What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.1 at 7:30. Haven't been able to get into the 5s this week but that’s my own stupid fault for overstepping the mark of 20g carbs a day.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone. My daughter is doing the Moon walk marathon tonight in London wearing a flowery bra in aid of breast cancer! Pity some of it isn’t televised


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello Saturday people! This morning I was 5.3 FBG, which is very acceptable.

A bit stressed today as I have to take something back to SportsDirect because it doesn’t fit and I anticipate a confrontation. They’re not exactly a retail chain with customer empathy.

On the plus side, my new sofa is wonderful


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
10.3 at 6.45am :(

I've only been testing for just about 2 weeks. I was denied a meter/strips and discouraged from testing ! No medication (yet, but will be I'm told) still waiting to attend DESMOND.

i had 2 Ryvita with cheese and 2 digestives at 10pm.

This is the highest morning reading yet.

I'm discovering that I can't even eat a little something 9- 10pm anymore with my readings being about min 7.5 and 9.5 in the mornings :cry: I have no clue what to do as I'm sometimes at the gym so don't get home until 8.30pm...

With the help of meters and logging, it took me years to find out what foods are good and how much to eat. To keep my BG in non diabetic range. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Another 5.3 FBG this morning

That was despite fortifying myself with fish chips & peas at lunchtime to tackle the SportsDirect return, who were fine, much to my relief. My heart sank waiting in the queue whilst a guy argued with them about some trainers, which clearly had the labels attached and which they were insisting had been worn. But they simply gave me a credit note, which I call a result.

Have a good Sunday.

Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.9 this morning. weekly average 7.2. This is looking a lot better than a month ago.

I had stopped testing for a long time and started again after my wife wanted to do a blood test on herself. I was a bit shocked to find my glucose reading were quite high 8-10. I think this was because I had stopped being so vigilant on low carbs and was eating the occasional pizza and chocolate. I also noticed that my weight was a lot higher at 78kg than back in 2018 when it was 71kg. So my mission now is to lose some weight and lower my blood sugar through a better diet and exercise.

It seems to take a while for your body to get acclimatised again to strict LCHF. I eat Alpro No sugar yoghurt and use Alpro No Sugars Almond milk in tea and coffee. This has zero sugar and zero carbs. For snacks I eat nuts (typically Brazil and Walnuts), avocado, Baby Bell cheese and some hummus with carrots or celery. Lunch is typically some steamed veg e.g cauliflower, sprouts, broccoli and a vegetarian burger or similar. I also eat strawberries and raspberries with cream.

I have noticed some higher reading mid morning ( 8-9 ) even though I have not eaten anything that day. This might be due to me drinking a lot of coffee in the morning and this causing a liver dump of glucose.