Recent Content by elaineglasgow

  1. elaineglasgow

    How does anyone manage Metformin ?

    I have just been put back on Metforin SR 500 mg after being on Trajenta for about 6 months. The reason I was put on Metformin was that I was putting on a terrible amount of weight. Believe me I eat healthily and watch what I eat at all times. I have the usual sickness and terrible diahorrea...
  2. elaineglasgow

    Linagliptin - Any experence of?

    I have been on Linagliptin for about 6 months and I have no side affects whatsoever. I used to be on 500mg three times a day of Metformin and every day I was sick especially after brushing my teeth. It makes me gag. It also constantly made me run to the he toilet did terrible things to my...
  3. elaineglasgow

    Starting Metformin this week...any advice?? Type 1

    I was on 100mg X 3 slow release of Metformin and had bowel problems and was sick quite a lot with it, After quite a period I got used to them.Then my nurse changed me to Linagliptin 1 per day I get on fine with them but I am slowly putting on weight. Should I ask to be put onto Metformin again...
  4. elaineglasgow

    Next step if Metformin is toooo painful to continue?

    I have just been weened off Metformin SR 3 X 500mg and put on Trajenta. It was keeping my blood sugar low now that I'm only on Trajenta my BS has rocketed to over 10. Going to call my nurse tomorrow for a chat. Anyone had the same experience. I was getting to a stage with Metformin that I was...
  5. elaineglasgow

    I am Type 2

    I am Type 2
  6. elaineglasgow

    Breakfast so difficult

    I know what u mean I don't really eat breakfast either. Went to see Dietician and she was talking about Potassium a lot and to substitute Diet Coke for water. What.? She didn't say about having to eat breakfast,
  7. elaineglasgow

    Metformin newbie

    I had the same problem so I went on to the slow release taking it after meals. I also take 1 dihydracodeine tablet with each Metformin and I've never had any stomach problems since. You should ask your doctor about this. Elaine