What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All so 7.1 after a bad week of FBGs for this penguin. Best wishes to @DEBBIESCOTT and OH for recovery, @MissMuffett for MRI, @Ladynijo for poorly puddytat hope result is good and oc @Bcgirl hope the forthcoming MRI is good you seem to manage your D so well last but not least hug to @RoughcutAU keep carrying on you will get there.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
7.2 at 7:30! To be expected. We’ll not say anything about the baguette and 2 Halloween French Fancies I had after my mri yesterday! I still need to analyse why I sabotage my progress and feel I need to reward myself with cr*p food :banghead:

Have a thoughtful Thursday everyone x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, I am going to start posting in here as I like the extra chat option.

5.3 on my second test (half an hour later) as the first was 4.3!!

Something weird keeps happening with my morning readings. I usually wake up, pee, wash hands and take my readings and up until now they have been in the 5s and 6s. But a few times in the last week, my readings have been in the 4s, but if I wait and retest, they are back in the 5s and 6s. It seems my dawn phenomenon is taking its time to get going all of a sudden. Is that normal, have I turned into a sloth?
Welcome I post on both threads and this one is more interesting .


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cheese and Tories,
I forgot to check this morning but I did get an email with my blood results from last week and my Hba1c is now 35. Had a meal deal for lunch, chicken pasta main and two eggs as the snack. Just done a 2hrs later test and 8.3 but I didn't test beforehand so I don't know how much of a spike it is. I still have my cold/flu so it'll be a bit higher due to that.