What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning All. 7.3 put on a Libre yesterday as off to Lanzarote for a week tomo. Anyway it showed that my BG started to rise at 3am and I’m not going to test my FBG at that time of the morning. My evening meal is eaten before 7pm so what to do? Carry on carrying on me thinks. Good news @RoughcutAU and good patience and @Ashybang keep going the steroids will have had an effect.
Happy Friday and take care everyone.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Morning All. 7.3 put on a Libre yesterday as off to Lanzarote for a week tomo. Anyway it showed that my BG started to rise at 3am and I’m not going to test my FBG at that time of the morning. My evening meal is eaten before 7pm so what to do? Carry on carrying on me thinks. Good news @RoughcutAU and good patience and @Ashybang keep going the steroids will have had an effect.
Happy Friday and take care everyone.
Mine goes up around 3am most nights as well. It comes back down fairly quickly. I surmised that I get restless around that time, either cold ( bedroom around 10 deg C), or in need of the loo.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
7.0 at 7:30 It’s what can I expect if I keep eating bad things. :rolleyes: I can’t get rid of these cravings and my will power is at zero :arghh:

Have a fab Friday everyone x
One approach is to have your last meal of the day no later than 18.00 and avoid snacking afterwards.

If you get the munchies during the evening, a spoonful of Marmite in a mug of hot water may help. I found brushing my teeth with a favourite toothpaste (instead of waiting until bedtime) made sweet nibbles seem less appealing.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
One approach is to have your last meal of the day no later than 18.00 and avoid snacking afterwards.

If you get the munchies during the evening, a spoonful of Marmite in a mug of hot water may help. I found brushing my teeth with a favourite toothpaste (instead of waiting until bedtime) made sweet nibbles seem less appealing.
Thank you for your suggestions :)

Marmite! You either love it or hate it!:D It’s in the afternoons I struggle and if I have to nip to the shop I find things jumping into my basket! If I stay off the sweet stuff for 2-3 days I get out of the habit. That’s why I love supermarket deliveries as I buy what I should and don’t have the temptation.


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FBG of 6.1 this morning. Such a tease, this diabetes thing.

A sense of achievement today as I jumped on the scales and found I'd hit my target weight, set in February on diagnosis. I knew I needed to lose some, so all good from that point of view. Just need to figure out a maintenance diet now which also keeps the FBG down.


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Tablets (oral)
Morning 5.4 today.
@MissMuffett @LivingLightly I have found that I mainly get cravings after drinking alcohol after my meal and that eating a square or two of 100% absolute black chocolate slowely kills any cravings - but this is usually after I have tried to find the crisps or raided the salted nuts!
I find substitution is the best trick for me - if I get the munchies, I've a range of substitute snacks at home which take the edge off and stop me having worse. I bake little cookies with almond/coconut flour to snack on at coffee/tea time (plenty recipes online), or have a handful of nuts, or pork scratchings, a chunk of cheese or a plain yoghurt, all of which are low carb and barely register on my BG levels, but they do take the edge off the appetite. I try and keep temptation out of the fridge and food cupboard, so I've got rid of all the sweetened biscuits, cakes etc, although a square of 85% dark chocolate after a meal is my treat of the day. And if all else fails, sugar free chewing gum is another quick fix.

My struggle at the moment is with eating out - what to order that isn't going to send BG up into the stratosphere for hours. Sometimes its difficult to tell from a description what's in a dish, and there is just so much added sugar and carbs in a lot of dishes, plus a lack of awareness from restaurant staff about the problem.


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Wow all these tips are great and it's nice to know I'm not on my own, with cravings at stupid o clock in the early hours, or very late night munchies needs or wants.
I'm a swine for early hour strong but creamy coffees, and I often can't resist a spoon of honey or sugar .....
I stare with guilt at the sweetener tub when this happens , drink a satisfying coffee and then feel awful cos I know that sugar is not necessary...... and my Blood Glucose will rise.....grrrr it drives me mad though and I feel no better drinking my coffee with sweetex or similar, as I feel I'm missing out then.
Just can't win at this game.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Thank you for your suggestions :)

Marmite! You either love it or hate it!:D It’s in the afternoons I struggle and if I have to nip to the shop I find things jumping into my basket! If I stay off the sweet stuff for 2-3 days I get out of the habit. That’s why I love supermarket deliveries as I buy what I should and don’t have the temptation.
Perhaps supermarket deliveries are the answer then.

Btw, have you tried Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate bars, with no added sugar, no gluten, soya free and made without dairy ingredients? Perfect if you follow a keto or low-carb lifestyle, also have food intolerances, I imagine.

It's made in Sussex and available from Sainsbury's and Waitrose. Perhaps it's an acquired taste, but quickly grew on me. It's rich and intense, so a little after lunch goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Wow all these tips are great and it's nice to know I'm not on my own, with cravings at stupid o clock in the early hours, or very late night munchies needs or wants.
I'm a swine for early hour strong but creamy coffees, and I often can't resist a spoon of honey or sugar .....
I stare with guilt at the sweetener tub when this happens , drink a satisfying coffee and then feel awful cos I know that sugar is not necessary...... and my Blood Glucose will rise.....grrrr it drives me mad though and I feel no better drinking my coffee with sweetex or similar, as I feel I'm missing out then.
Just can't win at this game.....
I’m the same with creamy coffee. I make it in a large mug, top it up with almond milk and then a generous dollop of double cream. Yummy and it doesn’t raise my BG. If I want a sweet coffee I put erythritol in it which doesn’t raise my BG either. Might be worth a try? I don’t keep sugar or honey in the house anymore and I don’t like it now anyway.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
If I want a sweet coffee I put erythritol in it which doesn’t raise my BG either. Might be worth a try? I don’t keep sugar or honey in the house anymore and I don’t like it now anyway.
Oh , you can tell I'm new to this. I've not heard of erythrotol until you mentioned it.
must be worth a test run.....Thanks for the tip. Up until now, the best artificial sweetener that suits me, is one I get from Lidl.
It's the next big step I suppose is discarding the honey & sugar completely.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oh , you can tell I'm new to this. I've not heard of erythrotol until you mentioned it.
must be worth a test run.....Thanks for the tip. Up until now, the best artificial sweetener that suits me, is one I get from Lidl.
It's the next big step I suppose is discarding the honey & sugar completely.....
I get mine from Amazon, it seems a lot of money but I use 2 tsp per mug per day (I try and only have one mug of sweet coffee as a treat) so it lasts over a month