Would you take a cure if it became available? Curious?


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Yes most definitely been Type 1 for 4 years diagnosed at 55. I feel it took my life and freedom away even though I'm told I manage the condition very well, but I do understand not having to test and inject and monitor everything you eat would seem strange at first. :happy:


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Doctors telling me that I probably know more than them
Hell yes! Been type 1 for 50 years now and to not ever worry about a hypo again? Well, wow. Know what you mean but still I would go for it.
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Yep! Definitely!

I've had diabetes for more than 20 years but I remember the freedom I had before I dveloped it - being able to eat without thinking about carbs and injections or how much I'm going to eat, etc.

It'd be strange to start with. I think i wouldn't quite trust that I was cured until I'd had weeks and weeks of perfect blood sugars, and I'd be very nervous about messing it up somehow. But I'd get used to it pretty quickly, I'm sure. Also, it'd be great not to have to worry about diabetic complications.

As long as the cure was properly tested and safe, I'd be absolutely delighted to take it!

I don't really see diabetes as part of me. Well, only in that it's like something nasty I stepped in that's stuck to my shoe and won't come off! We have an uneasy truce, but it's definitely an unwanted guest in my body and in my life.
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Type 1
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I would, without a shadow of a doubt take up a cure in an instant. I am 30 years down the line, and I would gladly give up the constant worry and guilt about what I eat and when. I do not feel that my diabetes is what makes me, me. I am me and would be without the diabetes - and also a lot happier!! To eat what I want when I want. Oh yes please.
Sorry, reading that back it sounds like a rant. I don't mean to sound like that, but yes I'd take a cure any day.
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If it involves surgery, then it would be a while for surgeons to get used to the procedure so I will probably wait a few months


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Would not think twice. To live a normal life, to leave the house and not have to remember bloods food, testing absolute bliss. No chance of hypos. Can't believe any type 1 wouldn't jump for joy.
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There is a line already lol ;)

definitely a line. Can you see that tent pitched at the front of the line.... because thats me in there ;)

Imagine a day of not having to remember your kit bag of supplies. Being able to eat a meal without undergoing a dosage calculation. Being able to eat a meal in a restaurant without interrogating the staff over its contents. To go and be energetic without going low.

Gee life would be sooooo boring lol
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
definitely a line. Can you see that tent pitched at the front of the line.... because thats me in there ;)

Imagine a day of not having to remember your kit bag of supplies. Being able to eat a meal without undergoing a dosage calculation. Being able to eat a meal in a restaurant without interrogating the staff over its contents. To go and be energetic without going low.

Gee life would be sooooo boring lol

LOl :) ps I like boring :meh:
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I would end up sooo fat
So would a lot of others I bet! Come to think of it... maybe someone should convince Snickers and Mars to start funding diabetic research into a cure? They would make a lot of money off us if we're free from injections and blood tests!! :D
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Type 1
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A hard choice as my Type 1 is a big part of my life now & even though it has both broken & fixed it for me, I'd still say hell yes I'd take that cure I may have only had it since 2002 but it has stopped me from getting and keeping jobs, as every time an employer finds out I'm diabetic they get rid of me ASAP even though there not meant to. Being able to live a normal life with a job, being able to drive and not having to worry about taking my med's everyday would be great. :)Give me that cure ASAP Doc as I want it now:)


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Just curious really, I'm not asking for in depth views and I don't in anyway want to offend or upset anyone, but I'm just wondering if they were successful in finding a cure would you want to have it?

I've debated this recently with reports saying they are getting close etc. when I was younger and a teenager I without a doubt would have said yes please! But now I think it's so much a part of me after having it for 20 years this August I don't know what i would do! The freedom would be great but I guess I'd feel like i was losing a big part of me and who I am.. It would strangely be a tough decision I think personally!

Just wondering what your thoughts on it would be?

If it was a safe cure, there would be no decision. the problem for me is that Type one is just one of a few autoimmune problems i have - i think this is why any cure will be difficult to believe in - the immune system fault is what needs fixing. Diabetes might be "fixed" then some other autoimmune disease might surface, and there are plenty of those, some of which relatives have had, much worse than Type one
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Well yes but how would you be able to cure a person that doesn't have a pancreas, if they find a cure it won't be for everyone


Retired Moderator
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There was a Japanese kids show in the late 1970s called Monkey. It follows the tale of a pilgrimage of a priest & three supernatural spirits. The Monkey spirit is a bit of a miscreant controlled with a headband which the priest can tighten through prayer when Monkey steps out of line.

In one episode, the Monkey is released by the priest from his bond by removing the headband. (which by today's standard would be an ASBO tag.) :D
The monkey at a loss regarding the headband & the priest controlling it acting as his "conscience" loses direction.
After pretty much going on a "bender" with his new found care free life.
The mischievous spirit ultimately returns to the priest & his journey with the others after realizing a part of his life is missing.

I was a thinker as a kid.. Even back then if they found a cure? I would have no idea how to handle it...

A cure,since i was a kid in the 70s. Just like the pilgrims "destination" in the TV show as i waited for the next episode, has always seemed just over the next horizon.... ;)
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I've been a T2 for over 16 years, and yes I feel "D" is a part of me, but if there were a cure would I take it, YOU BET I WOULD! To not have to worry about the consequences or side effects that come with diabetes, to be healthy, there can't be much better. The tools I've learned to use while being a diabetic would serve me well, being a healthy non-diabetic. So bring it on, I'm ready
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Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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I'd describe it a slightly different way. However you look at it, whoever you are, being a diabetic, T1, 1.5 or 2, has had an impact on your life. Your locus of control has been very different when compared with others. There are decisions you have had to make that there wasn't an alternative to, and there are certain paths you couldn't tread.

If there was a cure, then those paths are no longer gated and those decisions would have a wider range of alternatives.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Yes I would happily be 'cured' to take away the possibility of diabetic complications which scare me silly. However I would still stick to LCHF eating as I have felt the healthiest and happiest I have felt for a long time since starting this way of eating.
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