Type 2 - On Basal Bolus Insulin


I was diagnosed type 2 some years ago. Now using basal bolus routine my last Hba1c was 5.8 !! So I'm in full control of my diabetes. Feeling well and confident.

The thing that really does annoy me though, is how type 2 diabetes is always refered to as a lifestyle disease, assuming we are all overweight lazy slobs. In my own case I am 5'10" in height, and weight 12 stone, well within the guidlines for my BMI. I'm slim and active, and my specialist thinks my type 2 was caused by another disease heamochromatosis.

Anyone else getting fed up of beaing tarred as lazy and overweight ???



soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I am overweight, but not the typical T2 shape. I'm long legged, very full busted and otherwise hourglass shaped.
I'm active and FAR From lazy. In addition, I NEVER made fast food a regular part of my life. I would buy one burger per school holiday for daughter when she was the appropriate age. I once had Kentucky fried Chicken at a friend's house, restaurant visits are rare and I've NEVER had take away food delivered.
I do buy lunch for myself and grandaughter at MacDonald's sometimes. I have a chicken salad, in a bowl and I buy fish fingers and fruit for the baby.
Before I was diagnosed, I was probably a little less active, but was working and ate FSA recommended pyramid, of fresh home cooked food. Had I no done so, I might have escaped T2 :shock:
I am 4th in a direct line of T2 diabetics. My ancestresses in Northern Bohemia were farmers and could not have the so-called Diabetes lifestyle.
Whose lifestyle is meant to promote diabetes? I must admit, even I was being a bit judgemental when I walked past MacDonald's drive through and saw a guy in an SUV, who could barely close the door, stop to pick up a huge package of food. He then pulled in to the car park and began to eat a giant sized burger.
When I realised what I was hthinking, I reprimanded myself and walked on.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi Mark

You are not alone. I was diagnosed as Type 2 (as opposed to any other type by GP guesswork) 5 years ago. I'm 5' 6" and now only 9.5 Stone! Never been overwieght in my life, gym three times a week and had a reasonably health diet before diagnosis. We seem to be in the 20% group of 'Type 2s' who aren't typical. Yes, it's annoying that it is usually assumed there are only two types of diabetes i.e. type 1 or type 2. At least this site recognises multiple types & causes between the two. When my weight was below 10 stone my GP said 'carry on losing weight' as if I was an overweight 'typical' type 2! Sadly I see insulin on the horizon in the New Year as I've run out of further options or stop eating any carbs at all!



I'm another anomaly. Diagnosed 4 and a half years ago when I was 17. Never been over-weight, no symptoms, went to the doctor to go on the pill and they found sugar in my urine so tested my BG and it was 18.1. They expected it to be type 1 but it never progressed so I suppose I should be grateful. I did feel angry for a long time though as everywhere in the media type 2 was being linked with obesity and poor diet etc etc and I just wanted to shout "this isn't my fault! I didn't do this to myself stop judging me!"

Haha anyway rant over.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Even those T2s who would be thought of as typical, Very overweight or obese, with Belly fat, who eat junk and never take any exercise, Are not to Blame for their condition. Many poorer people eat take- aways, a lot, because it's cheap and anyway our government are busily telling all of us that they should be eating loads of starchy carbs and avoiding fats. thus the MacDonald's Habitue is under the impression that it's the fats in the fries they shouldn't have and they are unaware of the danger lurking in the bun.
there's no easy help for anyone who wishes to lose weight, because the medical profession doesn't offer much help and we know that most diets don't work longterm.Plus the ones that do are continually rubbished by our medical advisors. You MUST eat, you are not obliged to smoke or take drugs, but if you become addicted, you'll have free offers of help thrust down your throat.
We live in a culture which likes "Blame". It makes some sad people feel superior if they can look at someone else's misfortune and say"you deserve it". We have a national press, which revels in"celebrity" and "blaming".


Sorry if it seemed that way but I wasn't saying that people deserve to have T2 if they are overweight or eat unhealthily, I just meant that that is the way the media made me feel - like I was being judged for something I brought on myself.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Actually, according to the WHO, you don't have type 2, haemochromatosis is listed as one of the diseases of the pancreas that can cause 'other types ' of diabetes (ie other than type 1, 2 and gestational). There's a very long list of other reasons for diabetes which really is a set of conditions which share a common symptom of hyperglycaemia and the problems it can cause.
I must admit when I first got slow onset type 1 at a far from juvenile age, I spent many hours boring my friends with the differences between the types. Now I don't bother, I let my lifestyle speak for itself.