Why do I bother


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
So the laser 3 years my hba1c has been quite good since being on the pump

But the last year I've been hit with lots of other thing happening

Urine tests show struggling kidneys

Blood pressure so high I wast forced to stop working for some weeks due to failing medicals

Tests for the BP indicate that I now have Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

I now have an eye condition called Fuch's dystrophy so now at eye hospital every 6 months

Ontop of that had blood tests a few weeks ago my plasma ALT level is much higher than it should be.. Not seen gp yet so can only assume fatty liver disease

On top of all of this life just sucks starting to wonder why I carry on


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You've done really well at what you can control eg your bg, and you've been a massive help to many on here.
So sorry to hear you've now got other health issues, but I'm sure you'll do what you can to control them too. The BP was probabky a symptom of the LVH so thank goodness someone somewhere didn't just ignore it!

Tough set of cards currently, but you'll win, in time. Ranting and being cross with it all is good, better out than festering inside


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
Insulin and diabetes is tough to manage sometimes, and I've lost count of the number of times where my levels aren't where I want them to be. I think you just have to persevere and try not to get too discouraged.

The "silver lining" about all the bad health news is that now you can get it treated. I know high blood pressure is bad for the kidneys and the eyes. (I've been on blood pressure tablets for more than 3 decades and the dose can go down as well as up).

Hopefully you will now get treatment that helps all your somewhat linked conditions before they lead to more serious health outcomes.

And I hope your personal life improves too, sometimes that can be linked to bad health?

Sending virtual hugs, I hope things improve soon. Please don't give up.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Sorry to hear of your struggles Searley. Do you have any t1d groups nearby you can join up to so you can chat to others ? Support at times like this is vital- also speak to your DSN see what support if available in your area. Sending you a big hug.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Sorry you're having such a hard time @searley I'm surprised the gp hasn't repeated the blood test, and added others that aren't routinely done as well, as the high ALT could have been a one off, so not necessarily fatty liver disease.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
So the laser 3 years my hba1c has been quite good since being on the pump

But the last year I've been hit with lots of other thing happening

Urine tests show struggling kidneys

Blood pressure so high I wast forced to stop working for some weeks due to failing medicals

Tests for the BP indicate that I now have Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

I now have an eye condition called Fuch's dystrophy so now at eye hospital every 6 months

Ontop of that had blood tests a few weeks ago my plasma ALT level is much higher than it should be.. Not seen gp yet so can only assume fatty liver disease

On top of all of this life just sucks starting to wonder why I carry on
Sorry to read this @searley .

Take some best wishes from me..


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
So the laser 3 years my hba1c has been quite good since being on the pump

But the last year I've been hit with lots of other thing happening

Urine tests show struggling kidneys

Blood pressure so high I wast forced to stop working for some weeks due to failing medicals

Tests for the BP indicate that I now have Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

I now have an eye condition called Fuch's dystrophy so now at eye hospital every 6 months

Ontop of that had blood tests a few weeks ago my plasma ALT level is much higher than it should be.. Not seen gp yet so can only assume fatty liver disease

On top of all of this life just sucks starting to wonder why I carry on
You certainly don't deserve this, but all I can say is that I had my most destructive thoughts about "The Old B 'astard" 44 years ago. I never thought I would enjoy life as I do now. Wishing you all the very best, and even better luck.