Totally baffled....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
False, patronising people who assume they know everything about me!
I was in hospital at Christmas due to a high potassium level and fluid retention. I lost nearly 4 stone of fluid. I'm now on Furosemide, and 3 less meds a day. However my BM has gone haywire since then! I'm getting fasting sugars of 10 and 12, even though my bedtime BM is between 6 and 9! My weight is fluctuating constantly, I can lose 2lb a day, then put it back on the day after!!! I'm keeping my portion sizes to what I got while in hospital, nothing extra...truthfully. I follow the 16:8 diet plan.
I also have IBS-D and lymphoedema, and wear compression socks.
I take Empagliflozin, Metformin, and Lantus.
I'm really hoping someone can give me pointers as to what's going on....


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I was in hospital at Christmas due to a high potassium level and fluid retention. I lost nearly 4 stone of fluid. I'm now on Furosemide, and 3 less meds a day. However my BM has gone haywire since then! I'm getting fasting sugars of 10 and 12, even though my bedtime BM is between 6 and 9! My weight is fluctuating constantly, I can lose 2lb a day, then put it back on the day after!!! I'm keeping my portion sizes to what I got while in hospital, nothing extra...truthfully. I follow the 16:8 diet plan.
I also have IBS-D and lymphoedema, and wear compression socks.
I take Empagliflozin, Metformin, and Lantus.
I'm really hoping someone can give me pointers as to what's going on....
Hi there. My weight can fluctuate quite a bit on a day-to-day basis, so maybe best to look for the trends? If it's going up/down, or the average is about the same?

In terms of your blood sugars, it might be helpful to just jot out your typical meals. It could be your portion size is small, but there's something going onto the plate that's proving to be unhelful?
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I had a lot of fluid retention and was on Furosemide (which did my oedema little good although it cured my nose bleeds) and then bumetanide. Not taking anything at the moment as BGs are normal and the oedema has gone. It looks as though my body was attempting to retain fluid to dilute my increasing glucose level.

As before: it's less about portion sizes, more about what you're eating. Carbs are digested to glucose, and you may be eating more than you can deal with.