Would it be Worth having a band fitted to loose weight.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 538891
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Deleted member 538891

Hi to all,

I am still using ozempic to loose weight
but it is Very Slowly Comming Off but
I am not happy to not add anything else my daughter suggested a band fitted so we R going to find out later when phone gp to see if i can have this done as its making me Really depressed i have lost about 4.8 kg but need to loose loads more like 55 more pounds.

Anyone else have this done.

Will let you know what they say.



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You are doing well already. Having gastric band is not something I would choose, but know people who have had that surgery. It is not an easy option, as they had to have months of preparation first. They were checked for other health conditions, encouraged to diet, and had sessions with counsellors to make sure they were prepared mentally for the challenges that lay ahead. Following surgery they could only eat very small amounts, and could not drink with a meal. Also had to take supplements of vital vitamins and minerals. Some coped well, and lost weight and kept it off, and lowered their blood glucose to non diabetes levels. Others could not bear the strict eating regime, and social restrictions of only being able to eat a small amount, and had the band removed. One person told me they were eating portions smaller than those given to a baby being weaned.

With current covid situation it is unlikely that you would be able to have surgery anytime soon. Even emergency surgery is limited, and gastric band is considered to be elective surgery, and would be deemed low priority. It is something to consider, but you could have a long wait. In the meantime, keep on with what you are doing. You could find that by the time surgery is available to you you have achieved your goal without it.


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exercise, phone calls
Yes, I think @ickihun tried just about everything. I think even a gastric band failed for her, but a Rou En Y apparently did work for her.

From all I have read, the success rate for a gastric band is around 50% after 2yrs. This is because it is too easy to cheat it so far as calories are concerned - just down some fruit juice (for example).

That said, gastric surgery does work for some after Low Carb/keto and 800 calorie diets and multi-day Fasting ( as per Dr Jason Fung) fail. However I always suggest trying the easiest and those that do no metabolic damage first, so I suggest that any form of gastric surgery should be last on the list.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi to all,

I am still using ozempic to loose weight
but it is Very Slowly Comming Off but
I am not happy to not add anything else my daughter suggested a band fitted so we R going to find out later when phone gp to see if i can have this done as its making me Really depressed i have lost about 4.8 kg but need to loose loads more like 55 more pounds.

Anyone else have this done.

Will let you know what they say.

With only around 55 pounds to lose, I doubt if the NHS would do this. It's a surgical procedure and major change. The media make it sound like nothing, but it's a big change to make.

How is your boil/abscess? Hope you are healing well.
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Losing weight more slowly does mean you don't look as if you need ironing too.
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Diet only
My friend had one. Did lose weight initially but she's still eating biscuits and the same old things and so has put loads back on again. The idea is she can only eat small amounts , trouble is she's eating small amounts of the wrong things, and eating very often.
Doesn't seem a failsafe route to me.


Well-Known Member
I friend of mine has the band. Went from 280 pounds to 240 and hasn’t been able to loose any more 8 years later. she said that Ice Cream goes down well even with the band as tight as it can be.
She hasn’t dealt with her food addictions and as such the band has had a very limited effect.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I would never consider such a thing as it seems to be assuming that the only way to lose weight is to be forced into eating less, because all fat people are greedy deceitful gluttons eating non stop - all the usual assumptions.
These days I do only eat a small amount and my weight is creeping down at a snail's pace - it would be dropping more if I was able to go out to observe all the calendar customs with the morris teams and the mummers. My weight isn't all that important now that I have lost quite a bit, so I just keep it in mind without being fixated.
One thing which put me off any thought of surgery is that one of the mums at the school gate, back in the 1980s had it done and was losing lots of weight. When the loss stopped she went back to have an adjustment made, and never came home.

Deleted member 538891

Hi to all,

Thankyou for the info i checked with doc they wouldnt consider it as need to have a bmi of 50 and mine is 32 so i am going to buy myself a bike for xmas and use that when i am not looking after grandchildren which will be 4 days a week so hopefully that will help with the weightloss.



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Type of diabetes
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Great decision, @Sparklebrightisright62 .
The bike will help, but the best way is to tweak your diet. You are doing well, so keep up the good work, and keep posting to let others know how you are . It is so encouraging for others to read of success
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Type of diabetes
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Yes, I think @ickihun tried just about everything. I think even a gastric band failed for her, but a Rou En Y apparently did work for her.

From all I have read, the success rate for a gastric band is around 50% after 2yrs. This is because it is too easy to cheat it so far as calories are concerned - just down some fruit juice (for example).

