Worried About The Future


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for nearly 7 years now and I’ve just turned 20, I just wanted to get this off my chest my blood sugars over the years have been from average to sometimes very bad but overall I don’t think too bad but I just feel like my body is damaged already from the condition and it’s scary to read the stories you’ll lose an arm or a leg in years to come, what can at least reassure me or comfort me?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Its understandable to feel overwhelmed sometimes with this condition, but take the fact that you are actively testing, and taking your insulin. I have had diabetes for 23yrs and still have all my limbs!! (maybe lost a few marbles along the way). If you keep on track and try and keep your sugars in range, you won't develop any complications. There are some on this forum who have had diabetes for over forty years.
complications can be problematic, but it may well have been neglect of the condition that can be the issue (but not all the time). The fact that you are testing is a positive, and focus on that and talking to your Diabetic team about your concerns will also help you. There will be others on here that can and will offer better advice than me.

Take care.
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I must admit some people will consider me a bit of a risk taker with some of my hobbies but I always consider myself to be a risk minimiser.
Take climbing. I frequently go rock climbing which many people think is dangerous. Sure, you are more likely to fall if you climb than if you spend your time playing computer games. But you are less likely to fall if you check your equipment, trust your climbing partner, only go out when the weather forecast is favourable and climb routes within your capability.
I think of diabetes in a similar way. You may be more likely to lose a leg if you have diabetes than if you don't but you are much less likely to lose a leg if you manage your diabetes and don't let your blood sugars get "very bad" for long periods of time.
There are different ways of achieving this: some eat the same thing every day, do the same exercise and take their insulin at the same time every day. Others give themselves more flexibility but test their BG regularly, carb count, correct, learn as much as they can and have a bit of fun along the way.
No one can 100% reassure you that you will not have diabetes complications but you are in control and decide how much "risk" you want to take ... as long as you remember to measure your BG regularly, are honest with your diabetes team and learn as much as you can.

Diabetes can be overwhelming and when it feels too much for me, I look to amazing people with type 1 and think if you can act (Halle Berry), play rugby professionally (Henry Slade), perform in an internationally known band (Este Haim) or run a country (Theresa May), I can get through my day without avoiding the world completely.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been told on here that if I talk to a T1 they will go back in time, visit my grandmother and ensure that I will never be born.
Despite that I wish you well and hope that continue in good health. I feel that if you control your blood sugars you will be with us for many years complete with all your limbs.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've been told on here that if I talk to a T1 they will go back in time, visit my grandmother and ensure that I will never be born.
Despite that I wish you well and hope that continue in good health. I feel that if you control your blood sugars you will be with us for many years complete with all your limbs.

No, that will never happen. (Big boomy voice.) Us moderators in our wisdom have seen the future, & have set a charter forbidding all time travel that may affect finding a potential cure for us all... :nailbiting:;)

In the meantime..? @johnbfc , don't dwell on what has past. Build & improve your potential future.. :cool:

Welcome to the forum!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
No, that will never happen. (Big boomy voice.) Us moderators in our wisdom have seen the future, & have set a charter forbidding all time travel that may affect finding a potential cure for us all... :nailbiting:;)

In the meantime..? @johnbfc , don't dwell on what has past. Build & improve your potential future.. :cool:

Welcome to the forum!

Thankyou, I just think it helps talking about it sometimes


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not very good on computers!
Hi I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for nearly 7 years now and I’ve just turned 20, I just wanted to get this off my chest my blood sugars over the years have been from average to sometimes very bad but overall I don’t think too bad but I just feel like my body is damaged already from the condition and it’s scary to read the stories you’ll lose an arm or a leg in years to come, what can at least reassure me or comfort me?

Welcome to the forum. I’m probably not the best person to help as I have type2, but try not to worry, but try to maintain good control. A friend of my mother’s was diagnosed type 1 age 15, she hasn’t lost any limbs, only problem recently her eyesight isn’t what it used to be. She is 85 so been diabetic 70 years! Good luck and best wishes.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thankyou, I just think it helps talking about it sometimes

That it does.. The "future" is a big scary place from any angle. A multitude of decisions, creating infinite possibilities..
Work with what you know. You, then expand from there..

Do consult with your HCPs & chat with the experienced on here.

What are your goals?

With regards to tightening up your diabetes managment. Don't go too fast too soon. Quick adjustments can cause thier own issues. "Acclimatise" regarding gaining control.. We all get the odd slip, so don't come down too hard on yerself for the stumble.. :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
That it does.. The "future" is a big scary place from any angle. A multitude of decisions, creating infinite possibilities..
Work with what you know. You, then expand from there..

Do consult with your HCPs & chat with the experienced on here.

What are your goals?

With regards to tightening up your diabetes managment. Don't go too fast too soon. Quick adjustments can cause thier own issues. "Acclimatise" regarding gaining control.. We all get the odd slip, so don't come down too hard on yerself for the stumble.. :)

Hiya! My goals are to just look hopeful for the future and fulfil my potential!


Well-Known Member
Johnbfc i have had most of the things that can go wrong with diabetes but still have all my limbs, i admit that i have good and bad days but everyone does. You are at a age where things change in life such as drinking, jobs. girlfriends and peer pressure and the stress of this will not help your BG control. I found that from about 17 years old till late 20's everything changes so much and there are different problems like going out with friends to have a drink they can drink what they want but being a diabetic means you have to think about your BG. Then someone will buy some shots but if you say no they will be like go on its only one, and if you meet a girl when do you tell them that you are a diabetic, will they run off or ask a silly question. With work how does it effect your diabetes and what can you do to change it, you are 20 and sometimes you will make the wrong call but thats the way we learn. I am 42 and have had laser treatment on both eyes and 5 ops on them, 4 ops on hands and feet, a kidney and pancreas transplant and i have nerve damage all over my body. The thing is i have still had a life and now i am a single dad to 2 children sometimes i wish i could do more but i cannot, the reason for my transplant was for them i wanted to see them grow up and they did not want to live with their mother. Your patents will watch you grow and be there if you need help but it is your life and you will still worry when your 42, go out enjoy your life we only get one chance. Reach for the goals there is no good saying i wish i had done that in 20 years time, we are different to other who are not diabetics but we can still do the same but just in a different way.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I’m well over 3 decades withT1 and another with all limbs and no problems living with T1.
Ok, I’ve never done a bungee jump but wouldn’t if I wasn’t T1....

To me it’s accepting and making yourself responsible for the actions you take in life... and that goes for all humans, not just T1’s.

My uncle I’d 89 this year and been diabetic for past 40 years. No problems .
My Aunty always provides him with a cooked breakfast every morning and 3 non processed meals every day. All his limbs too.

My hubby had absolutely no health issues that we were aware of..he cycled 6 miles a day, walked for at least an hour every day with our canines. He died aged 51, 4 months ago. From aortic dissection. You never know what is going to happen in your life. So make the most of it. He wasn’t diabetic, had never been in hospital and I was convinced I would die before him as I have had double breast cancer and mastectomy’s.
So, please... just do your best to accept and making yourself responsible for having a good life and being happy and healthy as you can.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for nearly 7 years now and I’ve just turned 20, I just wanted to get this off my chest my blood sugars over the years have been from average to sometimes very bad but overall I don’t think too bad but I just feel like my body is damaged already from the condition and it’s scary to read the stories you’ll lose an arm or a leg in years to come, what can at least reassure me or comfort me?
Read Dr Bernstein's story: http://www.diabetes-book.com/bernstein-life-with-diabetes/
Also, this free e-book will cheer you up:
You might also enjoy Adam's other articles here: https://diatribe.org/search/advanced/Adam's corner