What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
FBG 6.8 high for me.
Yesterday was so warm and sunny I was gardening deshabellé. OK, first time in short sleeve tshirt this year. Now have slight pink tinge to upper arms and chest area and a bright pink nose. This morning have been preparing vegetables including courgettes for Kiki. Disaster! The steamer boiled dry , now the kitchen has a very distinct odour of char. Am hoping the copious amount of rinsing has removed the smoky smell , otherwise Kiki may refuse to eat them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all. Today has always been celebrated as both my mum's birthday and the first day of spring chez P so forget fbg or the news. Locate the dinky strimmer, fire up the venerable RR (I don't have and never desired a quattro - even Suzi), acquire flowers and head for the Old Country. There is a wonderful artisanal baker/patisserie in my home village so treats for JKP and MIL @dunelm that small red boat rescued an otherwise bleak piece for me - thanks. @gennepher whimsical creative today thanks - hobbit houses? Let's do Thursday.
Thank you Ian...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Looks a bit like Alice's Wonderland. Charming.

Really Gennepher, I don't know how you cope with all these techie things. I feel quite inadequate when I can't even get a mobile phone to work. Neil is no help there - he dislikes mobile phones intently, as he does Microsoft products, so will take nothing to do with them.

Neil, at present, is working through the specifications we've received from the installers of the new and has identified areas where they seem to have got it wrong, so he is revising their spec and sending it back to them.

I had a word with both of the "boys" about getting prostate checks done. Neil reckons that he gets a PSA figure each time he has a blood test (not sure about that myself so asked him to check next time he's talking to a doctor), Alistair said he thought the surgery would contact him to get tested, but it hasn't happened so far. He agreed to ask about it next time he sees a nurse for a BP check. I think it's important because both are in their 50's and my father and my husband both had prostate cancer which was caught early enough and treated.

Still a bit shaky today but my BP is a bit on the high side so maybe that's the cause. It would be a new symptom if it is. I checked it because I thought it might be a bit low. Wrong! At least I lost a bit more weight this week, so that's one good thing. Also found that fermented foods aren't good for me. That's another gain from the week. Sold my heavy, professional contact grill to a man who appears to be setting up a catering business - many of the asylum seekers start up doing that. He looks to be either Afghan or Syrian. Had a lovely visit from 2 friends - one Afghan and one Persian - to wish me a happy Naw Ruz. Lightened my day yesterday. That's another plus for the week. Just going out for the leg bandaging ritual. Now that I have nurses looking after my legs, they are being so helpful and supportive. (Another plus. I have a lot to be grateful for.)

Then of course, there's you guys. Very much something to be grateful for.

EDIT: Meant to say BG at 05:30 today was 7.0 and is now, after breakfast, down to the 5's. Still behaving a bit oddly, but on the whole, I can't complain.
Thank you very much for the drawing/painting compliment @Annb
I am not a techie person, my son will tell tell you that emphatically....

But I do try, and I do get there...eventually...

I absolutely detest Microsoft....

Enjoy the rest of your day Ann


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a drizzly start to International Bin Day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 this am. Up and at em this morning - part 2 of my Shingles jab and then off to the bakery for our loaves. Art bit - still trying to use up a bowl of ink that I over poured a few days ago - random wet runs, a bit of white, a dab of pale yellow and a thumb of red. Hope your day is a good one. I have had koffy and best get going.

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That excess bowl of ink will surely last you a few days yet @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Today has always been celebrated as both my mum's birthday and the first day of spring chez P so forget fbg or the news. Locate the dinky strimmer, fire up the venerable RR (I don't have and never desired a quattro - even Suzi), acquire flowers and head for the Old Country. There is a wonderful artisanal baker/patisserie in my home village so treats for JKP and MIL @dunelm that small red boat rescued an otherwise bleak piece for me - thanks. @gennepher whimsical creative today thanks - hobbit houses? Let's do Thursday.
Thank you @ianpspurs - small boats to the rescue


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good morning everyone on a drizzly start to International Bin Day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 this am. Up and at em this morning - part 2 of my Shingles jab and then off to the bakery for our loaves. Art bit - still trying to use up a bowl of ink that I over poured a few days ago - random wet runs, a bit of white, a dab of pale yellow and a thumb of red. Hope your day is a good one. I have had koffy and best get going.

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Ow! I hope that little boat didn't get overwhelmed by that massive wave.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Several graves visited. Parents' grave about 30 yards from where we lived until 2013 when I inherited and remodelled their bungalow - too many walls and too much plaster for me. Dad's brother's grave a yard to the right of theirs, one set of my grandparents and one set of theirs within 10 yards. Anglicans buried in the Parish churchyard (famous for Dorothy L Sayers) and a part of Cambridge famous for the folk festival. Cakes for the gels caked - substantial slabs I'd say. Small family business so happy to support that. Also had a range of breads including sourdough, rye, sunflower seed but no full ingredients list nor nutritional details. No danger of me going off piste with most cakes but a bite or two of a quality slice of millionaires shortbread would be worth the 30 mins rise and return to base.


