Can anyone help?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
I take 6 metformin the max allowed daily
I inject Humulin twice a day 100 units per injection
I inject Novorapid with meals and snacks (I carb count so injections can vary between 10 to 30 units)
I get the odd good fasting reading, my daily average is usually around 21.0 - 22.0
They think I am insulin resistant, my pancreas is dead (Pancreas Divisum) they don't know what to do with me, tried a few insulin combos, looking at an insulin pump but my diabetic team says these cost £thousands£ is this true? does anyone have one and does it work?
I am in my ideal weight my BMI is fine
I soldier on so thirsty I feel like I could drink the lake district dry and the fuzzy sore pain in my head is nearly constant

Soz for the moan but some on here get a little freaked out by a 6 or 7 fasting reading, trust me I would love a 6 or 7 in the morning (I don't mean to disrespect anyone if they are not pleased with a 6 or 7, I did not mean it to sound like that just would love a 6 or 7 myself for a change)

Just done my bloods before tea and it is 23.7 so fed up

I just had to sound off sorry folks, my head is buzzing
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
@Cumberland - you have every right to feel like you do. We wish we could do something to help. Good luck with getting the pump
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Thats an awful lot of insulin ure taking
Yes I know it is a lot

I started low with 10 units of Insulatard and 10 units of Novorapid and 2 metformin

Switched from Insulatard to Levemir and then from Levemir to Humulin and been on increasing amounts as directed by diabetic team, metformin was increased from 2 to 4 and then to 6

I was hospitalised last July with sugars of 59.1 some days my meter just reads 'HI' the meter only goes up to 33.0

I keep a daily eye on ketones and thus far have been fortunate not to show any

I am just at a low ebb sorry
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I feel for you dude.
Lets start with a basic. What is your diet..?
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
I feel for you dude.
Lets start with a basic. What is your diet..?
Diet is generally good
I carb count and use a carb counting book it has become my bible
Usually a Banana for breakfast (sometimes 2 Bananas or sometimes no breakfast at all)
Soup around 11am
Sandwich around 2pm
Main meal, around 5-6pm (meat, fish, vegetables & potatoes) I have a small amount of potatoes
Supper around 8pm Boiled or Poached egg

I am not obese, I drink plenty of water especially at work (hospital) I rarely have hot drinks
Always look at food labels for sugar content when shopping
I admit I am not always perfect KFC is a big downfall for me but I don't have the time to eat them every day LOL


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diet is generally good
I carb count and use a carb counting book it has become my bible
Usually a Banana for breakfast (sometimes 2 Bananas or sometimes no breakfast at all)
Soup around 11am
Sandwich around 2pm
Main meal, around 5-6pm (meat, fish, vegetables & potatoes) I have a small amount of potatoes
Supper around 8pm Boiled or Poached egg

I am not obese, I drink plenty of water especially at work (hospital) I rarely have hot drinks
Always look at food labels for sugar content when shopping
I admit I am not always perfect KFC is a big downfall for me but I don't have the time to eat them every day LOL

You look a fine figure on manhood in your profile picture. (Not obese.)
However. The bananas, unfortunately will be part of the issue..
Is the soup tinned?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Cumberland, we all get low points, don't get despondent:). I know you said you carb count (and see that you're on a lot of insulin), but how many grams of carb do you aim for daily? First thing that strikes me is that there is a lot of carb in your example, the banana, if the soup is tinned then that, the sandwich for lunch and obviously the spuds but I have a feeling that it's more what you are eating earlier in the day. Can you give us some more info about your carb intake?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
pasta ice cream and chocolate
I take 6 metformin the max allowed daily
I inject Humulin twice a day 100 units per injection
I inject Novorapid with meals and snacks (I carb count so injections can vary between 10 to 30 units)
I get the odd good fasting reading, my daily average is usually around 21.0 - 22.0
They think I am insulin resistant, my pancreas is dead (Pancreas Divisum) they don't know what to do with me, tried a few insulin combos, looking at an insulin pump but my diabetic team says these cost £thousands£ is this true? does anyone have one and does it work?
I am in my ideal weight my BMI is fine
I soldier on so thirsty I feel like I could drink the lake district dry and the fuzzy sore pain in my head is nearly constant

Soz for the moan but some on here get a little freaked out by a 6 or 7 fasting reading, trust me I would love a 6 or 7 in the morning (I don't mean to disrespect anyone if they are not pleased with a 6 or 7, I did not mean it to sound like that just would love a 6 or 7 myself for a change)

Just done my bloods before tea and it is 23.7 so fed up

I just had to sound off sorry folks, my head is buzzing
Perhaps tell your team the complications you will get will cost a lot more than a few grand.
Have you tried different types of insulin? I asked because some people use either pork or beef insulin and have no resistance to it.
I have a pump they cost about £3000 and the consumables are on average about £120/month.

With blood sugars like that it sounds as if your so called team is way out of their depth so can you get a transfer to another hospital?

