Weight loss (or lack of it )


Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
For the last 3 plus weeks I've had no bread pasta rice potatoes kept to 3 meals a day low carb diet
People have said you've lost weight
Weighed myself today and I'm the same as when I started
I had bloods done again 4 weeks from the first and my hba1c is down from 8.3 to 7.2 I must be doing something right so why no loss ?
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In Low Carb Circles, we call this change in body shape, apparent weight loss where there is none, a non scale victory! How low is low? Have you been weighing / tracking / measuring? How many carbs a day are you having?

But anyway, lower HbA1c is a result, well done!
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Hello, I'm new to this LCHF too (diagnosed on 30 September). I've been pointed towards a carb counting site https://cronometer.com (american so a little translation is required re:foodstuffs) which is brilliant for counting your daily intake of carbs, protein and fat. Although calorie counting is not part of this culture,it does show you what you're taking in daily, and you may find your calorie intake is higher than you thought. I've been advised not to change what I'm eating, just maybe look at my portion control (always been a problem:meh:).

The major victory in all this is your HbA1c change. Well done:happy:, you've proved to yourself that the diet works. Keep it up and congratulations on your success s far. I hope my results are in line with yours:shy:...


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Although calorie counting is not part of this culture,it does show you what you're taking in daily, and you may find your calorie intake is higher than you thought.

Many of us count both carbs and calories. LCHF is not magic. If you eat the same number of calories as before, you will continue to weight the same amount. What LCHF does for many is to reduce the number of calories eaten because it makes many feel more satiated so they eat less - so some lucky souls don't need to count calories. Many of them very vocally oppose calorie counting. (I've also noted that many of the most vocal opponents to calorie counting that I have personally encountered don't lose much weight. I count both, and I'm down 74 lbs.)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hey, well done! That is a significant drop in HbA1c in just 4 weeks :)

The HbA1c reflects a 3 month average (a rough average) so if you keep going as you are, the improvement will be even more visible when you have been on it for the whole 3 months.

I try and suggest people to try low carbing first, before they do any low calories stuff too. There are several reasons - some (many?) people find that they gently and comfortably lose weight on Low Carb, without the hassle of counting calories too. And that can take time to kick in. At the same time, people often increase activity and sometimes gain muscle mass, which can disguise fat loss. Another reason is that people often find that their appetite reduces after a while on low carbs, which makes it much easier to lose effortlessly. I am all for effortless. :) If they then add in low calorie too, then they will probably find it an easier transition than cold turkey on carbs, and a big calorie deficit at the same time.

So if you are happy that you have reached the stage where you are adjusted (appetite and happy on the reduced carbs) then it may be time to look at what you are eating. Have you really reduced the carbs enough to see maximum benefit? It can take a while to actually work out where hidden carbs are hiding. Have you increased the fats too much (it is VERY easy to overload on nuts, for example)?

Another thing to bear in mind is how fast do you want to lose? I much prefer slow loss. I think it is far kinder on the body, and much more likely to stay off in the long run. Others want to diet quickly and then settle into maintenance. I stopped dieting like that a while back, mainly to avoid the excess baggy skin - but since that is also affected by age and hormones, as a man, you may not have to deal with that particular joy. :)

I think the key part of your original post is this:

People have said you've lost weight
Weighed myself today and I'm the same as when I started

So it sounds as if something is happening. In your place I would give it more time to see exactly what that is, before you start changing what may turn out to be a winning combination.

We had one poster recently who had been losing well on LCHF, but who stalled for weeks. Got very demoralised with it. Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the loss started again, at a rate of 1 pound a day, which went on for days and days. Obviously that isn't directly comparable to your situation, but it shows that the body can hold onto fluids and 'weight' then shed quickly, at times.

I think we often forget what a seismic shift it can be to fundamentally change our way of eating, and just need to give our bodies' time to catch up.

Hope that helps.
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Also remember that as you exercise and lose fat and gain muscle, you will actually weigh more. As muscle is heavier than fat.
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Personally I prefer not to count calories, maybe after many failed attempts at calorie restriction over many decades, I just don't associate it with success. I am one of 'the lucky ones' - I actually think it's the majority, for whom LCHF results in diminished appetite and the job does itself. When I do track I use fatsecret and it counts calories as well as carbs and I tend to come in around the 1400 mark, which is fine.

I lose weight very slowly, about 3lb a year, but that also suits me fine and I agree that it is probably the healthiest way.

But it all depends on YOUR priorities. I would say that the biggest priority is lowering HbA1c, the next priority is finding a regime that works for you, preferably not feeling constantly hungry and not obsessing about food, then weight loss. But it is your priorities that actually matter.
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I found for myself weight loss is not a line straight down.
I gain a pound or two. Then lose three, then gain another then to my surprise I'm down 4.
It takes a while for your body to adjust to the shock of eating differently.
Your A1C has improved that shows your doing something right.
It's still early days in your journey. Asses your amount of carbs. Maybe you haven't found the right amount for you yet. It's different for each of us.
Don't give up.
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Many of us count both carbs and calories. LCHF is not magic. If you eat the same number of calories as before, you will continue to weight the same amount. What LCHF does for many is to reduce the number of calories eaten because it makes many feel more satiated so they eat less - so some lucky souls don't need to count calories. Many of them very vocally oppose calorie counting. (I've also noted that many of the most vocal opponents to calorie counting that I have personally encountered don't lose much weight. I count both, and I'm down 74 lbs.)

Blimy, you are amazing. Well done on managing to juggle so many problems and still come out on top. I count calories as I'm still learning and the jolly old US https://cronometer.com site does all the work for me!! :rolleyes:. Well done for your progress you have calm waters ahead...


