Recent Content by ChrisM28

  1. ChrisM28

    Help with carb counting please

    Another question if you don't mind Bulkbiker. Do you do anything about the fibre when working out the carb count? Do you ever use net carbs?
  2. ChrisM28

    Help with carb counting please

    Thanks everyone, I wasn't very clear in the OP I had worked out all the carbs but was getting different result. Bulkbiker had explained why very clearly thanks a lot. I wonder why the Americans don't just give carb count per 100g.
  3. ChrisM28

    Alternative to potatoes?

    Pumpkin polenta - steam or boil pumpkin then beat in creme fraiche (or cream) and parmesan - yummy.
  4. ChrisM28

    Help with carb counting please

    Hi All, Have just made a lovely batch of Orange and Pecan (actually walnut!) grain free granola from the ditchthecarbs website. When I came to count the carbs I get a very different result to the original recipe. My calorie count is very similar tho. My carbs have come up as half of what they...
  5. ChrisM28


  6. ChrisM28


    Has anyone tried the Granola recipe from the Vikki de Beer book? I'm sure I followed the recipe but it's been in the oven for far longer than she says and it's still wet? Just had some in yoghurt and it tasted great but definitely not Granola as I know it!
  7. ChrisM28

    Cheap sources flax seeds and ground almonds

    Because I'm an idle cow!!!:)
  8. ChrisM28

    Psyllium husks

    Thanks very much
  9. ChrisM28

    Psyllium husks

    Want to try a low carb pastry recipe from the Vikki de Beer book. She asks for 3tbs of husks, I've got ground? Would I change the amount does anyone think?
  10. ChrisM28

    Cheap sources flax seeds and ground almonds

    Lidl @ 180g for £1.65 wins :)
  11. ChrisM28

    Cheap sources flax seeds and ground almonds

    Hi all, Enjoying the lo carb cooking but getting through a heck of a lot of flax seeds and ground almonds. Where are you all (UK) buying for best value?
  12. ChrisM28

    Altering basal

    Just wondering how much people needed to alter their basal when going lower carb? On 8.5 Tresiba had 25 carbs for dinner which should have needed about 2U but was only on 5mm so waited. Dinner +2hrs 7.3 waited again dinner plus 5 hours 5.2. I'm assuming the basal brought it down. What would...
  13. ChrisM28

    xylitol - how to count it?

    Hi All, New here but have enjoyed reading the posts and have learned a lot. My husband is type 1 (actually 3c learned that here) and got fed up with the constantly swinging BS so decided to give low carb a go. It's working well he's on about 40-50 carbs a day - about half of what he had before...
  14. ChrisM28

    Type 3c - how many are we?

    This is very interesting. My husband was diagnosed as terminal pancreatic cancer 18 years ago. We prepared for his imminent death. He was offered a drug trial to give him a bit longer so had a biopsy of the 'tumour' no tumour! Lying in his hospital bed he was bored and started to read the...