

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
i went to see the nurse to be weighed
i havn,t lost amything and i.m upset as not had sweets, cakes or biscuits
i admit my portion sizes are still big so am going to reduce the size of them
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
i went to see the nurse to be weighed
i havn,t lost amything and i.m upset as not had sweets, cakes or biscuits
i admit my portion sizes are still big so am going to reduce the size of them
Ally, don't be upset, you are getting your BG levels down, weight loss will follow naturally on a LC eating regime. Are you managing to get some extra exercise? Every little helps as the advert says.
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Ally, don't be so hard on yourself you have come a long way in a short time, if you feel your portion control isn't right, here's what I did, first I would put my food on the plate then think to myself, well that looks nice maybe I'll save some for later, then I would put half on another plate and put it in the fridge. most times I would have it the next day, and that way I eventually worked out what my portion size should be.


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Tablets (oral)
People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
i went to see the nurse to be weighed
i havn,t lost amything and i.m upset as not had sweets, cakes or biscuits
i admit my portion sizes are still big so am going to reduce the size of them
Don't give up Ally, it can take some time to see results. Sometimes we just need to tweak things like our portion sizes to force things along a bit. You're doing well Ally, keep it up :)


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Tablets (oral)

It is understandable that you should be disappointed however I am sure you know that giving up is not really an option. It would be such a shame to let all your hard work and wonderful progress you have made with your glucose levels be for nothing.

As you suggest you may have to exercise some portion control, particularly if you have been substituting fats for carbs. You need to watch total calories as well as total carbs. Luckily using something like myfitnesspal will do both for you at the same time.

Hang in there and think of the weight loss as just the byproduct of gaining glycemic control, which should be your main goal and towards which you have already taken great strides.

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Retired Moderator
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Ally - Don't be despondent. Only recently you were saying your clothes are getting loose, so something is happening somewhere. If you concentrate on getting your numbers down, the weight will follow.

My only advice would be to make sure you are drinking enough water. If you don't drink enough, it can impact on your sugars, and bizarrely, weight loss is also affected.

Try upping your water intake, although I'd be inclined to drink any extra earlier in the day, so that it doesn't have you up during the night!


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Diet only
Just a little thought, portion control,is always difficult, some people find something as simple as changing plate size assists with this, instead of a dinner plate go down to not size, auto portion control?
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cold ethyl

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Diet only
Ally, lots of good advice here. I had a lot of weight to lose initially ( over half gone now) so decided that calorie counting and carb control had to be a two pronged attack- I try not to have more than 1200 cals a day on average and I weigh out high calorie foods like cheese and oils. Fats are very energy dense and you don't actually need a big portion of them to replace the missing carbs. I can understand how if you have been used to big portions that you are continuing to eat them and the danger is that your plate may now have even more calories on than before if you are filling it with fats. Try to use a smaller plate( I quite often serve my stews or curries in a bowl rather than a plate as it looks more but holds less) and make over half your plate low carb veg like cauli or cabbage or salady stuff. I can't remember if you are on Metformin but it acts as an appetite suppressant in part, so you could ask to try it as a helping hand? I've certainly found it dulled my once voracious appetite.
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Pura Vida

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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
what is the ideal daily amount of carbs in grams for a person of lb 140


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Ally I didn't start losing weight straight away. But a few weeks in it started ..hang on in there. You are doing so well...and your lowest ever morning readings


Well-Known Member
Also I was merrily chucking butter and cream about too much..then I cut back and started having smaller portions now I'm losing weight every week. I didn't even miss the bigger portions


Retired Moderator
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i think i eat for 2 people

Don't decrease too quickly All, or you could end up hungry. If you think you eat double size portions, you could cut down by maybe a quarter for now, then take it from there?

I did a bit of that portion reduction too when I was starting out. It's amazing how, after a few days, you don't notice the portion is smaller. If necessary, you can always fill up with low carb veg or salad. (I'm on a cabbage kick at the moment, so it's probably just as well I'm on my own for the next couple of weeks!! (I know too much information. :sorry:)
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Don't despair or feel unhappy. Lots of great advice on here. It will happen, but your blood sugars are the most important, and you are winning that battle.

Have you got a tape measure? Measure your waist, hips, boobs, top of arms and legs. Do this once a month and I bet the inches are coming off.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
bluetit, thank you for suggesting measuring myself
i saw a friend today and told her i had cut out all biscuites, cakes, crisps, sweets and mostly bread and hadn,t lost weight
she said i could be in starvation mode


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bullying, discrimination
ally, I'm responding to be supportive as I have had a weight problem for years. It has also yo-yo'd a bit partly because of severe depression - I don't eat much when it's very severe - not getting enough exercise and more recently osteoarthritis has limited how long I can exercise. I have been on Metformin for 12 days and am keeping to a better diet so am hoping that will help with me losing weight. The only time I get weighed is at my surgery as I was weighing myself every day and got really upset if I didn't lose weight or put it back on again.
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Well-Known Member
Ally you have said you are probably eating enough for two? You are cutting out carbs but obviously feeling hungry still. In the short term. Put butter on a big portion of veggies and eat a smallish portion of meat. That straight away stops you feeling hungry. A couple of glasses of water. Ten mins later you won't miss the smaller portions I promise. Just that our bodies get used to a plateful maybe...it honestly helped me. But more important my readings were so much better. Weigh loss will happen in the end