"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yesterday, I decided that discretion would be the better part of valour, so I put the blitzed cauliflower into a box and left it in the fridge. Just as well, even the veg that I included in the Chicken Fu Yung were too much. At least, I think that may have been part of the trouble. Whole digestive system is up in arms since last night and it has been an incredibly painful few hours. Pain has reduced quite a bit now, but still there and my system feels to be pretty well blocked. Might be the "infection", might be the pills to deal with it (is there any truth in the saying "it makes you worse before it makes you better"?) No food today, just fluids, to give my system a chance to recover its equilibrium.
Pleased pain reducing but do ask for a Drs opinion if it is still an issue.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
What an amazing sunny day today but meant that I felt urgent need to tidy the garden. This time of year all the spring bulbs have done their bit but now look straggly and no colour in the garden. So bit the bullet and headed to the garden centre and spent too much! I also got my tomato plants but will bring indoors overnight for a bit longer until plant out. I've read that overnight temperatures need to be consistently over 10 before tomatoes planted outdoors and noticed there is a dip in temps next week so need to be cautious for a while.
I've also been cleaning our decking so it can dry out in time for me to apply decking oil in a few days. Oil needs to dry for a day or two and rain forecast for Sunday so need to strike while the irons hot!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What an amazing sunny day today but meant that I felt urgent need to tidy the garden. This time of year all the spring bulbs have done their bit but now look straggly and no colour in the garden. So bit the bullet and headed to the garden centre and spent too much! I also got my tomato plants but will bring indoors overnight for a bit longer until plant out. I've read that overnight temperatures need to be consistently over 10 before tomatoes planted outdoors and noticed there is a dip in temps next week so need to be cautious for a while.
I've also been cleaning our decking so it can dry out in time for me to apply decking oil in a few days. Oil needs to dry for a day or two and rain forecast for Sunday so need to strike while the irons hot!
Well done on cleaning the decking! For once the weather forecast has been our friend, and I was able to plan a few days sorting my garden out too. I don't have as much energy as I would like, I think maybe it's a carb hangover and might take a while to get back into using ketones.

I always spend too much at the garden centre too! I've grown some heritage yellow plum tomatoes from seed this time though, and also bought some flowering plants for the little polytunnel as well - I have a table and chairs in there and will be using it as a conservatory when it rains!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all! Busy garden day, but I'm not as energetic as I'd like so I was a bit slow. First line dried washing of the year today - must be spring! I've been craving carbs a bit, it'll probably take a while to settle back into very low carb.

3 scrambled eggs
coffee with cream

Pork puffs with chicken liver pate

Beef mince with cauliflower


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done on cleaning the decking! For once the weather forecast has been our friend, and I was able to plan a few days sorting my garden out too. I don't have as much energy as I would like, I think maybe it's a carb hangover and might take a while to get back into using ketones.

I always spend too much at the garden centre too! I've grown some heritage yellow plum tomatoes from seed this time though, and also bought some flowering plants for the little polytunnel as well - I have a table and chairs in there and will be using it as a conservatory when it rains!
Well done on growing tomatoes from seed. I did this one year but found I had too many of one variety and they required a lot of coddling but tasted delicious and did well. I bought 9 different varieties of tomatoes today for my three tomato grow bags. Did this last few years and gave us a big variety of tomatoes. I do love home grown tomatoes - nothing like them and love the smell.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all! Busy garden day, but I'm not as energetic as I'd like so I was a bit slow. First line dried washing of the year today - must be spring! I've been craving carbs a bit, it'll probably take a while to settle back into very low carb.

3 scrambled eggs
coffee with cream

Pork puffs with chicken liver pate

Beef mince with cauliflower
Well done for sticking with it you will get there and once you are burning fat again your energy levels will return.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well done on growing tomatoes from seed. I did this one year but found I had too many of one variety and they required a lot of coddling but tasted delicious and did well. I bought 9 different varieties of tomatoes today for my three tomato grow bags. Did this last few years and gave us a big variety of tomatoes. I do love home grown tomatoes - nothing like them and love the smell.
Yes you can't beat home grown flavour! These heirloom ones are very tough little hombres, last year I neglected a spare tray of them all summer on a garden bench and they actually produced a tomato or two on 5" high starved plants (I did feel very guilty about treating them so badly)! I'm only doing two plants this year, just to have a treat rather than a lasting supply. I've got two baby cucumber plants as well.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Pleased you got a new one and retrieved your online life! my tablet seemed dodgy yesterday and I wondered how hard it would be to retrieve things if it died. Relieved mine is back to its normal - says me crossing fingers madly.
Mine died all of a sudden,it was 5 years old and the guy who tried to fix it, said that is about the normal life span now. I thought I had lost everything but my new one prompted a download to a previous backup and magically everything was there. Lesson learned,phew!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mixed day.
Started with some bad dental news. My plate (partial denture) has broken and won't be fixed before we go on holiday Tuesday. It was only mended in February and I'm trying to say that repair obviously wasn't fit for purpose. Trying for an appointment to discuss options, all of which will have an expensive price tag. How come dentists seem to be above consumer law? Grrr!

