Worried about my foot!


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
Hi people.

I was on holiday last week and on Thursday I had a numbing sensation in my left big toe and pins and needles. They were still there Friday and have become less over the weekend but I'm certain I have less feeling in my left big toe now :|

I know this is cause for concern but as usual I can't get hold of my diabetic clinic. I'm desperately trying to get them to call me back and using my lunch hour to go up to see them today although I'm not sure they'll be open.

Is it beginning of the end do you think i.e. will I be in a wheelchair soon? Also should I pursue the diabetic clinic!!

Thanks from a worried diabetic!

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Bullies and sockpuppets. Not being able to eat I want.
Hi Rach,

Personally I'd get an appointment with my GP to have a look at it and refer me to hospital if needed.

The feeling you have in your left big toe might not be due to diabetes and could be something else.

Any color change on your toe at all?


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
No but there has been a lot of hard skin which I have recently filed off in case it was that. I think my clinic has an emergency foot clinic at lunchtime so thought it best to see them. Maybe the GP is the best option though as I want to discuss changing my insulin also. I don't know.. at the moment I feel a bit depressed though because my friends always tell me about amputations etc. and I'm scared it will come to that... but I guess I shouldn't think the worst until I've seen someone so I'll get an appointment. Was just wondering if anyone had this and the feeling came back or something?



Well-Known Member
Bullies and sockpuppets. Not being able to eat I want.
One of my toes the sking started to peel off and is very itchy at times but no color chage. This has been going on for about 4-5 years. Had the Doc look at it, pulse and circulation are fine so not diabetes related. Could be the same with you so don't panic and go see your GP.


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
Thanks Eric. I've booked an appointment for today at 12:40pm and they said if necessary will refer to diabetic clinic. In the meantime I'll try not to panic.


sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
EricD said:
One of my toes the sking started to peel off and is very itchy at times but no color chage. This has been going on for about 4-5 years. Had the Doc look at it, pulse and circulation are fine so not diabetes related. Could be the same with you so don't panic and go see your GP.

I had something similar and it turned out to be an allergy to certain dyes in shoes/tights.Since giving up wearing that colour I have never had trouble since.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
If you are in England, you have the right to refer yourself to the NHs podiatry service. Look them up i9n the phone book and give them a call.


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
I changed this appointment to go to diabetic clinic. They do hold an emergency foot clinic between 1.20 and 2.20 at lunchtimes. I hoped to be seen within the hour but I didn't - nevermind. They said there is slight nerve damage but they think it's possibly related to back ache or my bunions. They said it's possibly diabetes too though so no definite answer! Also I do suffer back and neck ache but it's upper back ache whereas she was referring to sciatica and lower back pain, which I don't have. Although occasionally I have a twinge in my lower back connected to having a slipped disc a few years back, although this is rare and not a permanent ache affecting that nerve.

I'm not sure what to think... I did have feeling in the foot but it was less sensitive than the other one... she said sometimes one foot can be a diabetes affected reason but usually it's symmetrical.

I've booked the doctors for next week anyway because I need a referral for animal insulin. I'm a bit fed up because i took so long to be seen and then no definite answer afterwards but I guess I got seen so should be thankful.


Well-Known Member
Peripheral neuropathy is *usually* symmetrical. Also it tends to track BG levels, mine will come back if I spike over 8.

Pain or numbness which is not symmetrical is *usually* not neuropathy, I suggest you get your doctor to consider other causes.

Would be worth getting your sensation plotted, they use a poky filament and a tuning fork and you tell them if you can feel it or not (and also with the tuning fork when you can no longer feel it as the vibration dies down). Then you can plot future changes (hopefully for the better).


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
Hi Twinkwasser... yes they used the tuning fork and it appeared less sensitive on the left foot (which is where my numb toe is). I still have the numb toe now and pins and needles when I rub it but today I asked the doc to refer me to the diabetic clinic so she is going to write to them. I spoke to my physiotherapist and she believes it could be related to back pain also so I am hoping that is the case. I did have a numb feeling in this foot a few years back though but not as prominent as now, just a tingle and it did get better when my sugars became lower. However I cannot gain control of my blood sugars at the moment so it could be a cause. That is why I'm wishing to go to animal insulin because I'm tired of the night hypos and day time blood sugar highs. I eat plenty fruit and veg and no fatty foods anymore, also exercise every so often (although I could do more) so I am doing what I can to get good blood sugar control. As for the foot well, I'm just putting it down to the pain in my back and neck at the moment but in the back of my mind a voice is saying it's my diabetes but I don't want to hear it! I can only try to gain good control of my sugar levels asap and lose a bit more weight and that might help me I guess :|


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately connective tissue issues seem to go along with both (all) types of diabetes, this could be anything from sciatica to a tendon problem pressing on a nerve and of course neuropathy might also be a factor but not the main one.

My old man had ongoing problems with sciatica but NHS treatment did little, he found a decent osteopath which helped a lot. Some are cranks but then the same could be said of many doctors <evil grin> best plan is to ask around and get as many different opinions as you can in hopes that one might be beneficial


Well-Known Member
Poverty, violence, manipulative or materialistic people and too much bad weather such as wind and rain.
I've considered acupuncture to release tension in my back and neck. It also increases energy flow which might in turn help my circulation and in turn then help my foot.

Any suggestions as to if this is feasable? Ideas of costs etc.?