That said, gastric surgery does work for some after Low Carb/keto and 800 calorie diets and multi-day Fasting ( as per Dr Jason Fung) fail. However I always suggest trying the easiest and those that do no metabolic damage first, so I suggest that any form of gastric surgery should be last on the list.
Thanks @ianf0ster I have not tried a band due to i felt Roux-en-y was the right destination for me and my medical conditions. I too believe the Band isn't very successful. Many in my team awaiting Roux-en-y at my hospital had a band still fitted but still qualified for Roux-en-y operation. This confirmed I was doing the right thing for my weight loss journey. I saw my medical screen and it was mooted by the bariatric team but I knew to help me full-time I had to hv a small stomach and reduced intake of everything from my food ingested. I'd had a bountyful of food over the years especially in childhood and living out of hotels in one of my most stable jobs. Insulin fed my hunger to high points of low satiety. Nothing filled me up even very low carb eating.
I needed my op to continue low carbing and low calorie which was the only dynamics which assisted weight loss, for me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi to all,

I am still using ozempic to loose weight
but it is Very Slowly Comming Off but
I am not happy to not add anything else my daughter suggested a band fitted so we R going to find out later when phone gp to see if i can have this done as its making me Really depressed i have lost about 4.8 kg but need to loose loads more like 55 more pounds.

Anyone else have this done.

Will let you know what they say.

I totally agree with Pipp.
Get on the waiting list via GP so that once you're all prepared you can decided if it's what you need. In my area band fitting and Roux-en-y specialists are in the same hospital unit.
In todays climate I'd advise joining the waiting list because of it's time restraints.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi to all,

Thankyou for the info i checked with doc they wouldnt consider it as need to have a bmi of 50 and mine is 32 so i am going to buy myself a bike for xmas and use that when i am not looking after grandchildren which will be 4 days a week so hopefully that will help with the weightloss.

Bike will help you build muscles and feel better I think so its a really positive thing to do for yourself.
Band isn't a permanent solution which is why a lot of people 'cheat' and negate the restriction. Or the opposite can happen when the band is too tight and I gather this can be very unpleasant.
I'd only go for a surgical option like this if I had to drop weight very quickly.
The (squidgy) bottom line is that you'll need to change the kinds of foods you eat to lose body fat (more turkey, less roast potatoes and mince pies).


Staff Member
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I totally agree with Pipp.
Get on the waiting list via GP so that once you're all prepared you can decided if it's what you need.
In todays climate I'd advise joining the waiting list because of it's time restraints.
If you totally agree with me, @ickihun, you will see that I am not advocating surgery. Please consider you have misunderstood my post if you think I am.

To clarify, @Sparklebrightisright62 , I believe, has consulted her GP, and with a BMI of 32, does not qualify for bariatric surgery.
Well done to @Sparklebrightisright62 for taking control of diet and exercise.

Also well done @ickihun for finding your own solution to your individual needs.
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Type of diabetes
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If you totally agree with me, @ickihun, you will see that I am not advocating surgery. Please consider you have misunderstood my post if you think I am.

To clarify, @Sparklebrightisright62 , I believe, has consulted her GP, and with a BMI of 32, does not qualify for bariatric surgery.
Well done to @Sparklebrightisright62 for taking control of diet and exercise.

Also well done @ickihun for finding your own solution to your individual needs.
Ooops sorry. I read your post as giving guidance if a band inserted is considered. Which I once again agree @Pipp that @Sparklebrightisright62 has gained access to the NHS GPs for weightloss guidance which in turn has been advised BMI determines the limits on which help is available. So the band facility is only available to a certain medical criteria on the NHS.
I'm delighted that the NHS can help in various ways. The band can be an option for some but I've not seen one a success but I don't know everything about weightloss criteria as they often can change just like some type2 diabetes sufferer can experience weight loss once they find what works for them. We are all different.
I cannot image anyone signing up for a band without trying diet and exercise first, surely? Mind you like I've just said we are all different.
Myself I had weight loss on strict low carb but couldn't achieve low calorie unless I had surgery. Myself I needed low carb AND low calorie which I found near on impossible on the huge amount of insulin I was Injecting. The hunger was huge even on strict low carb. I experienced palpitations too so fear curbed that diet and consultants advised against too strict low carb for me.
I only lost weight on low carb and low calorie. I'm still the same except I maintain on my current diet with no palpitations. I would consider stricter low carb but only under medical guidance because I don't feel I need to die or damage my heart to weigh a low weight. I'm happy with my current size but if I lose a little more I wouldn't be unhappy. Roux-en-y major operation is not a band but I'm sure @Sparklebrightisright62 knows that. I know you @Pipp do too.
I know you don't condone surgery either (as well as not advocating surgery) @Pipp as you have posted in the past you respect everyone's seperate needs. Which I guess I knew this already but I gave you the impression I didn't understand this threads posts. Sorry again if my post looked misleading to you.
How can I disagree with your straight forward advice anyway?
It can be easy to read more into my replies since they're normally long and deeply involved in the thread's request.....
Would it be Worth having a band fitted to loose weight.
Thank god patients have options even if they decide to go private.
I really understand anyone who struggles with their weight. I did until recently. Heavily some may argue. I do feel liberated now though but my option isn't for everyone, just some. Especially those who want to stop insulin for more than a decade off and on. I definitely made the right choice for me. We certainly all not the same.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi to all,

I am still using ozempic to loose weight
but it is Very Slowly Comming Off but
I am not happy to not add anything else my daughter suggested a band fitted so we R going to find out later when phone gp to see if i can have this done as its making me Really depressed i have lost about 4.8 kg but need to loose loads more like 55 more pounds.

