Recent Content by zazzycat

  1. zazzycat

    Metformin and side effects Help!!!!

    This may not be pertinent, but I had a gross allergic reaction to Metformin and stopped it immediately altogether. After discussing it with my Pharmacist, I have been put on Chromium Picolinate. In addition, because I did not want to take statins, my Pharmacist suggested I take Lestrin - both...
  2. zazzycat

    Naturopathic alternative to Metformin

    I have just been diagnosed with Type II (2 days before Christmas!). There is a long and strong family history of diabetes: my grandfather was an IDDM and my mother, aunt and uncle all had Type II (NIDDM). My GP put me on Metformin, which I started on Tuesday 22nd Dec.) By yesterday (Dec...