Why do really goog threads get deleted in this forum?

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I wish this forum was a place to debate... Sadly it's not

As to the thread, I think that it doesn't need a lot of editing unless personal attacks were posted after the last time I read it... It only needed spitting at the point it went off track.. A lot of the off track points were very valid and were being debated...

Mind you there is one on looker who has been made a right old plonker :lol: :lol:


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The puzzle that is Asperger syndrome that I still can't fit together.
Whos's that then? :lol:


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These fora are microcosms aren't they?

Fora ? Ooh, get you !
I think that comment belongs in the section for Latin students :crazy:

veni, vidi, non comprendi



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How many forum make a fora or is it the other way round :?: And can a microcosm be seen through a microscope


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Hey what happened guys? I went away for a few days and missed it all!

Have a good Easter everyone!



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Paul1976 said:
Whos's that then? :lol:

That's funny. 4 hours BEFORE you posted this, you said on diabetesABC-UK, (you know the one, the site that knocks this one bitterly) that you'd LEFT this site? (for the second time) Does this mean you're back again? :***:


Well-Known Member
Some people manage to post on both sites wihout making derogatory comments about the other. Its a pity that there is an
either/or "if you are not for us you're aginst us " mentality.

Both places and many of those posting on them just want to find out more about and discuss theiir diabetes and help others .

Thats the important thing.

I feel very sorry for anyone , in either place, who has tried his or her best to help others and is hurt by what they see as rejection.
,As I said -its a microcosm.
I agree with Grazer. It doesn't help anyone for posters to go between one site and the other stirring things up.

There are faults on both sides , to be fair, but why are there "sides" at all?

Sid Bonkers

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Grazer said:
Paul1976 said:
Whos's that then? :lol:

That's funny. 4 hours BEFORE you posted this, you said on diabetesABC-UK, (you know the one, the site that knocks this one bitterly) that you'd LEFT this site? (for the second time) Does this mean you're back again? :***:

Good to see you looking in on the other forum Grazer :thumbup: (you know, the one that tries to address the lies that are posted by members here) :lol:

Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Unbeliever said:
Some people manage to post on both sites wihout making derogatory comments about the other. Its a pity that there is an
either/or "if you are not for us you're aginst us " mentality.

I post on both sites Unbeliever and have never made derogatory comments on either one about the other but I have posted on here when lies have been posted about one of the other forums owners, what was I supposed to do, let it go so that all the members here think that Ken (Cugila) was banned from here when he wasnt?

I just dont understand why anyone should want to tell lies about someone, especially when that person is no longer a member here so has no way to respond, hardly surprising then that Cugila mentions events here on his own forum, wouldnt you if someone here had lied about you?

Theres no "if you are not for us you're aginst us mentality" from me, why would I continue to post here if there were?

Theres enough lies being written about members on this forum on a certain blog without members here lying about ex moderators who served this forum well for many years and helped many people, myself included. They've gone, their still helping others tirelessly elsewhere, can we not just leave it there?


Well-Known Member
The puzzle that is Asperger syndrome that I still can't fit together.
I wish there wasn't sides :(
I asked an innocent question on here,simply asking where 2 members were now because they wrote some good posts,contributed lots of factual,useful advice which you could understand without a degree in science and I wondered if they'd retired after all their hard work and for asking that I'm now demonised for not knowing and having the cheek for asking in the first place. I also joined this site hoping it would be informal and relaxed but I'm the bad guy for disagreeing and feeling uncomfortable with extreme views that you need a degree to understand(Before you all laugh,yes I'm not a smart man and I was educated in a special needs school) especially when I feel certain members try to blind people with science just to win their argument and also seem to think the site is theirs.I also apologise for agreeing with Sids posts as obviously that's wrong too even though his views makes a lot of sense to me.I've joined the other site because I believe sue and ken can give me good advice in a way that doesn't involve scaremongering and also in a way I can understand.I'm just visiting here as I pm'd Benedict yesterday to close my profile but I just wanted to say how I feel.


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Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Because it's human nature Unbeliever, I use other unrelated forums apart from this one and I have seen the same thing. The good old "clique" accusation gets bandied around whenever some people post with opposing view points.

I do wonder it about it, do the accusers really think that there is some big gang mentality going on behind the scenes and that all the posters post with one voice? It's almost never that way, some agree, some disagree and as for the furore surrounding the deleted thread, well.. don't know and don't really care!

I have seen very few threads locked or removed here in comparison to others but it's a decision that will always push someone's buttons. It happens on every forum so to make a big deal of it looks a bit daft but if some want to go that way then fair enough :roll:

Forum allegiances? good grief! If you're not happy for whatever reason then just go! What is with the big song and dance, again I have seen it on my other forums. "Please close my account", "I'm leaving"..for crying out loud, they are usually free forums so there is no "account", these statements are usually posted to gain empathy and attention, I have seen it so many times.

I left a site a year ago, pm'd my friends there with my email addy and didn't visit it anymore, simple.

All this hubbub recently is all still connected to what went on here years ago, matters which the vast majority of us who have joined since have no real interest in..we really don't. Don't know how long it is going to take for that message to get through but hopefully people will cotton on eventually.