Anyone else have this done.

Will let you know what they say.


Hi sparkle your loosing weight which is good. I have struggled with my weight since i was 20 yrs old then became alot less active due to early athritis and muscular problems and weight ended up around 19+ stone at some points. Been pre diabetic for years and never done anything about it
Soon as i starting just watching my BS readings i started loosing weight, not alot but 1-2 lbs a week was enough for me. I got lucky and found what worked for me and realise everyone is different and that its hard but i lost almost 5 stone doing stuff around the house and taking a dog for a walk now and then. I didnt have to go to the gym a few times a week or starve myself (exercise is important just do it when you can is what i am trying to say).
I know someone who struggled with there weight spent almost 5k going private for a band and is still like a side of a house as she didnt address her eating problem and to many carbs ( she still eating bars of chocolate etc)
I would look at all your options first and reduce your carbs if possible before considering a band. Hope you have a nice christmas and a healthy new year :)
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@ickihun. Thank you for your informative response. I think what we can agree to agree on is that everyone needs to work out what is best for their own individual and unique circumstances and needs. By sharing thoughts and experiences we help each other to make choices to suit. I am pleased that you are finding your way, after such a long struggle.

I am not against bariatric surgery for all. Though due to my own unique past experiences, and working and socialising with people who have had a variety of different types of bariatric surgery, I would not consider it for myself. I have seen good and bad results overall. As @ultradad mentioned not everyone considers the psychological aspects. If they are not addressed, then the people having this surgery are not going to benefit fully from having the procedure. It takes courage and tenacity, and a lot of hard work and support from friends, family and medical professionals, to be able to accept the changes to diet, and also the changes to physical appearance, and other people’s perception of those things. It is not a quick fix as some media suggest. Nor is it for the faint hearted. I admire anyone who can go through all that, and achieve the successes they have been trying for.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ooops sorry. I read your post as giving guidance if a band inserted is considered. Which I once again agree @Pipp that @Sparklebrightisright62 has gained access to the NHS GPs for weightloss guidance which in turn has been advised BMI determines the limits on which help is available. So the band facility is only available to a certain medical criteria on the NHS.
I'm delighted that the NHS can help in various ways. The band can be an option for some but I've not seen one a success but I don't know everything about weightloss criteria as they often can change just like some type2 diabetes sufferer can experience weight loss once they find what works for them. We are all different.
I cannot image anyone signing up for a band without trying diet and exercise first, surely? Mind you like I've just said we are all different.
Myself I had weight loss on strict low carb but couldn't achieve low calorie unless I had surgery. Myself I needed low carb AND low calorie which I found near on impossible on the huge amount of insulin I was Injecting. The hunger was huge even on strict low carb. I experienced palpitations too so fear curbed that diet and consultants advised against too strict low carb for me.
I only lost weight on low carb and low calorie. I'm still the same except I maintain on my current diet with no palpitations. I would consider stricter low carb but only under medical guidance because I don't feel I need to die or damage my heart to weigh a low weight. I'm happy with my current size but if I lose a little more I wouldn't be unhappy. Roux-en-y major operation is not a band but I'm sure @Sparklebrightisright62 knows that. I know you @Pipp do too.
I know you don't condone surgery either (as well as not advocating surgery) @Pipp as you have posted in the past you respect everyone's seperate needs. Which I guess I knew this already but I gave you the impression I didn't understand this threads posts. Sorry again if my post looked misleading to you.
How can I disagree with your straight forward advice anyway?
It can be easy to read more into my replies since they're normally long and deeply involved in the thread's request.....
Would it be Worth having a band fitted to loose weight.
Thank god patients have options even if they decide to go private.
I really understand anyone who struggles with their weight. I did until recently. Heavily some may argue. I do feel liberated now though but my option isn't for everyone, just some. Especially those who want to stop insulin for more than a decade off and on. I definitely made the right choice for me. We certainly all not the same.
I think your experience and medical situation is not typical of most people. You have quite unique challenges to take into account. I admire what you have achieved. I am not sure most of your conditions and considerations would apply to many people thinking about weight loss surgery.

I am not against weight loss surgery, but think it is not the easy cure it is presented as in the media, and there are many serious elements to consider when trying to decide what to do, including mental health issues and avoiding future problems, including malnutrition and osteoporosis.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I had a gastric sleeve 17 weeks ago. I have lost 3 stone so far and have come off both my insulins, stull taking metformin though