Work medicals . My doc's info was alarming to say the least ...


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
I have been discriminated against and not hired by a FTSE-100 company back in 1990 by a company GP who did not have a clue - despite a letter sent to the company by my endocrinologist -- i just moved on and got hired by somebody else.

relevance to this ?? DO NOT take your meter with you -- take in a spread sheet or diary with your results and if needed bump any < 4.0 readings to just above 4.3 ( also makes me laugh as the meters themselves are not 100% accurate so even a 3.8 and you might have not actually been hypo ).
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
The thing is... To give advice to a company ref diabetes...

1) look up the doctors credentials on the gmc website.... Does he specialise in diabetes?

2) Google the doctor and find out what his specialisms are.

Would put money on it they this doctor is not a diabetic specialist.

You are quite entitled to ask your Company to write directly to your own consultant.

I had a employers doctor once who only signed me fit for a year. I have never had a day off due to diabetes and this is now 20 years later. Also though, there were complaints put in by other female persons and this "specialist" was never used again......

I would ask that in the future any reports are requested from the team that look after you and have a full background.
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This is outrageous...surely this doctor should not be in practice if he's handing out advice like this...I fear for his own patients...leave your insulin at home??
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