Unplanned pregnancy and high hba1c


Hi all.

So I was only diagnosed with type 1 on the 1st August 19 so this is all very new to me. After 4 weeks of being diagnosed I got my hba1c down from 99 to 79.. then I found out I'm pregnant!
I'm roughly around 6 weeks and managed to get my hba1c to 61 but I keep being told that conception is where that figure can determine birth defects etc.
I have a lovely 1 year old who was 7 weeks premature but I wasn't diabetic at the time of having him so this is all very new and bizarre to me.
Is it all doom and gloom when it comes to birth defects, miscarriage and still birth? I feel like every HCP keeps telling me because my levels were higher I've got a massive risk of these things
Looking for positive stories!

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Well firstly I'd like to say, I got type 1 diabetes with no family history, of even type 2 diabetes. So when it comes to defects and risks, that can happen to anyone.

Now we can always look in hindsight at what we could have done differently, and how doing something may change the outcome we have. But in reality we don't know the true mechanisms behind the condition and how exactly it affects other things.

What someone else's experience is, may be of no relevance to you. What you can do is control your BG levels as best you can from when you know it, do what is in your control and the rest is left to nature. There's people here who have lived through the 'dark ages' and are still fighting strong with diabetes, there are others diagnosed recently who are having major difficulties.

Don't let these things grate on you. When I was diagnosed, there were so many stipulations and things I had to avoid etc., now I live a life like any other.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi all.

So I was only diagnosed with type 1 on the 1st August 19 so this is all very new to me. After 4 weeks of being diagnosed I got my hba1c down from 99 to 79.. then I found out I'm pregnant!
I'm roughly around 6 weeks and managed to get my hba1c to 61 but I keep being told that conception is where that figure can determine birth defects etc.
I have a lovely 1 year old who was 7 weeks premature but I wasn't diabetic at the time of having him so this is all very new and bizarre to me.
Is it all doom and gloom when it comes to birth defects, miscarriage and still birth? I feel like every HCP keeps telling me because my levels were higher I've got a massive risk of these things
Looking for positive stories!

Thanks in advance
Don't take their risk Computor results sway YOU.
7yrs ago in East Sussex it was hugely wrong. It's data needs updating. Hundreds-Thousands of diabetics have healthy babies. Some are at a higher risk than a none diabetic.
In my personal opinion too many abortions hv been offered without women having more accurate facts about their pregnancy risk.
HbA1c can be improved. The nhs cannot afford the deeper help diabetics need to reduce their pregnancy risks.
You can work hard to decrease your babies risks. There's never a guarantee. No Dr would guarantee a patient but proving accurate facts... I feel is.
You hv a risk compared to a none diabetic who isn't smoking, drinking, on drugs or has genetical risks. Many women risk a live birth. My parents did without a worry... so they say. Risks can be reduced and even misconstrued.
Keep good bgs and listen to your babies silences. You've had a healthy baby already so your risk has reduced, you are bring treated for diabetes which should reduce your risk but every risk could be reduced and you get what you're given.
Life is precious. Work hard to reduce your risks and baby will thank you.
No stress though. Stress alone in none diabetics can be damaging. Get those coping methods handy.
Good luck and congratulations! :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @Tinkleberry Welcome to the forum :)

It's hard not to worry at a time when you should be enjoying your pregnancy, that aspect is normal, and whilst it would be difficult to find anyone sharing the exact same experience as you, I was diagnosed with diabetes at 23 weeks and put straight onto insulin, I have no idea how long i'd been diabetic for but levels were high enough to warrant immediate insulin therapy, I hadn't been tested previously, I have to admit I tried very hard not to get stressed or worry too much, knowing that stress wasn't good for baby, it was however still a concern. My daughter was induced at 37 weeks due to a higher than normal birth weight as they feed on the sugars, I was warned that she might require special care on arrival but fortunately all was ok with her.

Keeping good control is vital as much as is possible now for you, your diabetic nurse can help with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and should keep a close watchful eye on you now. Please try and ignore the negativity around this, concentrating on today instead and managing your levels as well as you can do, we are here to chat to if you have any worries too :)


Hi firstly i agree with what everyone else has said diabetes or Higher hb1ac doesnt mean ur baby will definetly have a detect etc our risks are slightly Higher but it can happen to many non diabetic aswell. When i was pregnant with my 1st baby 9 yrs ago i had some blurred vision and thirst but was never tested for diabetes my son was born weighing 9lbs 11 but healthy. 5 months later my blurred vision and thirst and tiredness etc got worse and i was finally tested my blood sugars were dangerously high and i was rushed to hospital diagnoised with type 1 diabetes which doctors think had been undiagnoised since before i became pregnant just wanted to share to show that i went thought a hole pregnancy with unknown high sugars but my son is a healthy 8yrs old. My 2nd pregnancy blood sugars werent perfect but as close to it as i cood get and i am.now 17 weeks with my 3rd all u can do is try ur best and ul get there x


Thank you all!! I needed some positive thoughts as, unfortunately, all I seem to be getting is negative views. I know it's the HCP job to keep us informed of risks but I've been spoken to as if it's a certainty that one of these things will happen
It's hard to be excited but I will keep some positive thinking going!


Hi I think I can help. My glucose levels were about the same as you, 70. I found out I was pregnant and the doctors all told me to be prepared for things to go wrong etc. I managed to work my ass off and get my hba1c level to around 40 by the time I was 6 months pregnant. I just gave birth 6 weeks ago to a healthy little girl 7lbs 2oz. It's not easy, but it can be done

I was prepared to have a miscarriage birth defects all sorts of things, especially after reading horror stories on here. But if you work hard from how until the baby is born its possible to have a healthy baby

Good luck!!!


Hi I think I can help. My glucose levels were about the same as you, 70. I found out I was pregnant and the doctors all told me to be prepared for things to go wrong etc. I managed to work my ass off and get my hba1c level to around 40 by the time I was 6 months pregnant. I just gave birth 6 weeks ago to a healthy little girl 7lbs 2oz. It's not easy, but it can be done

I was prepared to have a miscarriage birth defects all sorts of things, especially after reading horror stories on here. But if you work hard from how until the baby is born its possible to have a healthy baby

Good luck!!!
Wow thank you for sharing your story!! That's incredibly reassuring! I'm working my butt off for my levels so I'm hoping they will reflect that keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a healthy baby!!!


Wow thank you for sharing your story!! That's incredibly reassuring! I'm working my butt off for my levels so I'm hoping they will reflect that keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a healthy baby!!!
Don't get me wrong, things are unpredictable and things go wrong especially being diabetic but you have enough time to try to rectify that and that's all you can do now. Don't dwell on what your glucose levels were when you conceived, worry about the now

Just try to keep them as low as possible and only time will tell:) I wish you all the best with your little one and your pregnancy