itchy shins


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi all

Over the last few days, my shins have been really itchy..... so bad that I could not sleep. I am very aware that I should not scratch so have been rubbing E45 lotion on them.
Last night they were feeling so hot and itchy that I needed to sleep with my legs above the duvet.

Should I be worried? or could it just be that I had a high carb meal?
I was running higher than normal and kept having to correct throughout the night. Not sure if its stress related as I am starting a new job on Monday.

I hope it goes away. I do get neuropathy from time to time especially when my control is poor.

Any information or advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Just a quick line Omnipod, be very careful as you bath or shower not to have your water hotter than blood temperature so as not to aggravate your neuropathy,clive
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Purely anecdotal.
I was in a stressfull job for 5 years. (I didn't realise it was at the time.) I started getting itchy & sort of scabby shins? (Particularly on one leg.) I though at first I might have scagged it lifting a monitor.? (I'm also in a band.)
This used to drive me crazy at night too!

Funny enough it cleared up when I quit & got another job, which incidentally was more manic. But the people were nicer! ;)
Stress can sometimes manifest itself in strange ways....


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
It may be related to your diabetes or might be due to weather. Have you got wet or cold over last few days, from my own experience I get very red itchy shins in winter made worse by going from cold damp outside to hot central heated indoors. Wear rough fabrics such as denim makes it worse.
If i rub my shin I can see skin flaking off - yuk! I use Bio-oil regularly to help retain moisture, after a shower and in morning and evening.


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Itching skin is a side effect my son has, he is 9 and has type 1/coeliac disease/oral allergy syndrome. It comes and goes and there seems no rhyme nor reason to it. The best thing I have found is soaking in warm, not hot m, bath with bicarbonate of soda in it , for a half full regular sized bath I put in approx 3 heaped tablespoons. It works for a great deal of things. It may work for you. I understand how frustrating it can be, I have spent many a night (3am) running a bath to sooth a very upset child who cannot sleep because of the itching.
Best of luck to you. X


Well-Known Member
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As far as i know itchy skins is not related to diabetes but your environment and care.

I get this quite a bit in the winter as the air gets drier and the showers get hotter and longer lol The hot water in the shower tends to dry your skin quite a lot, and it all runs down your legs so your shins stay covered in hot water the entire time - add in constant dry air and cold weather you get itchy shins!

In the summer i used to get them really bad as i was Life Guard and was in the pool 24 hours a week, and the chlorine dries out everything - we all had super itchy shins lol

Unless I am totally missing something, i would say moisturize more, shower in cool water, avoid soaps that are not natural (like synthetic ones filled with chemicals) and make sure the humidity in your house and work place are high enough so they don't dry your skin out - it also couldnt hurt to check if you have 'hard water' hard water is known to dry out skin resulting in itchy skin.

if ALL of this doesn't fix it, maybe see a doctor.