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People who drive with fog lights on when its only a bit of mist
I was/am pretty much the same.

Since being diagnosed in April with a BS of 141% ... changed diet and lifestyle and did not lose any weight despite my bloods being drastically reduced - I then found out I had thyroid issues.

I have just started the 5:2 which finally seems to be working - so you know what, keep doing what you are doing and you will, probably by trial and error, find some way of shifting that weight .... I had almost given up as it had been months ...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
For the last 3 plus weeks I've had no bread pasta rice potatoes kept to 3 meals a day low carb diet
People have said you've lost weight
Weighed myself today and I'm the same as when I started
I had bloods done again 4 weeks from the first and my hba1c is down from 8.3 to 7.2 I must be doing something right so why no loss ?
Same has happened to me. Its disheartening but on the upside i have reduced my bg from 20 to 5.6, which is more important.
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Well-Known Member
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Hey, well done! That is a significant drop in HbA1c in just 4 weeks :)

The HbA1c reflects a 3 month average (a rough average) so if you keep going as you are, the improvement will be even more visible when you have been on it for the whole 3 months.

I try and suggest people to try low carbing first, before they do any low calories stuff too. There are several reasons - some (many?) people find that they gently and comfortably lose weight on Low Carb, without the hassle of counting calories too. And that can take time to kick in. At the same time, people often increase activity and sometimes gain muscle mass, which can disguise fat loss. Another reason is that people often find that their appetite reduces after a while on low carbs, which makes it much easier to lose effortlessly. I am all for effortless. :) If they then add in low calorie too, then they will probably find it an easier transition than cold turkey on carbs, and a big calorie deficit at the same time.

So if you are happy that you have reached the stage where you are adjusted (appetite and happy on the reduced carbs) then it may be time to look at what you are eating. Have you really reduced the carbs enough to see maximum benefit? It can take a while to actually work out where hidden carbs are hiding. Have you increased the fats too much (it is VERY easy to overload on nuts, for example)?

Another thing to bear in mind is how fast do you want to lose? I much prefer slow loss. I think it is far kinder on the body, and much more likely to stay off in the long run. Others want to diet quickly and then settle into maintenance. I stopped dieting like that a while back, mainly to avoid the excess baggy skin - but since that is also affected by age and hormones, as a man, you may not have to deal with that particular joy. :)

I think the key part of your original post is this:

So it sounds as if something is happening. In your place I would give it more time to see exactly what that is, before you start changing what may turn out to be a winning combination.

We had one poster recently who had been losing well on LCHF, but who stalled for weeks. Got very demoralised with it. Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the loss started again, at a rate of 1 pound a day, which went on for days and days. Obviously that isn't directly comparable to your situation, but it shows that the body can hold onto fluids and 'weight' then shed quickly, at times.

I think we often forget what a seismic shift it can be to fundamentally change our way of eating, and just need to give our bodies' time to catch up.

Hope that helps.

Thank you Brunneria. More information well put. We're obviously all looking to improve our situations as quickly as possible. I know it takes time, and focus, Help, helps:)


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I was/am pretty much the same.

Since being diagnosed in April with a BS of 141% ... changed diet and lifestyle and did not lose any weight despite my bloods being drastically reduced - I then found out I had thyroid issues.

I have just started the 5:2 which finally seems to be working - so you know what, keep doing what you are doing and you will, probably by trial and error, find some way of shifting that weight .... I had almost given up as it had been months ...
Blooming bad luck with the thyroid diagnosis. Good luck for the future:)
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Nothing to be honest
Good evening all . I've lost 8 lbs!! in 3 weeks. I'm delighted. This is my first weight loss since I'm on low carb.....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for the support advice and information
I'm pleased with the blood results I think it shows how much I've given up
Since diagnosis an average days meals
Berry's and yogurt or
Boil in the bag kippers
Salad prawn salmon or ham
Tea /dinner
Chicken and veg no spuds or
Moussaka last night
Fajitas using lettuce instead of wraps
Had a take away Saturday night but just had tandoori meat and a small amount of sauce no rice
For snacks
Mixed nuts
Can't do too much exercise as I have a prolapsed disc at l4/5 having yet another MRI in November to see if it's got any worse I do still work and take the dogs out every day it's a balancing act between the pain and the pills
Will update the thread if I start to lose
Hope you all stay/get well
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for the support advice and information
I'm pleased with the blood results I think it shows how much I've given up
Since diagnosis an average days meals
Berry's and yogurt or
Boil in the bag kippers
Salad prawn salmon or ham
Tea /dinner
Chicken and veg no spuds or
Moussaka last night
Fajitas using lettuce instead of wraps
Had a take away Saturday night but just had tandoori meat and a small amount of sauce no rice
For snacks
Mixed nuts


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Diet only
Well done both of you!

@Paul-j that menu looks perfect, I could eat it myself. I'm a bit of a fan of kippers, also try smoked haddock and poached eggs when you've got more time. I cook the haddock in a drop of water and a knob of butter, then take the haddock out of the pan, add to eggs (they only come in pairs) put a tight lid on the pan and you get an egg that has the consistency of a poached egg and is flat like a fried egg. Lovely, with the eggs on top and the butter poured over,

Hmm, we're in France at the moment, Smoked haddock not so available, I've made myself hungry - fortunately we bring tins of 'emergency' kippers with us!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Now I'm both hungry for smoked haddock, and jealous that you're in France!!.:shifty:

Just blueberries and greek yoghurt for me :)