What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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Tablets (oral)
Aggghhhg I hope its not spiking me, as I've been drinking gallons of the stuff.
I'm out at the moment, but will look later.
I haven't noticed adverse effects from drinking the squash previously, but will keep a close eye on it now. Ty for keeping me informed.
Acessulfate and sucralose are in the squash I drink.
I've just read, they may cause inflammation of gut, Obesity and Diabetes.
So the drink I've used to help me lose weight and reduce Blood Glucose levels, has had the opposite effect.

Now that's settled.....
Where do I go from here?
Water is the logical choice for hydration, but I find it tediously boring and bland to drink on a regular basis.
Looks like I'm snookered.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Acessulfate and sucralose are in the squash I drink.
I've just read, they may cause inflammation of gut, Obesity and Diabetes.
So the drink I've used to help me lose weight and reduce Blood Glucose levels, has had the opposite effect.

Now that's settled.....
Where do I go from here?
Water is the logical choice for hydration, but I find it tediously boring and bland to drink on a regular basis.
Looks like I'm snookered.....
I put a slice of lime in mine. Like you, I used to drink litres of squash (Robinsons, no added sugar, very diluted). Now I love water - it is strangely creamy as I drink it!

Anyhoo, back to the subject in hand
After yesterday’s disastrous meal which I assumed would be safe and BG readings in the double figures for the rest of the day, my readings this morning were:
Libre 8.1
Meter 7.3

Libre is on its last 24 hours before needing replaced so I am assuming the out of whack reading vs the meter is due to that.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I put a slice of lime in mine. Like you, I used to drink litres of squash (Robinsons, no added sugar, very diluted). Now I love water - it is strangely creamy as I drink it!
I MUST change drinking habits immediately and I will try the Lime in a glass or several of water.
Thank you for replying and the advice.
It could make a huge difference to my health, getting me away from the sweeteners.......... Thanks......


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Acessulfate and sucralose are in the squash I drink.
I've just read, they may cause inflammation of gut, Obesity and Diabetes.
So the drink I've used to help me lose weight and reduce Blood Glucose levels, has had the opposite effect.

Now that's settled.....
Where do I go from here?
Water is the logical choice for hydration, but I find it tediously boring and bland to drink on a regular basis.
Looks like I'm snookered.....
Have you tried fruit teas? I quite often drink them cold, sometimes with fruit in for added flavour and sparkling water so it's like a fizzy iced tea. You could try different flavour combinations and strengths to see if you enjoy that. I also love cucumber, lemon and mint in water. I'm actually able to drink water now but for quite a while I couldn't so I totally understand.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Have you tried fruit teas? I quite often drink them cold, sometimes with fruit in for added flavour and sparkling water so it's like a fizzy iced tea. You could try different flavour combinations and strengths to see if you enjoy that. I also love cucumber, lemon and mint in water. I'm actually able to drink water now but for quite a while I couldn't so I totally understand.
Fruit teas and fruit of any kind spikes my BG which is a pity as I used to drink a lot of them.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
Really?? I would not have thought it with the teas, something else for me to look out for lol
Oh you are probably fine! Everyone reacts differently to different foods. I am hoping that in the future my body will cope with more things. Right now, though, if my tongue tastes sweet things, my brain says “oh yay! Sugar!! And sends the message to my liver.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Have you tried fruit teas? I quite often drink them cold, sometimes with fruit in for added flavour and sparkling water so it's like a fizzy iced tea. You could try different flavour combinations and strengths to see if you enjoy that. I also love cucumber, lemon and mint in water. I'm actually able to drink water now but for quite a while I couldn't so I totally understand.
Never tried fruit teas. It kind of didn't sit right in my head......
fruit, mixed with tea.
However, I know these teas are popular and worth looking at as an alternative to plain water. Thanks for the tip....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Oh you are probably fine! Everyone reacts differently to different foods. I am hoping that in the future my body will cope with more things. Right now, though, if my tongue tastes sweet things, my brain says “oh yay! Sugar!! And sends the message to my liver.
I know it all sucks but I'm still fascinated by how the body works in these situations. I hope it works itself out for you though.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Never tried fruit teas. It kind of didn't sit right in my head......
fruit, mixed with tea.
However, I know these teas are popular and worth looking at as an alternative to plain water. Thanks for the tip....
Someone has just said the fruit teas spike their blood sugar due to just tasting a bit sweet so maybe check that incase that happens to you too but if not you should definitely give them a try.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I MUST change drinking habits immediately and I will try the Lime in a glass or several of water.
Thank you for replying and the advice.
It could make a huge difference to my health, getting me away from the sweeteners.......... Thanks......
Absolutely. You can't beat water out the tap, IMO. Leave to stand in your fridge for 10 minutes and it tastes wonderful, especially when you're thristy.

I'm at my most insulin resistant first thing in the morning, but an espresso (or black filter coffee if away from home) has no effect on my BG readings.


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Good morning all, 5.4 this morning, I’ve been on Omnipod 5 closed loop for a week now. For me the best thing is the sleep I’m getting, with no fear of hypo’s it’s amazing tracking at 5. 6 all night. Feels so strange to just press a button for bolus for meals. I’m not missing the 6 + injections a day I was taking. The system is still learning and meals are spiking more than I would like, but do come down slowly after, so I’m assuming the carb ratio will/ correction factor will change at the next pod change. All extremely positive. For the first time since being diagnosed with type 1, I feeling almost like a normal person. It’s such a shame our nhs when funding these devices don’t take into account the mental burden of this life debilitating disease .


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Morning all. Not really fbg but 5.5 by 9.10 ish, via Libre, so not great but not a disaster daahling. Interesting discussion about what to drink if not squash.. Water from the tap really varies in taste and, ahem, transit effect. Although Anglian water supply us here , Suffolk, as they did in Cambs I can't drink it - oddly the nearest Cambs village is only 5 miles away. The mains water filtered via our fridge is fine. Lemon, lime etc in water is good for me as is lemon in a weaker tea such as Darjeeling.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Ashybang I drink very cold sparkling water and love it (only the cheapest stuff)
@Rushkami Good plan to check the ingredients of fruit teas, have you got a BG metre to see if sweeteners give you a spike? You may be lucky but most of them are a disaster for me! :arghh:

Five days in the fives! 5.7 mmols at 7:45 :happy:

Have a fab Friday everyone x