Meant to do gardening, but with holiday looming and doing nothing that will need any care for a few weeks, there's not actually that much to do except weeding and keeping the lawn cut.

Instead we walked to a pub some way away for lunch outside, 1st of the year.

Then back for an appointment with a solicitor re wills that need redoing.

Next feeling was smugness as I conjured up a tasty meal from leftovers now on day 3. Fridge emptying down nicely ready for our holiday.

Did I mention we are going on holiday? ;) we are off to Italy, 27°


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mixed day.
Started with some bad dental news. My plate (partial denture) has broken and won't be fixed before we go on holiday Tuesday. It was only mended in February and I'm trying to say that repair obviously wasn't fit for purpose. Trying for an appointment to discuss options, all of which will have an expensive price tag. How come dentists seem to be above consumer law? Grrr!

Meant to do gardening, but with holiday looming and doing nothing that will need any care for a few weeks, there's not actually that much to do except weeding and keeping the lawn cut.

Instead we walked to a pub some way away for lunch outside, 1st of the year.

Then back for an appointment with a solicitor re wills that need redoing.

Next feeling was smugness as I conjured up a tasty meal from leftovers now on day 3. Fridge emptying down nicely ready for our holiday.

Did I mention we are going on holiday? ;) we are off to Italy, 27°
Hugs for your dental woes - dentists definitely always involve unwanted expense.
Italian holiday sounds exciting though - at least with weather picking up here you'll be adjusting towards higher temperatures.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. First time posting on here but I love reading them all. @shelley262, I love your pretty plate! @Annb, I'm so sorry you are sufferingso much. Have you heard of Slippery Elm? When I was a home help (in my distant past), one of my ladies took Slippery Elm every night and swore it helped her digestion. Maybe you could look it up and see if it could help you? I really hope you get some relief.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Morning all. First time posting on here but I love reading them all. @shelley262, I love your pretty plate! @Annb, I'm so sorry you are sufferingso much. Have you heard of Slippery Elm? When I was a home help (in my distant past), one of my ladies took Slippery Elm every night and swore it helped her digestion. Maybe you could look it up and see if it could help you? I really hope you get some relief.
Thank you, Rosemary, for the suggestion. My mum used to take Slippery Elm and it did help her. Unfortunately it seems to be one of the many things that actually upsets my digestion. Perhaps it's not the slippery elm itself, but the other things mixed with it to make it into a powder or a tablet.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Not feeling quite so bad this morning, but still not well enough to go to get my legs rebandaged. Eaten nothing so far and only had one cup of tea about 03.30 with some pain killers. Dozed on and off in the big chair (to add insult to injury, so to speak, I now also have a sore butt from sitting for so long) :banghead: . Not sure yet if I should try to eat or not.

EDIT: I decided to try to eat - BG was 5.6 and I had a look in the fridge for something ready to eat. Something salty, which always used to settle my stomach although I don't usually use much salt. Found a pack of ham and plumped for that. Wasn't my best idea ever. For a while it felt as though it was burning a hole in my stomach, having already burned the back of my throat on the way down. Never done that before! Checking the notes I see that the antibiotic does have sugar and glucose in it as well as a cocktail of E numbers. Nausea is one of the known side effects. I wouldn't mind if it was just nausea. Never mind, only today and tomorrow to take them - might get better after that.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not feeling quite so bad this morning, but still not well enough to go to get my legs rebandaged. Eaten nothing so far and only had one cup of tea about 03.30 with some pain killers. Dozed on and off in the big chair (to add insult to injury, so to speak, I now also have a sore butt from sitting for so long) :banghead: . Not sure yet if I should try to eat or not.