There are too many decent people here to let it descend into a battleground, it won't happen and I am very glad indeed. I know there are other sites out there for those with Diabetes, I have found all the help and support I need in this one. If I didn't I would look elsewhere, nothing wrong with that. Go where it suits but if your concern is really your diabetes then that is what you will focus on, nothing else.

Happy Easter.


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It happens on every forum so to make a big deal of it looks a bit daft but if some want to go that way then fair enough

Great post, ladybird.
It was hard to pick out anything in particular to respond to.
It all made extreme common sense.

A voice of sanity



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Correcting factually incorrect information is not derogatory.

And i dont believe it is human nature to fight and argue all the time, otherwise people wouldnt be upset by it when it happens.

I post on both groups and will continue to do so unless told otherwise.

if your concern is really your diabetes then that is what you will focus on, nothing else.

I dont agree with that statement as, in the early days at least, diagnosis is emotive and can be a huge shock. It was for me. And the degree of support and welcoming level of a forum can make a big difference to the way someone adapts and learns to control their diabetes. Support is a vital and large part of having a forum, otherwise the information pages would be enough. We wouldnt need a forum at all.

PS Not agrguing with anyone, just putting my point of view on this as a newbie.


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Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
lucylocket61 said:
Correcting factually incorrect information is not derogatory.

And i dont believe it is human nature to fight and argue all the time, otherwise people wouldnt be upset by it when it happens.

I post on both groups and will continue to do so unless told otherwise.

if your concern is really your diabetes then that is what you will focus on, nothing else.

I dont agree with that statement as, in the early days at least, diagnosis is emotive and can be a huge shock. It was for me. And the degree of support and welcoming level of a forum can make a big difference to the way someone adapts and learns to control their diabetes. Support is a vital and large part of having a forum, otherwise the information pages would be enough. We wouldnt need a forum at all.

PS Not agrguing with anyone, just putting my point of view on this as a newbie.

I'm not arguing either Lucy as you can see by my post.

I'm sorry but I miss your point about my statement. If you are diagnosed with diabetes then you look for information, probably from a forum. If you like what you find you stay and if you don't you look elsewhere.

I agree with you regarding support but isn't that what I said? :think: If I found a forum unwelcoming I wouldn't go back.

If you post somewhere else too then why on earth shouldn't you..it is absolutely your choice and nobody says any different!

As for the shock factor-yes, I think that is the same for most of us. Particularly those already under pressure with health problems but we just get as much info and support as we can and get on with it.


Well-Known Member
Excellent post ladybird

Great that the former moderators have left and are doing their own thing now.
Providing a service for people worried about their diabetes, people should be free to post whichever forum they feel comfortable in.
Ken asked for his membership to be deleted then later set up a false account, this is what xyzzy was referring to.
Lets just be supportive of each other.


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I wasn't disagreeing with your putting the record straight about Ken, Sid. I was hoping someone would do it but wasn't sure about all the facts , I was glad you did it. I was a fairly new poster when they left but their advice was invsaluable to me
and I said as much at the time.

I was referring t when to Ken and Sue as well as all the new people who post on here and make a point of helping others.when I said I felt sorry for anyone who done their bes to help others and now felt rejected.

I am quite capable of istening to new ideas and making up my own mind about them withou feeling threatened. I am grateful to those who bring them to my attention. That's because I don;t have a degree in science ! But neither am I intimidated by it..
In the end we all make up our own minds.

I don't agree with everything the new people say, But its better advice than much of that given out to the newly diagnosed, these days by the NHS. Noone could possibly think it was anythig but well meant. and must already have helped a fair number of people.

personally Sid , I wouldn't particularly care what anyone posted about me anywhere. But my position is not comparable to Ken's and I can understand that he was upset and a little harsh in some of his comments . he is understandably bitter.
his later comments were more balanced and gave credit where it was due.

When things get personal but puts everyone off. It is NOT us and them until it gets to that point. I was reading a post on the "other place" from cugila and I absolutely agreed with every word - until i came to a sort of pwersonal attack. bu then this was understandable as he , in turn , had been upset by comments on here. I doubt very much , that when all the personal comments are disregarded , there is very little disagreement anywhere about he importan thing - the treatment of diabetes.
I think all this is stopping people from posting on both sites. Probably a loss to all.
A litttle bit of understanding on both sides wouldn't og amiss. The new people here have a different approach. They are newly diagnosed themselves and dealing with their own issues while trying to help others.
The "oher place" has a geat deal of experience to offer both of the disease and its treatment and of the difficulties experienced with the system.
There are those who say the old way of moderation was oo heavy. I sometimes think that here it is too light but it is hard to find a happy medium and very subjective,
I joined the other forum when it opened but haven't posted there , mainly because there are so few posters and opics here.
I don't want to go there and read how awful people on here are and vice versa.
I know it is human anture and agree wih most of ladybird's post but I don't agree that it definitely won't happen again as the present hosilities are harking back to that period.
I hope it won't . . And I wish the "othrer place Peace and Prosperity. I would hate it if any of the new posters here were to discontinue posting too.


Well-Known Member
The puzzle that is Asperger syndrome that I still can't fit together.
I'm sorry,my heads all screwed up,I know I must be wrong,I'm sorry
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