the fast acting. I had a lovely Hypo last night, so I will back off a couple of units of long acting tonight.


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Hi. I weigh 62 Kg and have 13 units of Basal and typically a total of 16 units of Bolus per day


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14.5 stone 5'10", varies day to day and round the year for me. Most of the year it's 32 levemir, 32 humalog, Winter 38 levemir to 32 humalog. But if I eat well on a particular day can easily add an extra 40 units of humalog in extra.


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My average from the last 7 days is 43 units a day - basal is 45% and bolus is 55%.

I am expecting this to increase considerably for the next few days !!
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