Xdrip newbie


Hello all,

Yesterday I started using xdrip/shuggah and my mind is a bit blown from it. Not only are the features a lot more complex than the librelink app (I use libre 2), the set of readings is quite different to what libre shows me so I need to get used to that!

My main issues are, and I hope someone could please help:

- Is it normal that once the sensor is activated within xdrip, even if I disconnect, I cannot ever reinstate the alarms in the librelink app? Once I reactivate the bluetooth there - the alarms do not work.
- Alarms were constantly going off for fast highs/fast lows/high/very high (all the stress!) - even when I looked at the app, the alarm would keep activating. Is that normal? One notification is enough.
- I disabled notifications on lock screen as they were coming so frequently - can I do one per hour/30 mins?
- I want to disable alarm for fast high and fast low - I tried to set a custom alarm that did not enable notifications, but it still kept making an alarm sound? I used a workaround to snooze those alarms for a week but it is annoying long term.
- For apple watch (this is the reason I started using shuggah) - I want the BG reading on my watch face, but only get a white square. From the xdrip instructions I seem to be missing the step where the iphone asks me for permissions to let apple watch and shuggah to access the calendar content - I add the shuggah calendar, but it didn't ask me to allow or not allow the shuggah app to access my calendar? Help please!

I would be so grateful for your help as the alarms have been stressing me out a lot.


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Have you tried Diabox? While xdrip is an excellent tool it's pretty complicated. If you just want glucose readings sent to your watch I find Diabox very reliable and simple to use.


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I'm confused - I thought xdrip was android only and shuggah was iphone only.

Xdrip is for Android
Xdrip4ios if for iPhone

Shuggah is a branch of xdrip4ios and the 2 are basically the same ting

Xdrip4ios is a little more simplistic than the Android version

Paule Foster

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To show on your iPhone you have to use the Modular watch fave that allows you to set Shuggah as a complication. It uses a different algorithm to calculate the BG to the Libre App. I find it’s useful you can calibrate it with your blood tests & for me tends usually yo be a bit closer to BG but it is very complicated.

In Response

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- Is it normal that once the sensor is activated within xdrip, even if I disconnect, I cannot ever reinstate the alarms in the librelink app? Once I reactivate the bluetooth there - the alarms do not work.
It is a while since I used xDrip but I can confirm that the way it works is by hijacking the Bluetooth signal from the sensor.
The Bluetooth transmitter in the sensor can only connect to,one app.
Therefore, if the signal is going to sDrip, it does not go to LibreLink.


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Xdrip is a very sophisticated piece of software. Consequently, a certain amount of time is needed in the first place to get it set up to suit your needs. But once your set up you won't need to mess with it much more. The basic setup is really fairly straightforward.
A dedicated FB group are always more than helping even for the IT challenged.
Customisable alarms work so well for me. I will never use librelink again.


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fwiw the alarms will keep going off unless you snooze them or go back into range


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I actually much prefer having the alarms be snoozed like in Xdrip rather than just dismissed forever like in Librelink.

A few times when using LL I've been slightly high before bed, but with it looking like it's heading down back into range, so I'd turn off the alarm and go to sleep, only to find later it had reversed and climbed back up, with no further alarm to wake me.
Similarly with treating a night time low - with the interstitial glucose delay, waiting until it's fully in range can be annoying, and with Xdrip I can see it's heading back in the right direction, snooze the alarm for 30 minutes and go straight back to sleep. If all goes as expected, I'm back in range by then and the alarm doesn't sound, but if something's gone wrong it wakes me up again.
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iirc XDrip will also delay sounding alarms even if you're temporarily above/below the threshold if your BG is trending back in the right direction e.g. when you've realised and treated it but are going to be "out of bounds" for a short period
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Hi there,
Why can't I update xDrip+ 2122071306 to 2123071608 (Stable) on Redmi Note 8T (Android 11 / MIUI 12.5.6)? At the end of the process it says “not installed” (not updated)...


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You'll likely get more support posting on the XDrip+ Gitter channel - I would check in your phone settings that you've allowed installations from non-Play Store sources (or words to that effect)