Do you also inject 100units in one go? If you this could cause a few problems with absorption so well worth splitting the dosage up to smaller amounts.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Thanks for getting in touch:)

The soup is usually flask of broth or made up of leftover chicken (we eat a lot of chicken)

Yes sometimes one or two bananas or sometimes nothing at all for breakfast, for what I eat I should not have high sugars every day

I was told by my consultant that my pancreas is dead, I asked outright when they discovered I had Pancreas Divisum after chronic bouts of Pancreatitis

Now sometimes I do very very rarely experience hypos, usually if I get wrapped up in work and skip lunch I can feel the sensation of becoming trembly, shaky and like a sort of heat surging through my body, I test and treat, I can feel a hypo around 4.5 and under this, I have Glucogel & Gluco tablets always with me everywhere I go because having a hypo is not pleasant.

My GP once told me that of all his diabetic patients I am one of a few who inject quite a lot of insulin and he told me he knows of few patients (twice my size) who only inject a quarter of the amount I take on board.

I am awaiting an appointment in march with my consultant, I am thinking of enquiring about a pump, I would like to know if they work for people who use them

My head and scalp is always tender (I get fuzzy headed) and when I shower every morning my scalp feels like the water droplets on my head feels like pins and needle or stinging nettles, I wee a lot because I drink a lot and I have CKD to boot

My late father had CKD and his father (grandfather) had diabetes and died aged 33 so I know my conditions point directly at hereditary conditions passed down

Sorry for the moan

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
pasta ice cream and chocolate
Have a look on the pump forum, there's a member Phil (I think) who has type 2 diabetes and he was given a pump due to the amount of insulin he used and it's worked wonders for him.

Are you classed as type 2 or are you a type 3 something or other?
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Cumberland, we all get low points, don't get despondent:). I know you said you carb count (and see that you're on a lot of insulin), but how many grams of carb do you aim for daily? First thing that strikes me is that there is a lot of carb in your example, the banana, if the soup is tinned then that, the sandwich for lunch and obviously the spuds but I have a feeling that it's more what you are eating earlier in the day. Can you give us some more info about your carb intake?

Sorry for moaning, sometimes 1 or 2 bananas or nothing at all for breakfast, soup is broth or chicken from leftovers, spuds on my dinner plate. yes take up a quarter of my plate, quarter veg or salad veg and the biggest portion is protein (meat/fish) with a boiled egg (sometimes a poached egg) evening

Yes I do think sometimes blow it I am having a KFC if in town on my day off but this an exception usually and not the norm

For every 10g of carbs I inject 5 units of novorapid, 20g = 10 units

Thanks for responding


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Perhaps tell your team the complications you will get will cost a lot more than a few grand.
Have you tried different types of insulin? I asked because some people use either pork or beef insulin and have no resistance to it.
I have a pump they cost about £3000 and the consumables are on average about £120/month.

With blood sugars like that it sounds as if your so called team is way out of their depth so can you get a transfer to another hospital?

Do you also inject 100units in one go? If you this could cause a few problems with absorption so well worth splitting the dosage up to smaller amounts.

Hi there.
I inject Humulin at 10am and 10pm, 100 units per shot (200 units a day) and always in a different part of my body I don't have any lumps or bumps in fact it hurts more to finger prick than inject


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
pasta ice cream and chocolate
Hi there.
I inject Humulin at 10am and 10pm, 100 units per shot (200 units a day) and always in a different part of my body I don't have any lumps or bumps in fact it hurts more to finger prick than inject
Then you need to break down the amount in 1 shot because 100 units in one go is far to much and all you are doing is pooling the insulin so it wont absorb. You could end up with a massive hypo if you are not careful
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Have a look on the pump forum, there's a member Phil (I think) who has type 2 diabetes and he was given a pump due to the amount of insulin he used and it's worked wonders for him.

Are you classed as type 2 or are you a type 3 something or other?
Thank you very much for this
I will check out the pump forum as I was unaware there was one

I was diagnosed as Type 2 (heard of 3c) and I have questioned my diagnosis in the past as I am aware misdiagnosis is more common than we think, but I am told I am Type 2

Thanks once again for the heads up on the pump forum


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Injection sites.. Where are you injecting usually.? Are you rotating?
Probably a silly question. Just covering all bases...
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
Sorry for moaning, sometimes 1 or 2 bananas or nothing at all for breakfast, soup is broth or chicken from leftovers, spuds on my dinner plate. yes take up a quarter of my plate, quarter veg or salad veg and the biggest portion is protein (meat/fish) with a boiled egg (sometimes a poached egg) evening

Yes I do think sometimes blow it I am having a KFC if in town on my day off but this an exception usually and not the norm

For every 10g of carbs I inject 5 units of novorapid, 20g = 10 units

Thanks for responding

TBH @Cumberland, if your working on a 5u to 10g ratio then it would be in your best interests to keep the carbs down in your meals, meals like KFC are very carby and even for someone like myself who works on a 1:10 ratio would need 8-10 units of insulin for a average KFC meal.
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