What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.8 this morning. For some reason also really hungry. Might be all the boxes of Christmas chocs lying around that I can see but cant eat. Lol. Hubby trying to lose weight so not keen on eating them either.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A whopping 7.8 today. Not sure why. Very low carb yesterday, and lots of walking in fresh air. I do have a bit of a wheezy cough again, though, and have needed to use inhalers more than usual.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Most likely caused by the steroids you are on. Once you or off them you will likely go down. They affect both beta cell function and increase liver glucose synthesis.
Hello David, @DMG59 . Welcome.
Are you going to join this merry band of fasting blood glucose recorders?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
What's wrong? X
Still going high phil my basal rates are higher than when on injections high numbers make me feel ill even my ic ratio has shot up i have an appointment on the 28th and if things havent improved by then i am going back to mdi in 3 weeks ive only been in range 17%of the time .how are you getting on with your new pump ? X


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Still going high phil my basal rates are higher than when on injections high numbers make me feel ill even my ic ratio has shot up i have an appointment on the 28th and if things havent improved by then i am going back to mdi in 3 weeks ive only been in range 17%of the time .how are you getting on with your new pump ? X
Sorry to hear that Karen, first pump 4 years ago was a insight , had some problems with the teflon cannulas ie useless on the right side of my body, poor absorption, when I worked well i was using 20% less insulin compared to mdi, since changing to the ypsopump and the steel cannulas it's been brilliant, 25% less insulin than mdi and a in range of 95%, it's not tubeless and you can't bolus from the app . I turned down the omnipod due to the cannulas and maybe that's the problem for you, hope they can sought you out x
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