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Hmmm. The unions don't always protect staff who have been wronged.
I remember mine was particularly useless. Union reps were usually bought with promotions.

[QUOTE/]Thank goodness unions aren't allowed to just choose the pay rises anymore. [/QUOTE]

I don't believe that actually happened. Asking for something does not mean that you got it. How would you explain the fall in real average weekly earnings in the last ten years?

[QUOTE/]Then there will be less in the pot for everyone.[/QUOTE]

There is no pot.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
[QUOTE/]Thank goodness unions aren't allowed to just choose the pay rises anymore. [/QUOTE]

I don't believe that actually happened. Asking for something does not mean that you got it. How would you explain the fall in real average weekly earnings in the last ten years?

Nevertheless the inflation rate in the 70s was pushed up by wage rises, not pulled up by costs.


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Nevertheless the inflation rate in the 70s was pushed up by wage rises, not pulled up by costs.

I think, if you remember correctly, it was the cost push inflation from the oil price rises which, understandably, led to pressure for higher wages. Then a viscous circle was established.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I think, if you remember correctly, it was the cost push inflation from the oil price rises which, understandably, led to pressure for higher wages. Then a viscous circle was established.
...which then led to the demise of the British car industry and the coalmines. What a great move that was! Not exactly helpful to those union members who lost money striking and then lost their jobs.


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...which then led to the demise of the British car industry and the coalmines. What a great move that was! Not exactly helpful to those union members who lost money striking and then lost their jobs.
The car industry was uncompetitive. Closure of the coal mines was Government policy. You would expect workers to resist real wage cuts if they are in a position to do so.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
The car industry was uncompetitive. Closure of the coal mines was Government policy. You would expect workers to resist real wage cuts if they are in a position to do so.
But they weren't in a position to do so. A company near here held a vote a few years back, a cut in wages for everyone, or redundancies for some. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the pay cut. Less pay is better than none.


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But they weren't in a position to do so. A company near here held a vote a few years back, a cut in wages for everyone, or redundancies for some. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the pay cut. Less pay is better than none.
First you are arguing that they are too powrful, then that they are not powerful enough. The situation in the 70's and post the financial crisis are different. There have been several examples where workers have accepted pay cuts or short time working in order to maintain employment levels since the financial crisis. This doesn't suggest that they are inflexible. It suggests they are weak. They have been unable to resist falling real wages.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
First you are arguing that they are too powrful, then that they are not powerful enough. The situation in the 70's and post the financial crisis are different. There have been several examples where workers have accepted pay cuts or short time working in order to maintain employment levels since the financial crisis. This doesn't suggest that they are inflexible. It suggests they are weak. They have been unable to resist falling real wages.
What I meant was that the resulting job losses meant that although it seemed they were all powerful in fact they did more harm than good for those communities which relied on those industries. Is that real power when you cut your nose to spite your face?


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What I meant was that the resulting job losses meant that although it seemed they were all powerful in fact they did more harm than good for those communities which relied on those industries. Is that real power when you cut your nose to spite your face?
Rising wages do not inevitably lead to job losses. I would argue that unions have been forced to be more pragmatic in their approach to negotiations given the circumstances since the financial crisis. Remember that we have not had rising wages for the last ten years. We have had falling wages. This is probably the explanation why unemployment did not rise as high as expected. Firms tend to want to use 'cheap' labour instead of investing in plant and machinery like our competitors do; but that is why we keep lagging behind.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Being categorised with Type 2 diabetics
Our new office manager who just started a few days ago had found out from a colleague that I am diabetic and was taking daily insulin injections last year.

Her comments about me were very hurtful...

“Oh dear, he’s got a dreadful, chronic illness. He’s going to end up in the hospital...ambulance all the time, yuk!!!”

I just ignored her comments and kept quiet but with a very heavy heart!

Anyway I found out this morning she was sacked from her job and was escorted out of the office for reasons I do not know and don’t really want to know.

