Type 2s: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning? (very low chat level)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone. 7.7 fbs this morning, the highest I have been.
Does it help any if I say it is just a number? Thought not - BUT it sure as heck doesn't make it worse.:) Take the hug and move on.


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    Screenshot 2018-11-06 at 15.56.23.png
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Most things in life that are 'good for you', rude people and carrots. Especially carrots.
7.7 this morning. Disappointing as Sunday morning I was 6.2. But I'm still working out exactly what foods give me spikes and I can't quit the late-night eating habit so it was only fasting 8 hours. Early days!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.6 at 0645hrs - but restless night as a result of the dreaded backache. Know I’m getting old(er) but didn’t think it would happen this quickly
Huge sympathy @Ally Pally My wife has bad back issues an needs lots of pain killers in order to sleep. Old age and body wear and tear is fascinating. Currently, 88 year old MIL is with us having undergone a knee replacement. Over the last 4 years she has had both hip replacements replaced and now this. Still lives on her own, drives and goes around demonstrating the process of taking a fleece through to spinning and knitting. Plenty of hope for ya.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Huge sympathy @Ally Pally .m My wife has bad back issues an needs lots of pain killers in order to sleep. Old age and body wear and tear is fascinating. Currently, 88 year old MIL is with us having undergone a knee replacement. Over the last 4 years she has had both hip replacements replaced and now this. Still lives on her own, drives and goes around demonstrating the process of taking a fleece through to spinning and knitting. Plenty of hope for ya.
mil sounds a star!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
mil sounds a star!
Thanks on her behalf. She looks a dead ringer for Leitia Cropley and has some similar recipes - home brew demon as well. Survived breast cancer and lost her husband within 2 years over 35 years ago. Saw her eldest daughter die of breast cancer - tough 'un. Her mum lived to 99 and could put away an amazing amount of whisky.
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