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Back from town - legs redone for another week. Good news - the charity shop phoned (after Neil went into the shop this morning and asked about picking up our stuff) and they will come to collect it all tomorrow, that's a relief. I tried to phone the container hire people but, once again, no answer so I e-mailed and explained that it is now urgent. Just got an e-mail back to say they are waiting for a local firm with a "Hiab" to give them a date but it won't be today or tomorrow because there is a gale blowing right now. Don't I know it? I really had a struggle getting to the car this morning and nearly went over both getting to it and coming back in again when we got home. Invigorating - is that the word? Not all that uncommon in the Islands. "A nice fresh day, as some would have it." It is bright though, in between the squalls. Still plodding through the paperwork and throwing out lots of old stuff. Do I really need old car bills or 40 year old cheques and cheque stubbs, as well as paper bank statements from 1964 onwards? Must say the bank statements are interesting showing that I used to pay in a cheque for my wages in a local firm of £5 a week and draw £13 for my keep for my MIL (Tom was away at sea) and for pocket money (tights, shoes, clothes etc). Wouldn't go far now.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fbg 6.5

I was out yesterday where there were people. I meant to do some sketches but forgot.

Came home and wondered how I'd forgot.
I still have an iPad one and an iPad two. I keep all my old devices charged up. They still have some drawing/painting apps on which could never be updated to the later iOS software, so that's why I like them and keep them going. I have recently changed my password. I consequently got locked out of both. iPad one refused to play ball. ipad two, after jumping through a pile of hoops, I managed to get it to accept my new password after having to prove my identity, 1 million times over.... The drawing I did this morning is from a sketching app on the iPad two. I just happen to like it because it was one of my first sketching apps. I am a bit out of practice sketching on it at the moment, and this is just a bit of lighthearted fun...and so that is my creative this morning...

iPad one, I wiped it clean of everything. Then surprise suprprise it invited me to set up the iPad again. Could I reinstall everything? I don't have time at the moment with having to tidy up before my daughter arrives. But I did have a load of music on it which someone sent me, a couple years, after I'd had my cochlear Implant, which I used to play through a speaker, and I still have that speaker. The last time the iPad one was backed up was December 23, so that will be still in the Apple cloud. I assume that music was backed up as well. Anyway, when I have time, I am going to see what I can do with it, and I have also found out that I can jailbreak it to do something else with it, might be worth a play and a practice??? Nothing to lose there! Otherwise I was going to use the black screen of the iPad one as an acrylic painting palette...

This will be an April project...

Nighttime Wildlife camera.
Fox & Badger
32 secs

Time for brekkies...

And a nap...I have been awake since 3 am...

Have your best day..

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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
It sounds as though someone is taking your problems a bit more seriously and, with any luck, that may lead to some extra help for yourself and Mrs L. Congratulations on your 43 years.
Thanks and yes our GP is.
6.8 this a.m, pre everything, as usual on a Thursday.
Three phone calls to and from social services this morning. And it seems to have awakened the 'team '. Another phone call due tomorrow or early next week, to arrange home visit for another assessment, not only for Mrs L but for me as well.
The doctor has also put in process, falls team, occupational therapy, sleep team and a couple more that has slipped my mind. Oh yeah counselling for Mrs L, but she refused. Also to get her out more!

#8 called in and had me laughing into a good mood. His language skills are very proficient for his age. At thirty monthe, he is asking for things, making requests and talks about his things and toys. I have seen it in girls, but not a boy. Maybe because of his older sister and cousins could have done this.
He is still a ragtag tho!!

Fish going in oven for tea.

It's bloody chilly out there, windy with the odd showering through. Cold weekend upon us.
Have started planning to upgrade a part of my back garden, which will keep me busy, and hopefully work out as my front garden has, it will brighten up that area.

I do feel better after doctors, phone calls and counselling.

My best wishes to you all as always my friends!

Can't believe it's 43 years.
Distinctly remember fluffing my lines, which all hands noticed and give me gip all day!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good national bin day Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and those celebrating a wedding anniversary, events to be cherished.

Blood sugars were 11.1 insulin calculated and administered, tea and koffy drunk, plinky plonky completed, 40 minutes. All that remains is two retrieve the wheelie bin, give front lawn a mild and hopefully not bitter trim, then smile at a poor unsuspecting stranger, either making their day or terrifying them.

Time to depart, there by getting on with active life.
Thanks and be careful of those mowers!
Wish I could get on mine.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks and yes our GP is.
6.8 this a.m, pre everything, as usual on a Thursday.
Three phone calls to and from social services this morning. And it seems to have awakened the 'team '. Another phone call due tomorrow or early next week, to arrange home visit for another assessment, not only for Mrs L but for me as well.
The doctor has also put in process, falls team, occupational therapy, sleep team and a couple more that has slipped my mind. Oh yeah counselling for Mrs L, but she refused. Also to get her out more!

#8 called in and had me laughing into a good mood. His language skills are very proficient for his age. At thirty monthe, he is asking for things, making requests and talks about his things and toys. I have seen it in girls, but not a boy. Maybe because of his older sister and cousins could have done this.
He is still a ragtag tho!!

Fish going in oven for tea.

It's bloody chilly out there, windy with the odd showering through. Cold weekend upon us.
Have started planning to upgrade a part of my back garden, which will keep me busy, and hopefully work out as my front garden has, it will brighten up that area.

I do feel better after doctors, phone calls and counselling.

My best wishes to you all as always my friends!

Can't believe it's 43 years.
Distinctly remember fluffing my lines, which all hands noticed and give me gip all day!
All looking quite positive so hope they get lots of help in place fairly sharply for you both.