What do you do during isolation?


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Uncooked bacon
Curious as to what people do during isolation. What do you do for fun etc. I'm not interested in cleaning, precautions and all that jazz, but what you do for entertainment. Can't spend all day on the net. We all have our own routines, so do share if you will.

Some of the things I have started doing that I wasn't before, but used to before the world of social media took over.

Jigsaw puzzles
Board games... remember those?...scrabble, monopoly, etc.
Some xbox games
Researching stuff to cook that I haven't experimented with before (Obviously with myself it's low carb stuff). Trying a Vanilla cloud cake with coffee butter cream today... hopefully it comes out edible and no fire extinguishers are required.
Will post the recipe if it is a success.

So, feel free to share what you do. Ideas are a good thing.


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I spend far too much time following those alleys that turn up now and again. I'm presently researching the corruption within the W.H.O. because I was curious at their advice on masks. Wear masks for Ebola and not for covid 19. By the way easily explained when you realise Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who gave that advice just loves China. He's also a politician in an Ethiopean party The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) that has been listed as a perpetrator in the Global Terrorism Database.
I've been trying to learn French for the last 6 months and have been doing some more of that although sadly no interaction with Fabienne my teacher.
I've got a reversing camera to put on my car. Two cars and a small drive mean reversing onto the drive requires me to park within an inch or two of the garage door., now no longer a garage because HID insists we don't leaver the bins outside. LOL Never easy is it?
I really should clear out my wardrobe of all those clothes I don't wear any more.
The loft could do with a clear out as well.
The last two are major projects not housekeeping.
Stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Archery target practice
Photoshopping photos of cats
University work
Teaching son to cook
Watching online gigs
Deep and meaningful conversations with my cats :D

Planning to tidy up my sewing corner and cracking on with two patchwork quilts.


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I like to grow some vegetables in the summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, runner beans that sort of thing. Unfortunately in the lockdown everyone else seems to have the same idea and it proving difficult to get seeds, grow bags, compost etc. Until my supplies arrive I have had to resort to drinking and sex to keep me occupied.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good idea for a thread @Tophat1900

I’m working from home and busier than ever during the working week. Go for an early morning walk before work starts and then pretty much a normal evening (aside from what would have been additional walks in good weather in the evening) fiddling around at home.

I’ve been unwell, so haven’t felt up to much at the weekends so pottering about at home with a couple of short walks has worked. Today is set to be the warmest day of the year so far in London. Under normal circumstances I’d already have been out walking near water for about 3 hours but have slept through those. It will start to get challenging from this point on, I guess. Am anticipating a lot more reading, sorting some of those projects saved for a ‘rainy’ day - I have physical photos from years back that never made an album; I have a collection of CDs that could do with uploading to the laptop for syncing with my mobile devices. That sort of thing.


Honestly nothing much different to normal. Obviously I'm trying to observe social distancing where possible, but I'm definitely not house bound. In fact I'm probably doing more walking in the countryside than ever.

Not to make light of the situation, but I'm actually quite enjoying the peace and quiet everywhere :cool:


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Honestly nothing much different to normal. Obviously I'm trying to observe social distancing where possible, but I'm definitely not house bound. In fact I'm probably doing more walking in the countryside than ever.

Not to make light of the situation, but I'm actually quite enjoying the peace and quiet everywhere :cool:

Urban envy here. The usual quiet walking spots in (inner) London are busier than normal, even in the early hours as those who frequent gyms/shops/pubs discover the outdoors. Then there’s the added challenge of loo stops - much easier in the woolly wilds or when the place is deserted. I have started to get creative with this one :D


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Eat. Basically.
I'm really struggling with my sanity. I usually spend the day out of the house, visiting friends and family which obviously we can't do now. I enjoy reading and watching films/TV series but can't seem to settle into them at the minute, I struggle with anxiety and my mind will not be still. I've taken a few walks now that my feet are better which haven't been too bad but other than that I haven't done a great deal.
I still work so I find that going to work actually breaks the days up for me even though it is tiring and mentally draining with the current situation.


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Well I’m in charge of 2 young children all day so my activities are mainly keeping them entertained- playing games, crafts, baking, gardening, making assault courses, looking for rainbows on our daily walk, and all the cooking, cleaning and washing that goes with them. If I had time to myself I would be reading, doing puzzles, clearing out cupboards, crochet, watching my programmes rather than PJ Masks


Well-Known Member
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I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
Lots of music. Practising the organ until the Archbishop of Canterbury banned all people from the church. Nevertheless I am still transcribing Ravel's Pavane pour une enfante defunte for the organ - bit like doing a musical jigsaw! Started to learn a duet with my wife playing recorder (treble) and me on the piano. Reading Greg Jenner's Dead Famous - really enjoyable book. Creative writing and pulling out so much bindweed and brambles that my hands have clammed up! Getting up an hour later!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
This thread is meaningless without pics!!!


My activities:

Dog walking (when leg up to it)

Cycling (new activity for when leg not up to dog walking)

This is, of course, Joan Rutherford, as Madame Arcarti in Blythe Spirit, but it kind of communicates the essence... ;)

Fish keeping

Bingewatching Netflix

Redecorating hall and landing, curtain hanging... the list is soooo long, but mainly on hold since Lockdown struck with some building work unfinished.

ot sure how I am finding Forum Time... :D
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)

This thread is meaningless without pics!!!
Where’s your pics then?! ;):joyful:
Would love to see your doggies!

Edit to add asking where your pics are looks silly now you’ve added some!

I’ve been missing my swimming and group walks but walking with my family every day taking advantage of our allowed exercise. I luckily live on the edge of a city so we can easily get to open countryside and not see anyone else.
We are doing more crafty things, we had a drawing competition yesterday. I did a picture of a beach in Valencia for my daughter to remind her of happier times in Spain on uni placement, she left Spain with 24 hours to spare before she was trapped there :wideyed:
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I miss regular training so I'm doing my best to work out, morning yoga, pushups, kicks, situps, stretching, poomsae - when I can, morning and evening.
Also been baking protein biscuits and low carb bread, preparing healthy low carb food.
Researching more about sport and diabetes also took up some time :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
View attachment 40035

Where’s your pics then?! ;):joyful:
Would love to see your doggies!

Edit to add asking where your pics are looks silly now you’ve added some!

I’ve been missing my swimming and group walks but walking with my family every day taking advantage of our allowed exercise. I luckily live on the edge of a city so we can easily get to open countryside and not see anyone else.
We are doing more crafty things, we had a drawing competition yesterday. I did a picture of a beach in Valencia for my daughter to remind her of happier times in Spain on uni placement, she left Spain with 24 hours to spare before she was trapped there :wideyed:
Will this do?!!