Im confused after 1st juggle session


Well-Known Member
They definatly dont subscribe to low carbing. Also they say caffeine doesnt raise blood sugar. Dont recommend vinegar, cinnamon etc etc to lower blood sugar. Bit confused really


Well-Known Member
Its the 4 week course in my area they send you on - I thought it was called juggle across the country abviously not


Well-Known Member
oh I see now,
well im from Northern Ireland maybe this just an English course?
the only course we have here is DESMOND but very limited placed due to budjets.


Well-Known Member
Bazza, all you can do is make your own decisions, try the NHS complex carbs at every meal diet it might work for you. It certainly didn't for me, and it might not for you. The most important thing is that you get your Bgs down and keep them down.

It is your body and you have to be in charge of managing your T2. Good advice should always be listened to, not so good advice should be treated with caution.

I have argued with my DSN over low(ish) carb diet and she is adamant that it is wrong. I am adamant that it works for me, I once asked if I should eat the NHS diet of complex carbs at every meal and when my BGs go up ask for more medication. there was no reply to that.

So just do what you have to do to keep things under control, eat a balanced diet and watch the carbs if that is what you want to do.

I am also a vegetarian and no one has ever tried to tell me I should eat meat!