Day 11... the final day as a masochist and thoughts start to wander around food, specifically what I might have for breakfast tomorrow.
Weight is 67.3 kgs and FBG is 4.3. It was also 4.3 at bedtime.
Aside from the levels I am very pleased with the consistency of the readings having not had a single rogue one. I have always had a lot of faith in the accuracy of my meter and this exercise has confirmed it.
As far as energy levels go it feels just like a normal day, so nothing untowards either mentally or physically.
Catching an early plane from Germany to Blighty in the morning so my final diatribe might be quite late.
The morning of Day 12 and my water only fast is over.
To summarize, I started this because my 28 day moving average FBG had crept up from 5.5 to 5.9 with the dawn phenomenon variance accounting, on average, for 0.5.
I am on no diabetes medication whatsoever and my HbA1c when measured in September 2018 was 38.
Final weigh-in was 67.0 kgs and FBG was inexplicably 5.2 and 5.2 at bedtime, so not a rogue reading.
So, from a starting weight of 73.1 kgs ( BMI 22.5) I lost 6.1 kgs or 13.5 lbs to arrive at 67.0 kgs (BMI 20.6 - the sunny side of the healthy weight range).
FBG and evening reading hovered around 4.4 which was the lowest I had ever measured and no sign of the dawn phenomenon.
Ketones reached and stayed around 7.0 after 4 days of fasting.
I have now had a thoroughly enjoyable breakfast, during which I reflected on the benefits that the fast has bought me.
Primarily, my body appears to have cured itself of the dreaded urge incontinence which I have suffered for 6 years... an unfortunate side effect of BPH which most old farts get eventually.
My distance eyesight appears sharper although I have no clue how this might logically fit in.
I have lost a shedload of weight in a very short space of time.
Tied for first place, I have undergone a thorough system washout in preparation for a concentrated keto / intermittent fasting regimen to optimise my metrics going forward.
That's all folks!