EDIT: I decided to try to eat - BG was 5.6 and I had a look in the fridge for something ready to eat. Something salty, which always used to settle my stomach although I don't usually use much salt. Found a pack of ham and plumped for that. Wasn't my best idea ever. For a while it felt as though it was burning a hole in my stomach, having already burned the back of my throat on the way down. Never done that before! Checking the notes I see that the antibiotic does have sugar and glucose in it as well as a cocktail of E numbers. Nausea is one of the known side effects. I wouldn't mind if it was just nausea. Never mind, only today and tomorrow to take them - might get better after that.
I do hope you'll be feeling better very soon x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello all, I've lost almost all of the regain after the carby week now (hope that actually makes sense!)

I had a good day in the garden, a little bit more energy today but still a bit slow. I know it's not really hot yet but the warmth does seem to affect my energy - I do well working in the garden in the cold as long as it's dry but this year didn't give me that opportunity!

10.30 am
Glass kefir
3 fried eggs with mushrooms
sparkling mineral water (I have this all the time and forget to mention it)
coffee with cream

2pm b
Beef mince with cauliflower leftovers
pork crackling

2 crispy skin chicken legs
Greek yogurt with cream

I might have some pork puffs with chicken liver pate but not very hungry so might not.

Hope everyone is having/has had a good day x


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all, I've lost almost all of the regain after the carby week now (hope that actually makes sense!)

I had a good day in the garden, a little bit more energy today but still a bit slow. I know it's not really hot yet but the warmth does seem to affect my energy - I do well working in the garden in the cold as long as it's dry but this year didn't give me that opportunity!

10.30 am
Glass kefir
3 fried eggs with mushrooms
sparkling mineral water (I have this all the time and forget to mention it)
coffee with cream

2pm b
Beef mince with cauliflower leftovers
pork crackling

2 crispy skin chicken legs
Greek yogurt with cream

I might have some pork puffs with chicken liver pate but not very hungry so might not.

Hope everyone is having/has had a good day x
Well done on pulling things back so successfully and seeing results too in your weight - good for motivation.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Another gardening day today can't believe just how hot it felt in full sun. I've been mainly sorting out weeding my veggie beds and getting some pots ready. I also planted out my drawf beans and my runner beans. This evening will need to water then in. Planning to get up early tomorrow to apply oil to the decking so can do second coat on Saturday if needed.
Looks like outdoor walk this evening again with a podcast.
Hope everyone has had a good day too.
@Annb sorry to hear you are still not right and hope you pick up once off those antibiotics I'm crossing fingers for you.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm way behind on both this thread and the main one, not with reading, I've read everything but didn't get around to posting anything.

I'm still working on a ship (mainly hammering away rust and applying new paint at the moment) and I'm still happy, which is nothing short of a miracle! :joyful: I'm still struggling with combining daily chores like cooking with being away for a large part of the day though, and my meals reflect this.
I've eaten perfectly diabetic friendly low carb meals but I think I could use some more veggies and more interesting meals which require 'real' cooking. Some weeks I've prepared a large pot of something or other to use multiple days, and I think this is the way to go for me if I want to eat something decent.

My lunches (breakfast) at work have now settled to be a head of chicory with hummus, a slice of LC bread dipped in the same hummus because I'm too lazy to prepare a sandwich, and I like it as well so why not, and a couple of small tomatoes. Midnight snack often has chicory again so at least some veggies have been had. :angelic:

This week I didn't prepare something for the week because I wrote this on sunday morning:

Today will be interesting, there is a party at a restaurant owned by traditional fishermen because the place has its 12.5 year anniversary. The owners are friends, and I've worked for them for a while some years back, so I'll see what will be eaten today. May be low carb, maybe not.
The party was amazing, there were so many people there I hadn't seen in a long time!
I didn't at all expect to see most of them, knowing them from sailing, or from the time I lived in the city of Groningen over 12 years ago, I had no idea we all had this place in common. :joyful:

Neighbour Tale and I arrived at around 3 pm, and to my surprise the band playing were friends of mine. It was still early, so not many people yet, I should have made my pictures a bit later but I still like to show them.
We went inside the restaurant to buy a beer, only to get a telling off by the owner who told us to drink the free beer outside, being part of the gang. :hilarious:

The restaurant and stage are right next to the harbour entrance of Lauwersoog, so you have the harbour with fishing ships on the left and the sea on your right.

Pics taken from the top of the restaurant, which was pretty much packed all day, but I guess most of the fancier guests weren't fans of the loud old school punk bands playing.
Outside at the stage there were all kinds of people dancing and having fun.



