travel insurance for newly diagnosed

Jon Mors


My child was diagnosed with T1 just shy of 1 year ago. We're trying to find travel insurance online and there is a question that asks 'have you been admitted to hospital in the last year with your condition?' Well, she was admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis to hospital a year ago upon diagnosis. She hasn't been admitted to hospital since. It seems to me that that question is not aimed at initial diagnosis, but subsequent hospital admissions due to problems (potentially mismanagement). Anybody else had this issue and what would you advise? There's a £50 difference in premium depending on what I answer.

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Please say yes. In the event of a claim the insurers will look at an exact 1 year period and if you have not given them correct information are allowed to refuse to pay a claim.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
In this kind of thing it’s best to tell the truth, you say it was just shy of 1 year so technically yes your child has been admitted to hospital because of their condition- is there a box that you can fill in to explain it was when they were diagnosed and they haven’t been admitted since, it may save you money short term but insurance companies don’t like paying out on claims and god forbid even if you have to claim on something that has nothing to do with their diabetes such as an accident etc they will hold it against you if they deem you haven’t been truthful on any part of your form and you could be very much more out of pocket than £50

In Response

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Is it possible to phone the insurance company?
I find the form is reviewed by a computer so will not take subtleties into consideration. But if you speak to someone they maybe able to adjust the cost.
I would not risk losing insurance coverage by lying

Mini Dachs Mum

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Disclose and ring company. I disclosed and had to answer extra questions and had to pay extra but was happy to know I was covered. I didn’t need it, but it was there if I needed it