Recent Content by dilbert56

  1. D


    Driver CPC? Money for old rope. Thanks EU.
  2. D

    irregular blood readings

    I hope with luck to shed some light on this gemcojohn. If you are type 1 like me, I would imagine the issue of high blood sugar in the morning is down to one of three things: 1. Eating a small quantity of longer acting carbs prior to bedtime and not injecting ( I've done this to protect against...
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    Walking up Snowdon for Diabetes UK

    You are most welcome engineer88! If you like a bit of a challenge try the Pygg track as it's walkable and if you have a moment of madness go crib goch. It's signposted well but must admit the last time I went I was hungover and decided to bottle it with 4 others of our party of 8! We named the...
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    Soft Drink Blunders

    You could inform environmental health on the subject of cross contamination or trading standards if the labelling of the pumps is wrong. Having been type 1 for 20 years I just explain that I'm diabetic if I get any questions from staff in the establishments that sell these drinks. Never had a...
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    Walking up Snowdon for Diabetes UK

    Been up there 4 times in all weathers! You have 4 options 1. Pen y pass easiest 2. Minas track steepish 3. Pygg track all the way to top (merges into Minas track I think) 4.Pygg track plus crib gogh-hardest and if icy it would bd wise to use ropes and ice picks. 3000 foot drop on one side and...
  6. D

    Has anyone tried to control their BS with stuff they found in studies?

    I have tried on recommendation something called a Kerela fruit or bitter melon. Used in South Indian food it is supposed to have naturally occurring hypoglycaemic properties?! Having tried it, I can tell you it is one of the most bitter things you will taste uncooked. This improves if you fry it...
  7. D

    Help please! Insulin not working as normal

    Hello Dave, I've been a type 1 for approx 20 years and this still happens to me but this could be due to a number of reasons..... Firstly the insulin (novorapid) may be collecting in pockets underneath the skin. This may cause you to be getting the hypos later on at night-BUT this should only...
  8. D

    night hypos

    Hello, I'm new to this forum but have been a type 1 diabetic for the last 20 years and I am certainly no stranger to night time hypoglycaemic attacks with blood sugars dropping on some occasions down to 1.5 and lower. This can make me a little difficult to stir, but I digress. A rule of thumb to...