Later in the afternoon two traditional sailing ships and a 12 meter inflatable boat came back with the other owner of the place, they had been sailing with guests, letting the ships fall dry on the sandbank to collect oysters, which meant seeing more friends from long ago, I've sailed a full season on one of those ships in 2009. We did some helping manoeuvering the RIB out of the way and unloading oysters before catching up with those friends.

Next to the stage was a large barbecue where amazing mussels were being grilled all afternoon for free, and Tale and I went inside to buy a nice pastry thing with cockles and spinach. :hungry: Very much not low carb, but not too big either, nailed the insulin dose in combination with the unexpected work with the ships and the oysters. :)

Will post the rest of this week's food on the main thread.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm way behind on both this thread and the main one, not with reading, I've read everything but didn't get around to posting anything.

I'm still working on a ship (mainly hammering away rust and applying new paint at the moment) and I'm still happy, which is nothing short of a miracle! :joyful: I'm still struggling with combining daily chores like cooking with being away for a large part of the day though, and my meals reflect this.
I've eaten perfectly diabetic friendly low carb meals but I think I could use some more veggies and more interesting meals which require 'real' cooking. Some weeks I've prepared a large pot of something or other to use multiple days, and I think this is the way to go for me if I want to eat something decent.

My lunches (breakfast) at work have now settled to be a head of chicory with hummus, a slice of LC bread dipped in the same hummus because I'm too lazy to prepare a sandwich, and I like it as well so why not, and a couple of small tomatoes. Midnight snack often has chicory again so at least some veggies have been had. :angelic:

This week I didn't prepare something for the week because I wrote this on sunday morning:

The party was amazing, there were so many people there I hadn't seen in a long time!
I didn't at all expect to see most of them, knowing them from sailing, or from the time I lived in the city of Groningen over 12 years ago, I had no idea we all had this place in common. :joyful:

Neighbour Tale and I arrived at around 3 pm, and to my surprise the band playing were friends of mine. It was still early, so not many people yet, I should have made my pictures a bit later but I still like to show them.
We went inside the restaurant to buy a beer, only to get a telling off by the owner who told us to drink the free beer outside, being part of the gang. :hilarious:

The restaurant and stage are right next to the harbour entrance of Lauwersoog, so you have the harbour with fishing ships on the left and the sea on your right.
View attachment 67564

Pics taken from the top of the restaurant, which was pretty much packed all day, but I guess most of the fancier guests weren't fans of the loud old school punk bands playing.
Outside at the stage there were all kinds of people dancing and having fun.

View attachment 67566

View attachment 67567

Later in the afternoon two traditional sailing ships and a 12 meter inflatable boat came back with the other owner of the place, they had been sailing with guests, letting the ships fall dry on the sandbank to collect oysters, which meant seeing more friends from long ago, I've sailed a full season on one of those ships in 2009. We did some helping manoeuvering the RIB out of the way and unloading oysters before catching up with those friends.

Next to the stage was a large barbecue where amazing mussels were being grilled all afternoon for free, and Tale and I went inside to buy a nice pastry thing with cockles and spinach. :hungry: Very much not low carb, but not too big either, nailed the insulin dose in combination with the unexpected work with the ships and the oysters. :)

Will post the rest of this week's food on the main thread.
Love catching up with your news and hearing about your happy times.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The party was lovely, and I had lots of grilled mussels and a (very much not low carb but small) pastry thing with cockles and spinach, and a sandwich when I came home at 9 pm.
Didn't make a pic, but I did make pictures of my evening meals during the week, I just didn't get around to posting. And to be honest, they're not my best meals by a long way, but it was food and it was low carb, so here you go:

Monday: LC bread with a fried turkey egg with some kind of sausage and Muenster cheese.
View attachment 67568

Tuesday: A burger, fried onions, a small fried tomato, and broccoli. Raclette cheese on both burger and broccoli.
View attachment 67569

Wednesday: Slice of LC bread with chorizo and a LC cracker with gormas cheese (which is gorgonzola and mascarpone in alternate layers, very tasty).
View attachment 67570

Today: A burger, 3 slices of chorizo, and raclette cheese on LC bread.
View attachment 67571
Your English is nigh on perfect @Antje77 but, just so you know, English speakers do not make photos and pictures with a camera.

Whereas Dutch, German, Czech and Polish speakers make photos, in English we take pictures and photos with a camera (although an artist might make a sketch). There's no logical reason, AFAIK. In French, the verb prendre is used, so that's probably where it came from.