What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not being able to eat bread
7.8 with no breakfast or early morning brew at 8am. Struggling at the moment, straight to the gym 90mins relatively tough workout. 750ml water during and decaf coffee 1 brown sugar after. Home 20 mins later BS of 8.5. No idea what I’m doing wrong.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello mates,
At a couple of the other forums I've frequented there was a thread like this one where we all sorta checked in each day, with our first cup of coffee or tea, and reported our fasting or waking blood glucose level and some short comment about whether we're ok with it or if not - why not?...

It worked well as a sort of 'first thread to check' each morning and post to.

I'll start.

This morning was a 5.6mmol for me. That's about normal for me

What about you?
I was 7.5 starting out on the DAFNE course so hoping to see more like this
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
FBG 6.7! :rolleyes: I’m surprised it’s that low. It just goes to show that sugar is an addiction. Not satisfied with the meal including pudding at lunch but I had to nip out to sainsburys yesterday evening and bought a bar of chocolate as well! :banghead:
So that meant 2 rules broken 1. Eating sugar = carbs 2. Broke the challenge of not eating after 7pm. And subsequently it’s made me feel fed up and a failure :(

Love and hugs to all that need it. Have a good Thursday everyone x
Never ever think of yourself as a failure. It worries me to read that as when I got very down and constantly felt a failure, I ended up trying to take my own life so please promise me you'll be kinder to yourself. Maybe adjust your "rules" to be more lenient, you are only human after all and have a life to enjoy


Well-Known Member
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I was 7.5 starting out on the DAFNE course so hoping to see more like this

I did the DAFNE coarse last year. I was actually sceptical as it’s quite a commitment with the length of coarse , and my carb counting and control already deemed as excellent. It is worth the effort/ time and has helped in a few situations like sick day rules and food combinations. Since completing this my time in range has improved. The “Gold” standard being 75%. I aim higher and have not changed my food types, just DAFNE teaches techniques to handle them
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I did the DAFNE coarse last year. I was actually sceptical as it’s quite a commitment with the length of coarse , and my carb counting and control already deemed as excellent. It is worth the effort/ time and has helped in a few situations like sick day rules and food combinations. Since completing this my time in range has improved. The “Gold” standard being 75%. I aim higher and have not changed my food types, just DAFNE teaches techniques to handle them
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I can only wish for control like that, I have other conditions that make it very tricky to manage and I already carb count really well. I'm looking forward to learning more about exercise and sick days as its those that I struggle with. Thank you for your reassuring reply, I will keep up with it all and hopefully get control as good as you


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
7.8 with no breakfast or early morning brew at 8am. Struggling at the moment, straight to the gym 90mins relatively tough workout. 750ml water during and decaf coffee 1 brown sugar after. Home 20 mins later BS of 8.5. No idea what I’m doing wrong.
Hi @chrispem, welcome to the forum.

You don't say how long you've been diagnosed, but reassured that you are probably doing nothing wrong at all! Diabetes is frustrating and random at the best of times, but so far as I can see, its also highly personalised, because everyone's response to sugar and carbs in food is different, at different times, depending on what else is going on. And add hard exercise into the mix, and you have a whole new variation to factor in.

What took me a while to discover was that some types of exercise can actually raise my blood sugar quite significantly in the moment, for example a 30 minute swim could take my BG from around 6 to 8 or 9, even without any food being taken. This alarmed me a bit to start with, but its simply the body getting ahead of itself and pumping sugar out of its stores to enable it to do cardio exercises. Even when you stop exercising, the BG will go to repair the tissues and recover, so will get used up relatively quickly, rather than floating around for a while in the blood which is what causes the damage. I also discovered that a gentle walk after lunch, would take my BG down quicker, because the rate I was burning blood sugar was faster than the amount going into the bloodstream. So now I no longer worry about the raise in BG with exercise, it just happens and so long as I don't try and over compensate (like with a bag of crisps or a choc bar) its not a problem. Ultimately, the exercise is good for my system, mentally and physically, so I just carry on and ignore the temporary rise in BG.

The other thing I never do now is take any kind of neat sugar if I can possibly avoid it. There are so many other reasonably palatable sweeteners which will not add to the BG numbers, even brown sugar is neat glucose and will cause me a sharp rise. So I avoid like the plague, despite my previous breakfast of choice being porridge, brown sugar and cream!


