Totally Fed Up - Week 3 of being ill


Active Member
I'm in the third week of having a chest infection/respiratory tract infection. I had one course of antibiotics that did nothing. A few days 'off' been prescribed an inhaler and more antibiotics and feel awful.

What can I do to shake this? I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever feel better.

Worse still over the past week my eating habits have been terrible :oops: It's not that I've been really bad things but rather than have one or two biscuits every couple of days, I've been eating 4 or 5 with a cup of tea a couple of times a day. Also I've been eating the kids' chocolate digestives which I'm sure can't be good. :oops: I've been careful with my carbs but have had a real biscuit downfall. Have I really screwed up my chances of getting a good reading when I go back for my next diabetic check up beginning of May? My reading was 9.2 last time, tho dosage of metforim has been increased since then (doubled) and that as my first ever check-up since being diagnosed. I'm feeling angry with myself but in same respect have been feeling so awful that at the time I seem to be able to justify it to myself. :oops:

Do antibiotics or just being ill affect sugar levels? I've been sick several times and am even wondering if the metforim has been staying in my system long enough to do any good.

Does anyone have any ideas for 'safe' pick-me-ups when feeling poorly and to restore energy levels without overdosing on carbs and sugar?



Hi Sharlieboo,
Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. ((hugs)).

Have you tried some homemade soups? Chicken seems to perk me up when I have an infection or you could try veggie ones or even add a few beans to a chicken and vegetable soup. Steaming hot in a cup is my idea of something that helps.
I wouldn't worry about the HBA1c. There will be others and these infections raise your blood sugars anyway.
Just a thought, Catherine.


Well-Known Member
Having no energy as this is so limiting.
Hi Sharlieboo :)

Catherine is right in that you shouldn’t be worrying about your next Hba1c and the very fact that you are ill will knock those results anyway. :(

A really good chicken soup is the usual pick-me-up for all ills in our house. :D I cannot eat biscuits etc anyway as they shoot my BG levels through the roof but I do love fruit and find that a piece of fruit or a cheese or a few nuts (well chewed) help my energy levels.

More fruit would probably help anyway and perhaps you could try adding in some extra vitamins or Echinacea to help you ward off this infection.

Hope you feel better really soon - big <<<hugs>>>!


Active Member
Thanks. Don't know why I hadn't though of good old chicken soup!

I've only had 2 biscuits today so trying to get back to being on the straight and narrow! Feeling ill and having a restricted diet is horrible! All I want is hot chocolate and biscuits but at least I've avoided the hot chocolate I suppose!