Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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That is a good point about a plan or strategy, that is where I have gone wrong in the past, I think.

Yes, the book is amazing, we are living in quite a strange world in so many ways, much removed from what are bodies are designed for and it is causing a lot of problems for so many people.

Def not adapted physically/mentally as fast as we've progressed. Will put it on my reading list.
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Keith Saunders

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Not being able to eat the food I used to.
I missed the weigh in last week, well I say missed I actually avoided it as I had put weight on and couldnt really work our why. I'd not been well for the majority of it, but had kept to my eating habits and exercise, so couldnt work out why I had put on 4lb and was embarassed.

Today however back on the scales, and down 5lbs from last week, so that equates to only 1lb over the last two weeks, but it's still a step in the right direction. Another 5lbs to go for me I think then to manage it at that level.


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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Oh dear. 1kg on.
Out of ketosis for several days this week, so I need to look more closely at what is going in my mouth for carb slip.

On a positive note I have lost another 1/2” off my waist. Yay!!


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Good morning weight warriors!

@May Mic I hope you have lost that 2lb you gained last week.

@filly - yay, well done on your 2lb 1oz loss.

I am glad you managed to lose that mystery gain @Keith Saunders plus another pound on top. Sometimes the weight loss is not always a nice neat downward line.

Sorry about the 1kg gain @aylalake - it is good to have a little break from the ketosis every now and then and I am sure that the gain will go once you are back on it. Funnily enough, I am having a little break from ketosis this week too.

@ravensmitten I am sorry I missed what you said last week about not knowing whether it is fat or muscle we have gained. I have never used those special scales that measure such things, I just go by how I am feeling. Are my legs stronger? (yes) Can I feel or even see muscles in my arms? (yes) No sign of any abs yet, though :playful:

I have lost 1lb this week, but, as I said, not in ketosis this week and I have been fighting off another virus.


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Good morning weight warriors!

@ravensmitten I am sorry I missed what you said last week about not knowing whether it is fat or muscle we have gained. I have never used those special scales that measure such things, I just go by how I am feeling. Are my legs stronger? (yes) Can I feel or even see muscles in my arms? (yes) No sign of any abs yet, though :playful:

I have lost 1lb this week, but, as I said, not in ketosis this week and I have been fighting off another virus.

Haha, it's okay by me, LeafyArts. I don't expect any instant replies, if any reply at all. Nature of the 'beast' and all that.

For sure, the data is all well and good (if it is accurate) but only a single vector. someone (possibly @MrsA2) on here mentioned about using their old belt to gauge things which I thought was simple genius, you don't get that type of quality thinking without having direct experience of the thing itself.

I seem to be up 2lb 'this week' and these fluctuations don't bother me so much. As an experiment, I once weighed myself so many different points in one day before and for me 2 or 3 lb can mysteriously appear or disappear if I so much as look left or right when I step on the scale. Also the overall trends more important to me and also like you say, how I feel, what I can see... and rather than getting upset or catastrophise that its all gone in the wrong direction with such a small increase (which has led me in the past to one of the most dangerous phrases I identified in my vocabulary, "Ah sod it." (clean version) which that phrase had a lot to answer for in more ways than just ways of eating.) That said, if I start noticing a trend in the longer term and not just x day to x day in a week...

For instance...

Last week (Friday) I was Xst 5lb but the day before (Thursday) at the same time was Xst 9lb

If we go from last weeks Friday reading of Xst 5lb, and my reading today is Xst 7lb, it looks like I've indeed put on 2lb isn't it.

but if I went with last Thursdays reading of Xst 9lb and yesterdays reading of Xst 6lb, it looks like I've lost 3lb

Now how can I realistically base my emotional state on this after I step on the scale?.

Tomorrow I might have lost 4lb or put on 3lb depending on the weather, it's pretty hard to tell without looking at the bigger picture and the overall trend.

I reworked it out and as of today (as I was wrong before), I've lost 21lb exactly since the 2nd week of Jan (5 weeks ago), the trend seems to average out at about 2.5lbs a week more recently with around 4-5lb in the beginning weeks, which overall is a rate of about 3.5lbs a week (fag packet maths, but that happy scale app I mentioned works it out automatically for me but I've mislaid my phone at the moment.) The thing that I did do was make a commitment to myself to be a lot healthier and keep my blood sugars in check which is the priority, and there can only be one priority because otherwise its not really the priority.

