Type 1 and Marathon Running


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Morning All,

At the weekend I stupidly signed up to take part in a Marathon next April (Newport). Im an active person in that I play a few sports each week, but in terms of running im a complete novice.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with long distance running and the best way of keeping my levels in check while training and during the race?

I do play badminton twice a week and find that if I half my dose beforehand, my levels stay good throughout the session, but I dont think that will work for the race.

Anyway, any advice or support would be most welcome, I really want to challenge myself.
Thanks, Mark


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Hi @mhoggarth Firstly I take my virtual hat off to you - that's something quite amazing to look forward to so well done for stepping up to the challenge.

I have started running this year, having been keen on cycling, I have found that using the libre sensor has been brilliant as i've been able to monitor my BG during the run, admittedly I only run for 30 minutes but it's fine to run and check sensor at the same time. I cannot say what strategy to follow for longer runs though, however i'll point you in the direction of http://www.runsweet.com/ which is a useful site for t1's. I know a t1 lady who does the London marathon so will see if I can find out what her strategy is and let you know :)
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Can't help but would like to say well done and good luck, were you hypo and not 'compos mentis' when you signed up?!!!!


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I've done half marathons a few times, but I'm tagging @Type1Bri as I know he's just completed the Royal Parks Half and is looking to a marathon next, so he's right up to speed on the training!
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There is a professional cycling team consisting of cyclist all suffering from type 1 diabetes. As the tours they cycling are long and hard they have proven that diabetes dont have to be an obstacle. Maybe you can contact them to ask advice on endurance during a tour and the training and how they keep their BG well. Here is the website https://www.teamnovonordisk.com/


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I've done 2 half marathons, the last was the Severn bridge in August so I have been eyeing up the Newport marathon with quite a bit of interest of the last few days since I got confirmation my ballot entry for London was unsuccessful. But it's one of those where you don't win and you're actually quite relieved!

Are you on mdi of a pump @mhoggarth ? If mdi, what basal insulin do you use?

There are loads of books and training plans to train for a marathon, so find one and try your best to stick to it. Use your training runs to work out how to manage your diabetes for the marathon. There will be plenty of training runs and plenty of opportunity to figure out what works for you.

When going out running take your test kit with you. I use CGM which makes life easier when out, you might want to look into CGM or libre for runs. Wear medical ID. Try to run with people if you have a training partner/running club, or use an app that can share where you are with your other half/family - I think strava does this. Take hypo treatment with you.

I prefer to run first thing in the morning when I have no active insulin on board and I've had an uncovered breakfast to keep me up through a run. I pump so would reduce basal rate by up to 85% for a run and 2 hrs before. If you're mdi and use levemir then that's the best basal for making reductions to for running days as its more flexible than others. I make sure I have hypo treatment with me. I had a tatto on my wrist when I started running (because I got so annoyed at the medical ID wristband). I'm not afraid to stop and test - it doesn't make any difference to your time unless you reckon you're going to mo farrah round, and I really enjoyed pausing right in front of the ambulance during the Severn bridge half to test and down a packet of haribo because it really puzzled the paramedics. I test when I finish and usually bolus and eat - I do remain a little more insulin sensitive for quite a while after a long run.

Do check out runsweet. Lots of useful stuff on there. There's a diabetic runners group on Facebook that might be worth joining (diabetic runners - running on insulin). Strava also have quite a few diabetic running clubs where you'll find other type 1 marathon runners to chat to.


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Morning All,

At the weekend I stupidly signed up to take part in a Marathon next April (Newport). Im an active person in that I play a few sports each week, but in terms of running im a complete novice.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with long distance running and the best way of keeping my levels in check while training and during the race?

I do play badminton twice a week and find that if I half my dose beforehand, my levels stay good throughout the session, but I dont think that will work for the race.

Anyway, any advice or support would be most welcome, I really want to challenge myself.
Thanks, Mark
I have just done my first distance running event this week.
Have a read, hopefully some tips in here for you


Hy. i'm T1 and i' ve completed 15 marathon, but last in 2008 because i have some knee problems so now i'm running only 5k or 10k. My general advice is to start the marathon with the blood sugar a little higher than normal but not too much (approx 160-180 is the ideal) and bring with you some gel. If you have any question i'm here.


Active Member
Thanks for your replies all. I am currently completing very short training runs and monitoring myself.

A bit more information on me, Im currently Carb Counting on Novarapid (10 to 1) and have Tresiba (35units) as my long lasting. Is this plan not the best for long distance running? Never tried a pump, and have my reserves about them (mainly vanity)
I have a meeting with a Dietitian next week, where I will bring up the training.
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I have done almost 3 half marathons (saying almost 3 as two of them I fully did, and other one this summer I had to cancel as got diagnosed with mononucleosis two days before running, but went full preparations and had that distance in my legs...). Firstly, connected with this topic you can find really a lot information, personal experiences and medical advice all over the internet, but all the important things you are gonna see during practice and how actually your body react to different changes. From my experience, I would say that level of blood sugar before starting should be little bit higher than usual, let's say 180-210. But the biggest problem for me actually was time after race than during the actual running. I was fully equipped with energy gels, glucose tabs, taking juices every few kilometers, so levels were actually in range. But when I stopped with running, I remember that I had some kind of "permanent hypo" which lasted for 2 hours, where no matter what I put in my mouth, after 10 minutes I would go low again.

You have more than enough time to prepare, and to explore your body limits


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @mhoggarth - hope you don't mind but i've started a sticky in the type 1 area specifically for exercise and insulin, it would be useful if members could post their training tips there so it's on permanent display for all to see, as threads do disappear down the page it's useful to keep a sticky open so it can be seen easily and updated.