sugar levels


Well-Known Member
Same breakfast every week day and lunch time always in range so why
This happened to me yesterday, I was 128(7.1), checked my pump and discovered I hadn't actually bolused for breakfast at all, so instead of very bad, it was really quite good.
The problemis there are so many variables, it might be what you ate or did yesterday, it might be the weather, it might be you're stressed and so on and so on.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I'm a 5 year, type 2 married for 37 years to a lifelong type 1. so I have lived with both sets of problems. It doesn't help that my husband was told over 30 years ago to do things a certain way( especially "You MUST eat loads of carbs" )and I'm battling to get over that. I have found for both of us that low, but not no carb is right. I've reduced my medication right down and he's reduced his insulin. Would you believe that they've NEVER taught him Basal and Bolus, just told him "Take this much of this, then and this much of that, then". No wonder he was eating up to his insulin and taking it by the bucketload. I've shown him the books and everything else, as well as the fact that he's put on so much weight, we had to try 4 shops to find swimshorts big enough. Yesterday he announced he was goin to start losing weight. I'll have to put Bernstein by his bedside. I've invented the new Gazpacho for him for tonight and tomorrow I'll think of something clever to do with the spherical courgette someone's given us. Stuff it with mince probably.
The big differnce in catering for type1 and 2 is that the type 1 can tweak the numbers, using insulinand 2s theoretically can't tweak at all, but can keep carb intake right down safely. and on Metformin alone, won't hypo.