What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Diabetes, rudeness
Morning all, fbg 7.7 didn't test before bed . I've come to realisation that I'm snacking on too much dark chocolate and nuts at night after my wife pointed it out . Going to see how this works out for my fbg by not consuming anything after my dinner.
Enjoy your day folks


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Knew the run of fives couldn’t last- 6.2 this morning. Not bad considering a disturbed night, what with leg cramps, being too cold and it blowing a hooley outside. And the late night video someone sent me of Jarvis Cocker live in Sheffield!

I ran out of test strips yesterday so no FBG until I bought some more. (Jolly expensive!) It was quite liberating in one way but anxiety inducing in another.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Good morning, 5.00 mmol again this morning from California. My FBG is more or less in the same range. The bad part is that my diet is more or less the same too. I wonder if this might look or sound strange, lot of other animals eat the same diet all the time and they stay alive too!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
8.flipping 8:arghh:.
True confessions…. I ate a rather nice home baked sausage roll. Flaky pastry was melt in the mouth delicious. It was self destructive, as I know anything made with wheat flour does the spiky thing to me, and then puts me into a deep sleep. The sleep was refreshing. Better than the leg cramp sleepless nights of late, but not something I will repeat in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am totally confused with readings. Safe AQ = 6.8 mmol & Sinocare safe-accu = 3.1 mol. Can anyone advise me. I am newly diagnosed and taking metformin.
Hi and welcome to the thread. Just a supposition, but to me the 6.8 is probably the more expected result and not bad for someone just starting out on this journey. The 3.1 is quite low but it is not impossible however there is just so much disparity between the results that I suspect that one of them is out of kilter. I wonder is the Safe Accu reading may have been corrupted in some way? Were both sets of strips in date? Maybe there was insufficient blood on the Safe Accu meter to give an accurate reading. Did you do a retest?