Recent Content by bronisaurus

  1. bronisaurus

    Frozen shoulder

    Hi I’m grateful to say that I have had plenty of shoulder problems, but not an actual frozen shoulder, still lots of pain and mobility issues in both shoulders at different times. I took part in a PhD study and had treatment in the order of ultrasound 3 weeks, mild exercise, 3 weeks massage etc...
  2. bronisaurus

    Lower carbohyrdate diet

    Hi JoJoS, I’m new to this forum and to low carb eating but for what it’s worth I’ve already lost weight in less than a week of low carb eating. I’m loving this result, but what I love more is feeling clear headed because after meal spikes are so much lower and overnight my sleep quality is...
  3. bronisaurus

    Lower carbohyrdate diet

    Yes thanks for the replies and thanks Little Fonzy for letting me get in on this thread. I’m starting ‘proper’ low carb today. Libre FGM isn’t subsidised in Australia for adults and it’s been a long time since I’ve used one because the cost is too high for my current budget. I always test a...
  4. bronisaurus

    Lower carbohyrdate diet

    I've been a Type 1 for a lot of years and have gradually been getting in to the idea of low carb, or LCHF. It's a challenge because it still seems to be a bit under the radar for dieticians and health care teams to talk about freely here (Australia). They speak generally, but official advice is...