What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Ps my wardrobes are over flowing with whimsical things so I know what you mean, but I need none of them!!K

Talking of wardrobes ours used to be shared 50:50. My share 20 years later is down to less than 10%.! Might be given a wardrobe down in the garage the way things are going.?
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Hi lxarix
It's cold but it's not -3 C now that's cold, just checked UK Northwest temperatures here 9C so we have a way to get down to your temperatures.
Your BG is ok in 6s I'm usually in this range but had a few 5s recently but I don't like going into 4 s don't feel right.
Are you keeping well in spite of the cold chilly weather you have,I'd never go outside if weather was so cold,I'd hibernate!! Ha ha!! K
I went out for lunch yesterday. There wasn't any snow yesterday day, just a bit cold. Today we got lots of snow. I have heard the city snow plows go by, we live on a city bus route, and they always get priority for the snow cleared from them, so the road is pretty good. If you're dressed for the cold it can be nice to be out and about in it. Though as I've gotten older I sort of enter hibernation mode and stay in for most of the winter.

I've been happy with my BG readings lately, they've been pretty steady 6s lately when I've gotten up.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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My own wardrobe used to be filled with silk pyjamas. Sadly now it is just filled with very fat moths
Mr d im glad you had a spiffing day and a good catch up with old friends sounds as if you had an amazing time im so glad your puppy was unphased by all the noise tooas for buying a new shotgun my advice would be NAH save your money unless you plan to make this a regular thing all in all a good day me thinks hope that low bg didnt give you too much trouble either you now i worry about you
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@Granny_grump_ and @karen8967 thank you both for your sage advice. To be perfectly honest I no longer have the time to go shooting on a regular basis. Between work and teaching and my dawg and playing piano I barely have enough time to sleep. It was fantastic to go out today but I now realise that it was the company I was in and not shooting the clays that really did it for me.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@Granny_grump_ and @karen8967 thank you both for your sage advice. To be perfectly honest I no longer have the time to go shooting on a regular basis. Between work and teaching and my dawg and playing piano I barely have enough time to sleep. It was fantastic to go out today but I now realise that it was the company I was in and not shooting the clays that really did it for me.
Good for you so no buying the shotgun then ... you do lead a very busy life mr d im exhausted reading your reply and i do look forward to your lighthearted posts for a good start to all our days as im sure im not just speaking for myself how is your piano piece coming along have you mastered it yet as you can see i still love my emojis ps what do you teach and whats your dog called
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Awwwww Lady K, you are making me blush. The piano is going very well and the one regret I have about it is that I didn't find it 30 years ago. I do love playing however so it doesn't really meter I suppose when I found it. I teach fly fishing for salmon, sea trout, trout and grayling but mainly salmon. I also run fly dressing classes for the same species and dress flies to order. I try not to push that side of what I do too much because it is very time consuming and people are reluctant to pay the rate. My little doggie is called Eden. She was born approximately 200 yards from the River Eden near Carlisle. Hence the name


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...wide awake at 04:00...eventually gave up...got up...full of aches & pains...blitzed the house yesterday...polished...vacuumed ...shampooed carpets...two long walks with the dog...felt virtuous...until this morning...seem to have rediscovered those long lost inner thigh muscles...tendons & ligaments I thought had packed up & left long ago...my plans for today...b***r all...comfy chair...rubbish TV...feet up...do not disturb...woke to a 4.9


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
I dont challenge my doctors or DN’s decisions. I make my own and then tell them to keep them in the picture so to speak. They only provide me with the required prescriptions. Believe that us diabetics get a pretty poor service from surgeries. I say that as a diabetic and as a pharmacist.
Hi Ymdawd
Totally agree with you I have found myself questioning what my gp advices after a lifetime of accepting they knew best. Now I'm not so sure especially with diabetes they seem to be almost robotic in they all follow each other's rule of thumb NHS guidelines,well has we have found out on here one size does not fit all. K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Morning...wide awake at 04:00...eventually gave up...got up...full of aches & pains...blitzed the house yesterday...polished...vacuumed ...shampooed carpets...two long walks with the dog...felt virtuous...until this morning...seem to have rediscovered those long lost inner thigh muscles...tendons & ligaments I thought had packed up & left long ago...my plans for today...b***r all...comfy chair...rubbish TV...feet up...do not disturb...woke to a 4.9
Morning @Bubbsie and
Welcome to the wide awake club I've been awake just before 4 am, coming down with a cold took more beechhams tablets drinking hot lemon on settee now with dogs so hubby can get some sleep he's on nights tonight,a little light relief from me coughing. Tested BG at 4 am 6.4 last time I had any food was yesterday lunchtime , ****** tv not working and street alarms are going off, just what I need.
Congratulations Bubbsie sounds like you had a great workout chill today and give those muscles a rest.
And Hope Ymdawd we all get some sleep tonight,the dogs take up more of the settee than I and there only pugs! Ha ha! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning @Bubbsie and
Welcome to the wide awake club I've been awake just before 4 am, coming down with a cold took more beechhams tablets drinking hot lemon on settee now with dogs so hubby can get some sleep he's on nights tonight,a little light relief from me coughing. Tested BG at 4 am 6.4 last time I had any food was yesterday lunchtime , ****** tv not working and street alarms are going off, just what I need.
Congratulations Bubbsie sounds like you had a great workout chill today and give those muscles a rest.
And Hope Ymdawd we all get some sleep tonight,the dogs take up more of the settee than I and there only pugs! Ha ha! K
Was just about to reply & empathise with you GG...until I saw the magic words...PUGS...I want a pug...need a pug...would love a pug...swop Harry?...as you can see he doesn't take up much room on the sofa...honest;).


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Ymdawd
Totally agree with you I have found myself questioning what my gp advices after a lifetime of accepting they knew best. Now I'm not so sure especially with diabetes they seem to be almost robotic in they all follow each other's rule of thumb NHS guidelines,well has we have found out on here one size does not fit all. K
I initially took my GPs advice for the first couple of months...no need to test...buy a copy of carbs & cals...take the pills (Metformin)...book yourself on an education course...see you in three months...three months later having reduced my BGs from 17.4 at diagnosis to 8.2..because 8.2 kept me in the inadequate control range...he insisted I had to have the maximum dose of Metformin...upped my dosage from 2 500mgs to four 500mgs daily... no credit given for the reduction in my BG...or weight loss...came home...thought about it...wrote to him...explained all my concerns...he was on the phone straight away...had a very long conversation with him...no medication increase...now...during my appointments.we have discussions about my treatment...make a joint decision...and he is learning more about diabetes after each one


Feliĉa dimanĉo al ĉiuj vi kaj eble via tago pleniĝu de aventuro. I have a lovely bruise on the top of my shoulder from mid handling the gun yesterday. It looks for all the world like the number 3.5 and my waking blood sugars are 3.5mmols. I am now away for a jaunty Sunday morning with my doggie


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
An 8.6 as stopped being so obsessive with my diabetes.
I guess I'll have to lift the gauntlet again after xmas. All the testing and constantly at it isn't possible for me 24/7. Christmas is coming! My kids don't want my management stopping their fun, neither do I.
Diabetes is having to come 2nd for a while!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
An 8.6 as stopped being so obsessive with my diabetes.
I guess I'll have to lift the gauntlet again after xmas. All the testing and constantly at it isn't possible for me 24/7. Christmas is coming! My kids don't want my management stopping their fun, neither do I.
Diabetes is having to come 2nd for a while!
I wish I could stop my obsession
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