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I can only wish for control like that, I have other conditions that make it very tricky to manage and I already carb count really well. I'm looking forward to learning more about exercise and sick days as its those that I struggle with. Thank you for your reassuring reply, I will keep up with it all and hopefully get control as good as you

I’m sure it will help and teach you the techniques you need. For me it was my love of hiking that suffered before DAFNE. I would be in a hypo situation within 30 mins of anything moderately challenging. That’s now all changed and can do a 15 mile walk without anything near a hypo and stay in target. So I wish you all the success.
You should post your success on here as it will happen.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not being able to eat bread
Hi @Ladynijo

Diagnosed 7 years ago. Many thanks for your reply, its heartening to know my readings are not unique. I'm recently retired so not on my feet as much or working the hours I used to so BG has gone a little awry in the last 12 months. I'll continue with more testing and see if its temporary as I've upped my gym routine. Also I'll take on board your comments and previous experience you've shared. :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
6.2 Just been told by GP recent blood tests suggest borderline Pre-diabetic and will review 3mths (brother was T2 diabetic) trying to cut down on carbs but need fibre as I also need to reduce my LDL Cholesterol as heart disease in family. Food juggling ahead.
Evening @LBimo and welcome to the forum. We're pleased you could join us.

Do you have a glucose meter and test strips? You'll find home testing an invaluable aid to reducing your carb intake.

Fibre is no problem when low carbing. Above ground vegetables like asparagus, cabbage, kale, spinach and mangetout, have a low carb content and supply heaps of fibre. To be on the safe side, I'd avoid below ground veggies, such as spuds, parsnips and carrots, until your next test.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I wish that I could get my morning reading down as low as some of these my average reading so far for Feb is 15.6, with a low of 11.8 and a high of 18.5. I have taken this up with the doctors and request a blood test that was carried out and I was told that the HbA1C was 58 the same as last year when the daily readings were lower. I now have an appointment with a diabetic nurse to discuss my concerns.
Evening @budgend1 and welcome to this FBG thread. We're pleased you could join us.

Many of us have experienced high numbers that seemed insurmountable, but with help and support right here on this friendly forum, you’ll get results.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All so 7.7 this morning, overdid my carb limit yesterday so nothing much to add. Hello to new members joining our friendly corner. Hugs to all who need them, my motto we just carry on carrying on. Have a good Friday everyone.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Well there was I telling you all that I rarely see a five and yet this morning I get a 5.6 on the contour next. Plus it seems to have stopped raining. Have a good day all if you possibly can


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Never rains but it pours.....
I've had my fair share of maladies just lately and yesterday I awoke to very badly swollen legs with pitted edema bilaterally.
Tried getting in docs and no appointments available so called 111 for advice. After numerous questions , the lady said she'd get a practitioner to call me back. After a couple of hours I got a call back and again after numerous questions I was told to call GP back, tell them the symptoms and also that I'm a recent heart attack patient....
I did this and at first was told there were no appointments, but then told a cancellation had just come through with a practitioner nurse so I took the appointment.
After examination , I was advised to go accident and emergency.
Time spent at hospital and told I'd got deep Vein Thrombosis and needed a scan to find the problem.....
Stafford hospital closes early for the night . It was 3.30pm and they said it's too late to book in for a scan. I was given a tummy injection and sent home, but they said I'd be phoned this morning to book in for a scan. Just had the call, so all is happening and it's another trip to hospital. Iv spent so many days there lately, I may as well move in......

This morning BG 7.3 mmol which is a great result considering recent events.

I think also, I have an abscess forming where I had the very violent tooth extraction 2 days ago. Mouth is still very painful.
Proper going through the mill I am just lately, but I'll plod on and keep my chin up hoping things turn around soon and life becomes tolerable once more......
Fingers crossed today's scans on my legs goes ok and the Blood Clot melts away no bother and my legs and feet etc go back to normal.
Sending out best thoughts to you all.......


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
7.8 with no breakfast or early morning brew at 8am. Struggling at the moment, straight to the gym 90mins relatively tough workout. 750ml water during and decaf coffee 1 brown sugar after. Home 20 mins later BS of 8.5. No idea what I’m doing wrong.
Hia you are probably not doing anything wrong. Exercise increases my bg regardless but will go down shortly after - if I am lucky! Your DP being 7.8 will add to the mix of the no breakfast and the tough work out. The brown sugar may jumped it slightly also. Give yourself a break, you will get this. There is no reasoning with diabetes and in time your numbers will level. Stress, anxiety, illness and other factors also play a part in our numbers ;)