Weight loss in elderly may be linked to mortality


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hitting the news stands today.
This study finds that a 5 % loss in weight in elderly men over 65 was positiviely associated with a signficant rise in early mortality.

This is a general looksee of health records, and does not take into account lifestyle factors. so it is not clear if this is just that weight loss is a trigger of mortality or is simply a marker of impending doom.

So, would taking the ND diet or similar VLC diet per ex be harmful to a man over the hill (>65)? It seems to be dose dependant, so the risk following 5% weight loss is 33%, but becomes 289% with weight losss of 10%. So ND at 15% sounds very dodgy. Thats why I post this in General Chat. Its not IMO showing a causal effect, but a possible marker of other problems. But lifestyle should not have been ignored IMO


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I'm 70 and have a bit of a paunch but nothing serious.
It seems to come and go but at 70 I'm really not worrying about my shape.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was 68 and weighed 18 stone when I started my Low Carb Diet plan. Three months or so later I was 10 stone and static. I have been hovering around there ever since. It did not kill me, but the study I linked to would say I should deffo be a dead 'un.