Type 2 misdiagnosis


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, I'm new here but just wanted to share my story.
I'll keep it short, 10 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2, having had a thirst for a few days I decided to check it out and after 2 finger prick tests ( a week apart)
my doctor told me the bad news. I was put on Metformin amongst other meds, I have attended many clinics and check ups in the 10 years since until recently I seen
a new doctor who looked at my notes and said "I don't think you're diabetic" he then said I've had 10 years of perfect tests and as I've remained on the same dose of
Metformin in that time it should've been noticed. So I take a glucose tolerance test which apparently I should've taken at the start and it came back negative I'm not
diabetic. I should be happier but can't help feeling let down anyway that's my diabetes story and I wonder if anymore like me are out there.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Grey Cats
Interesting, but you can be pleased, as you can do all the things we others cant :) Eating that is !
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Very true, although I've never had a sweet tooth or anything so having to watch what I was eating wasn't too bad for me not drinking so much Guinness was though ☺

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Avocado Sevenfold

Gosh. If doctors were not so opposed to people self testing at home, this might have come to light years ago. Grrrr.

Very pleased for you @collyboy :)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, very pleased for you.

Do me a favour, go out and have a gorgeous, splendidly over-topped deep-pan pizza.

And enjoy it!

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
funnily enough having pizza tonight ☺, yeah they told me to stop self testing very early on said it was pointless, I look back now and realise my diagnosis was shoddy and given without thought for me or what it would cost to treat me

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
10 years on a good diet has put years on your life, thank the first dr for scaring you :)
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Never had a bad diet i put on 1.5 stone after a car accident left me immobile for a while other than that i was fit and healthy and a keen sportsmen with a passion for hillwalking and wild camping

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Nanna G

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
Diet only
My husband is in the same position. He was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 6 years ago after a fasting blood test but was not prescribed any medication. All subsequent blood tests were normal and after 4 years the nurse asked him if he had ever had a blood glucose test, which he hadn't. About 6 months later his GP contacted him and asked him to go to the surgery for an oral blood glucose test the results of this confirmed that he was not diabetic. Obviously this was a relief, but during the time he thought he was diabetic we have paid higher premiums for insurance policies.

We are now left with a dilemma when applying for insurance when they ask the question "have you ever been diabetic". Do we say yes or no. Recently we applied for a new policy and my husband explained the situation to the insurance company and they asked for a medical report. This said diagnosed with diabetes 2009, diet controlled, last HBa1c 38mmol/mol, resolved, Glucose intolerance test confirmed NOT DIABETIC. As even their standard rates were high, we have just applied with another insurer and initially he said that he had never been diabetic, but after reading all the horror stories about claims being rejected due to people not being honest we decided to give them the full facts and now await their response.

All completely unnecessary and annoying.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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What was his initial fasting blood glucose that got him diagnosed?

Nanna G

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
Diet only
After all this time he can't remember. All I know is at the time he had a lot of other issues going on. He was under a lot of stress at work, spending 4 hours a day commuting and suffering a great deal of pain in his cartilage. Not long after this he was diagnosed with sleep apnoea and depression. Whether or not these issues could have raised his blood sugar I really don't know. Also since then his weight has gone up and down without changing his levels. I have read the newspaper article about all the misdiagnosing of diabetes but I doubt very much if his GP will come out and say that this is what happened in his case and risk him suing, which incidentally he would not do.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi, I'm new here but just wanted to share my story.
I'll keep it short, 10 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2, having had a thirst for a few days I decided to check it out and after 2 finger prick tests ( a week apart)
my doctor told me the bad news. I was put on Metformin amongst other meds, I have attended many clinics and check ups in the 10 years since until recently I seen
a new doctor who looked at my notes and said "I don't think you're diabetic" he then said I've had 10 years of perfect tests and as I've remained on the same dose of
Metformin in that time it should've been noticed. So I take a glucose tolerance test which apparently I should've taken at the start and it came back negative I'm not
diabetic. I should be happier but can't help feeling let down anyway that's my diabetes story and I wonder if anymore like me are out there.

That matches my misdiagnosis to a tee!

Except, I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycaemia in 2013. And that's because of the oral glucose test!

And I believe that there is plenty more like you & me out there on diabetic meds that shouldn't be because of the obsession of cost cutting and political dogma.


My husband is in the same position. He was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 6 years ago after a fasting blood test but was not prescribed any medication. All subsequent blood tests were normal and after 4 years the nurse asked him if he had ever had a blood glucose test, which he hadn't. About 6 months later his GP contacted him and asked him to go to the surgery for an oral blood glucose test the results of this confirmed that he was not diabetic. Obviously this was a relief, but during the time he thought he was diabetic we have paid higher premiums for insurance policies.

We are now left with a dilemma when applying for insurance when they ask the question "have you ever been diabetic". Do we say yes or no. Recently we applied for a new policy and my husband explained the situation to the insurance company and they asked for a medical report. This said diagnosed with diabetes 2009, diet controlled, last HBa1c 38mmol/mol, resolved, Glucose intolerance test confirmed NOT DIABETIC. As even their standard rates were high, we have just applied with another insurer and initially he said that he had never been diabetic, but after reading all the horror stories about claims being rejected due to people not being honest we decided to give them the full facts and now await their response.

All completely unnecessary and annoying.
well he would not be lying to say he was never a diabetic. the first doctor got it wrong..Glucose intolerance test confirmed NOT DIABETIC.

Nanna G

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
Diet only
That was our initial thought too, But when he was shown the report for the first insurance company he had to ask for it to be changed as the Dr had said that the diabetes was ongoing. When challenged she changed it to say NOT DIABETIC, but she still left the original diagnosis on the report so we thought it best to give the full facts in case mistakes are made in future . We would rather get this right now than have problems down the line in the event of a claim. If the new insurance company increase the premiums because of this we will fight it.

Nanna G

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
Diet only
Good news. Received a letter from Insurance company confirming that the diagnosis will not make any difference to the premiums because it was overturned by the GP.


I had high BP high cholesterol and my blood sugars rocketed during a period of stress. Doc put on metformin. Couldnt get on with side effects of metformin but told they wouldnt be so troublesome if started low dose. Was monitoring Sugar levels at home and became less stressed and noticed that even on low dose my sugar levels returned to normal. Stopped taking the metformin and still normal. Had blood test at Docs and she had to conceed wrong diagnosis. Still normal without Metformin 6 months later. If Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Blood sugars rise all at same time then can be down to constant stress not diabetes type 2. I am glad now that I couldnt get on with the metformin as otherwise would have been labeled diabetic when I am not. My doctor is usually very good , but they can make mistakes sometimes. No change in diet by the way.