Good riddance!
Hi I am a type 1 diabetic and have been for nearly 50 years. The attitudes and comments I have encountered in most if not all of my working life is horrendous. I have been spoken to like a child and my last job I have just resigned from due to the harassment and bullying I received when asking for unpaid leave for my hospital appointments. I was told I had to take holidays for these appointments and ultimately I had to bring in a Union rep then I was finally given the unpaid leave that I originally requested. I was laughed at by my manager for having the text on my computer screen larger than normal due to issues with eyes. I feel like I have had to fight for my entitlement with large as well as small companies. It is not easy having diabetes and it is made extremely difficult if you get an employer that does not understand or cares.
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I too have had stupid comments.
One person made a comment about going out for a staff meal and then said to me that they have a good salad and fruit bar at the restaurant.
I was made to feel very unwanted. I did try and explain that diabetics can eat normal food and not live off the salad bar.
To be honest I cannot eat raw fruit as it throws by blood level.
I don’t go to staff events now.
Our new office manager who just started a few days ago had found out from a colleague that I am diabetic and was taking daily insulin injections last year.

Her comments about me were very hurtful...

“Oh dear, he’s got a dreadful, chronic illness. He’s going to end up in the hospital...ambulance all the time, yuk!!!”

I just ignored her comments and kept quiet but with a very heavy heart!

Anyway I found out this morning she was sacked from her job and was escorted out of the office for reasons I do not know and don’t really want to know.

Good riddance!


Well-Known Member
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Hi I am a type 1 diabetic and have been for nearly 50 years. The attitudes and comments I have encountered in most if not all of my working life is horrendous. I have been spoken to like a child and my last job I have just resigned from due to the harassment and bullying I received when asking for unpaid leave for my hospital appointments. I was told I had to take holidays for these appointments and ultimately I had to bring in a Union rep then I was finally given the unpaid leave that I originally requested. I was laughed at by my manager for having the text on my computer screen larger than normal due to issues with eyes. I feel like I have had to fight for my entitlement with large as well as small companies. It is not easy having diabetes and it is made extremely difficult if you get an employer that does not understand or cares.
That is absolutely awful. I am very sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
I too have had stupid comments.
One person made a comment about going out for a staff meal and then said to me that they have a good salad and fruit bar at the restaurant.
I was made to feel very unwanted. I did try and explain that diabetics can eat normal food and not live off the salad bar.
To be honest I cannot eat raw fruit as it throws by blood level.
I don’t go to staff events now.

That's a shame. I think it depends on how strong you think you are. I used to avoid awkward situations but it meant that other people were controlling my life. I think I would tend to go a few times just to make a point. Ignore any comments by ignorant people.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Our new office manager who just started a few days ago had found out from a colleague that I am diabetic and was taking daily insulin injections last year.

Her comments about me were very hurtful...

“Oh dear, he’s got a dreadful, chronic illness. He’s going to end up in the hospital...ambulance all the time, yuk!!!”

I just ignored her comments and kept quiet but with a very heavy heart!

Anyway I found out this morning she was sacked from her job and was escorted out of the office for reasons I do not know and don’t really want to know.

Good riddance!
I'm type 2, diagnosed 18 months ago....when I informed the HR officer of our small charitable organisation she said 'Oh god, does this mean we all need to go on some training in case something happens to you whilst you're in work!". Another colleague remarked that I shouldn't be too upset, because 'at least you can get diabetic jams and stuff'. That's alright then.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
All of the shocking comments are wrong but it happens to people at work other than diabetics, if thats any comfort. In my very last job when I was a few months pregnant and very unwell I was allowed to bring forward my holiday time to go early on a very generous maternity leave. My colleagues who were all childless said they were being treated unfairly not receiving the same paid leave as me. I said Dont worry about it my child will be paying taxesto fund your state pension. Silence.


I was trying to avoid any confrontation and arguments at work and speaking to the manager about her remarks wasn’t going to do me or anyone any good because she was a bully.

She would not have listened and she would have most probably sacked me.

This is nonsense. A company that fired you in these circumstances would find itself in front of an employment tribunal with no chance whatsoever of winning. And you may be prepared to allow yourself to be bullied, but please do not come whining about it on this forum. This had nothing to do with diabetes.