Recent Content by Madhon

  1. M

    Limited breakfast/lunch ideas

    Yes, that’s why asking for breakfast ideas to move away from some elements
  2. M

    Limited breakfast/lunch ideas

    Hi, Yes i know about the white carb types, I've always preferred wholemeal over white bread, wholegrain rice etc. The slimming world group leader for her is type 1 diabetic and has said its an ok one for diatetcs. Thanks
  3. M

    Limited breakfast/lunch ideas

    Thanks for that, As i don't have things left from the evening usually because my wife is doing slimming world so she takes any leftovers to work with her, the cold meats etc sounds a good idea as i like those things quite a lot.
  4. M

    Limited breakfast/lunch ideas

    Hi all, Recently diagnosed with type two and was wondering what would be good things for breakfast, only problem is don’t like eggs or porridge and can’t have nuts due wife been allergic to them. Thanks