I would only really beat myself up (a little light hazing perhaps) if I didn't reasonably keep my word with myself, Not that I expect or think less of anyone who doesn't do that, it's a personal thing, hard to put into words on a forum, I tend to speak from the "I", which might sound self absorbed and probably is, but I can't really speak for anyone else and I wouldn't want to project my feelings about myself onto anyone else either.
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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Haha, it's okay by me, LeafyArts. I don't expect any instant replies, if any reply at all. Nature of the 'beast' and all that.

For sure, the data is all well and good (if it is accurate) but only a single vector. someone (possibly @MrsA2) on here mentioned about using their old belt to gauge things which I thought was simple genius, you don't get that type of quality thinking without having direct experience of the thing itself.

I seem to be up 2lb 'this week' and these fluctuations don't bother me so much. As an experiment, I once weighed myself so many different points in one day before and for me 2 or 3 lb can mysteriously appear or disappear if I so much as look left or right when I step on the scale. Also the overall trends more important to me and also like you say, how I feel, what I can see... and rather than getting upset or catastrophise that its all gone in the wrong direction with such a small increase (which has led me in the past to one of the most dangerous phrases I identified in my vocabulary, "Ah sod it." (clean version) which that phrase had a lot to answer for in more ways than just ways of eating.) That said, if I start noticing a trend in the longer term and not just x day to x day in a week...

For instance...

Last week (Friday) I was Xst 5lb but the day before (Thursday) at the same time was Xst 9lb

If we go from last weeks Friday reading of Xst 5lb, and my reading today is Xst 7lb, it looks like I've indeed put on 2lb isn't it.

but if I went with last Thursdays reading of Xst 9lb and yesterdays reading of Xst 6lb, it looks like I've lost 3lb

Now how can I realistically base my emotional state on this after I step on the scale?.

Tomorrow I might have lost 4lb or put on 3lb depending on the weather, it's pretty hard to tell without looking at the bigger picture and the overall trend.

I reworked it out and as of today (as I was wrong before), I've lost 21lb exactly since the 2nd week of Jan (5 weeks ago), the trend seems to average out at about 2.5lbs a week more recently with around 4-5lb in the beginning weeks, which overall is a rate of about 3.5lbs a week (fag packet maths, but that happy scale app I mentioned works it out automatically for me but I've mislaid my phone at the moment.) The thing that I did do was make a commitment to myself to be a lot healthier and keep my blood sugars in check which is the priority, and there can only be one priority because otherwise its not really the priority.

I would only really beat myself up (a little light hazing perhaps) if I didn't reasonably keep my word with myself, Not that I expect or think less of anyone who doesn't do that, it's a personal thing, hard to put into words on a forum, I tend to speak from the "I", which might sound self absorbed and probably is, but I can't really speak for anyone else and I wouldn't want to project my feelings about myself onto anyone else either.
What an excellent post, and that’s how I view things. Plus I use the old belt method.


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What an excellent post, and that’s how I view things. Plus I use the old belt method.


See, today works out as I’ve lost 5lb (2.268kg) since yesterday morning just now.

It’s not the scales as I weighed on both upstairs and downstairs ones.

I’d be in for a massive rollercoaster of emotions if I let the single points dictate how I felt about myself.

Might have to buy a belt, unfortunately my old one stopped fitting me in about 2018 when my waistline started expanding and I bought a bigger, stretchy one which doesn’t even fit me now! Maybe a bit of Parkinson’s law to that one.


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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.

See, today works out as I’ve lost 5lb (2.268kg) since yesterday morning just now.

It’s not the scales as I weighed on both upstairs and downstairs ones.

I’d be in for a massive rollercoaster of emotions if I let the single points dictate how I felt about myself.

Might have to buy a belt, unfortunately my old one stopped fitting me in about 2018 when my waistline started expanding and I bought a bigger, stretchy one which doesn’t even fit me now! Maybe a bit of Parkinson’s law to that one.
Actually I use a piece of ribbon, just tied a knot where the other end reached. I now have 3 knots.


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Good morning everyone, I am happy to report a 2.5lb loss this week, just half a pound shy of having lost 7stone and 2.5lbs away from the full 100lbs. It has taken 40 weeks so far.

It is good to see so many happy results this week:

@ravensmitten you did make me laugh with your shower-related weight gain. I have resolved to stop showering, just to be on the safe side.

Yay, @filly I am glad you have had another good week and have a lovely loss.

Well done @IanBish bang on 16stone, which means you will be in the 15s next week.

You have done brilliantly @Keith Saunders to lose 30lbs in just 9 weeks.

Congratulations on both the 1.6lb loss @MissMuffett as well as the 4.8mmol reading this morning - that is fabulous!

Keep up the good work team, spring is on the way (I hope) and we want to be able to enjoy it as much as possible.